
UIWebView invert colors

How can I force UIWebView (or UIView) to invert(inverse) colors like film negative? I've try to subclass CALayer and override UIWebView layerClass, but have no successes with catch the drawInContext methods. Any ideas? ...

Computing the inverse of a matrix using lapack in C

I would like to be able to compute the inverse of a general NxN matrix in C/C++ using lapack. My understanding is that the way to do an inversion in lapack is by using the dgetri function, however, I can't figure out what all of its arguments are supposed to be. Here is the code I have: void dgetri_(int* N, double* A, int* lda, int*...

How do I achieve the effect of two to-many relationships to the same entity from one entity?

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around data models. Let me start with showing how I would declare the class if I just had to have in-memory objects. @interface PlayerState { NSSet /* of SavedDie */ *savedDice; NSSet /* of SavedDie */ *immediateRolls; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSSet *savedDice; @property (nonatomic,...

How to inverse the contents of NSArray in Objective-C?

Hello, How do i inverse the contents of NSArray in Objective-C? Assume that i have an array which holds these data NSArray arrayObj = [[NSArray alloc]init]; arrayObj atindex 0 holds this: "1972" arrayObj atindex 1 holds this: "2005" arrayObj atindex 2 holds this: "2006" arrayObj atindex 3 holds this: "2007" Now i want to inverse the ...

What is the difference between cascade & inverse in hibernate, what is the use of them?

how to use cascade and inverse in hibernate, what is the procedure/tag to define them? is they relate to each other? how they are useful in hibernate... ...

Inverse index binary format

Hi i'm trying to figure out what kind of binary file can support my needs for inverse index. Let say that i have document that i can identify with unique ID and each document can have 360 fixed values in range of 0-65535. Something like this: Document0: [1, 10, 123, ...] // 360 values Document1: [1, 10, 345, ...] // 360 values Now, i...

What's the most concise way to get the inverse of a Java boolean value?

If you have a boolean variable: boolean myBool = true; I could get the inverse of this with an if/else clause: if (myBool == true) myBool = false; else myBool = true; Is there a more concise way to do this? ...

Inversing DOM with jQuery

Input: <content> <dom id=1>a</dom> <dom id=2>b</dom> <dom id=3>c</dom> <dom id=4>d</dom> </content> Output: <content> <dom id=4>d</dom> <dom id=3>c</dom> <dom id=2>b</dom> <dom id=1>a</dom> </content> I'm looking for a function (if exists) like this: $('content').inverse(); ...