
Generic Java Framework to Manage Bidirectional Associations and Inverse Updates

Hello, I've been looking for a generic way to deal with bidirectional associations and a way to handle the inverse updates in manual written Java code. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, here is an example. Below it are my current results of (unsatisfying) solutions. public class A { public B getB(); public void ...

Python reverse / inverse a mapping

Given a dictionary likeso: map = { 'a': 1, 'b':2 } How can one invert this map to get: inv_map = { 1: 'a', 2: 'b' } ...

Using diff to find the portions of many files that are the same? (bizzaro-diff, or inverse-diff)

Bizzaro-Diff!!! Is there a away to do a bizzaro/inverse-diff that only displays the portions of a group of files that are the same? (I.E. way more than three files) Odd question, I know...but I'm converting someone's ancient static pages to something a little more manageable. ...

When to use inverse=false on NHibernate / Hibernate OneToMany relationships?

I have been trying to get to grips with Hibernate's inverse attribute, and it seems to be just one of those things that is conceptually difficult. The gist that I get is that when you have a parent entity (e.g. Parent) that has a collection of Child objects using a one-to-many mapping, setting inverse=true on the mapping tells Hibernat...

How to get the inverse of a regular expression?

Let's say I have a regular expression that works correctly to find all of the URLs in a text file: (http://)([a-zA-Z0-9\/\.])* If what I want is not the URLs but the inverse - all other text except the URLs - is there an easy modification to make to get this? ...

Reverse Spectrogram A La Aphex Twin in MATLAB

Hello. I'm trying to convert an image into an audio signal in MATLAB by treating it as a spectrogram as in Aphex Twin's song on Windowlicker. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble getting a result. Here it what I have at the moment: function signal = imagetosignal(path, format) % Read in the image and make it symmetric. image = ...

core data inverse relation

Hi, Can anyone explains with an example for inverse relationship in apple core data ? Thanks In Advance, Raghu ...

Can someone post an example of creating a boost inv_adjacency_iterator using inv_adjacency_iterator_generator?

Given definitions: typedef typename boost::graph_traits::adjacency_iterator adjacency_iter; typedef typename boost::inv_adjacency_iterator_generator::type inv_adjacency_iter; I am interested in semantics of boost::tie(i, end) = inv_adjacent_vertices((*start); adjacent_vertices works fine where inv_adjacent_vertices fails with the foll...

How to convert from Inverse Fast Fourier Transform to .wav?

Hello, I used made a fft to make a band pass filter. After that I made the ifft to inverse it and pass it to time domain. My ifft has the same length of the fft. The ifft must be longer or is there a way to make it longer? How do I pass this ifft to .wav? ...

Multiplying by inverse matrices?

If I have a matrix which is a combination of World*View*Projection and I multiply it by the inverse of the projection does it yield the World*View matrix or something else? If not then how can I extract the World*View matrix from a World*View*Projection matrix? Thanks for any help :) ...

Inverse WPF Transformations

I'm working on a WPF image viewer which needs to allow for rubber band selection after an image has been transformed. I've got it working for zoom and transformation, but when the image is rotated, the selection's top left position is wrong. I've tried a couple of ideas to fix this with some basic trig functions, but i just can't seem t...

Implementing Trigonometric Inverse Functions in c#

I'm trying to implement inverse trigonometric functions in a C# application. Obviously I'm not talking about simple inverse sin, cos and tan seeing as those are all provided by the Math class. What I'm looking for is the inverses for sec, cosec and cotan: Func<double,double> secant = (d => (1 / Math.Cos(d))); Func<double,double> cosec...

Plot inverse colors in Matlab?

I'm plotting on top of an image in Matlab. Sometimes, I can't see what's being plotted because the color of the image underneath is too close to the color of the image at the same location. I could just always change the color of the plot (e.g. from 'rx' to 'bx'), but that's cumbersome. Is it possible to plot the inverse color of what...

Algorithm for computing the inverse of a polynomial

I'm looking for an algorithm (or code) to help me compute the inverse a polynomial, I need it for implementing NTRUEncrypt. An algorithm that is easily understandable is what I prefer, there are pseudo-codes for doing this, but they are confusing and difficult to implement, furthermore I can not really understand the procedure from pseud...

NTRU Pseudo-code for computing Polynomial Inverses

Hello all. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to implement line 45 of the following pseudo-code. Require: the polynomial to invert a(x), N, and q. 1: k = 0 2: b = 1 3: c = 0 4: f = a 5: g = 0 {Steps 5-7 set g(x) = x^N - 1.} 6: g[0] = -1 7: g[N] = 1 8: loop 9: while f[0] = 0 do 10: for i = 1 to N do 11: f[i ...

Handling inverse kinematics: animation blending or math?

I've been working for the past four days on inverse kinematics for my game engine. I'm working on a game with a shoestring budget so when the idea of inverse kinematics came up I knew I had to make it such that the 3D models bones would be mathematically changed to appear to be stepping on objects. This is causing some serious problems ...

RegEx to reverse order of list?

Is there a singular regular expression that can be used in, say, a text editor's search/replace dialog to reverse the order of the items in a list? For instance, take this list: First item Second item Third item Select it in a text editor like EditPad, bring up the search and replace box, apply a regex (run as a loop or not) and tu...

How to count inverse with for in php?

PROBLEM RESOLVED My Problem: I want to count inverse in the for loop. This is the opposite of what I want to do: for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++){ echo $i; } If I put $i-- doesn't works (my server crashes). Help meeee! Best Regards, Adam ...

c++ large matrix inversion methods

Hi I've been doing some research about matrix inversion (linear algebra) and I wanned to use c++ template programming for the algorithm , what i found out that there are number of methods like: Gauss-Jordan Elimination or LU Decomposition and I found the function LU_factorize (c++ boost library) I want to know if there were other metho...

hibernate bidirectional one-to-many inserts duplicates

Hello everyone. I'm having issues with a parent-child relationship here. When I persist from the collection side (child side) I get 2 new children instead of one. Here is are the hibernate mappings: <set name="children" inverse="true" cascade="all,delete-orphan" lazy="true" order-by="CHILD_ID desc"> <key...