
How to make a message into a polynomial?

I'm doing a project where I have to implement the NTRUEncrypt public key cryptosystem. This is the first step according to their guide in encrypting - "Alice, who wants to send a secret message to Bob, puts her message in the form of a polynomial m with coefficients {-1,0,1}" . I want to know how I can make my message into a polynomial. ...

Algorithm for computing the inverse of a polynomial

I'm looking for an algorithm (or code) to help me compute the inverse a polynomial, I need it for implementing NTRUEncrypt. An algorithm that is easily understandable is what I prefer, there are pseudo-codes for doing this, but they are confusing and difficult to implement, furthermore I can not really understand the procedure from pseud...

NTRU Pseudo-code for computing Polynomial Inverses

Hello all. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to implement line 45 of the following pseudo-code. Require: the polynomial to invert a(x), N, and q. 1: k = 0 2: b = 1 3: c = 0 4: f = a 5: g = 0 {Steps 5-7 set g(x) = x^N - 1.} 6: g[0] = -1 7: g[N] = 1 8: loop 9: while f[0] = 0 do 10: for i = 1 to N do 11: f[i ...

Modular Reduction of Polynomials in NTRUEncrypt

Hello everyone. I'm implementing the NTRUEncrypt algorithm, according to an NTRU tutorial, a polynomial f has an inverse g such that f*g=1 mod x, basically the polynomial multiplied by its inverse reduced modulo x gives 1. I get the concept but in an example they provide, a polynomial f = -1 + X + X^2 - X4 + X6 + X9 - X10 which we will ...

Meet-in-the-Middle Atack on an NTRU Private key

Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to represent the enumeration of vectors of privite key f in a Meet-In-the-Middle Attack on an NTRU Private key. I can not understand the example, given here http://securityinnovation.com/cryptolab/pdf/NTRUTech004v2.pdf I'll be very thankful if anyone could show an example in det...

NTRUEncrypt / NTRUSign source code?

Where would I find a NTRU implementation with sources? I know you can license it from the company that invented NTRU, but I just want to play with it at home. Thanks ...

NTRUEncrypt source code?

I asked this before, but didn't get any responses. Can anybody point me to C or Java code (or anything else) that does NTRU encryption? Several people who were implementing the algorithm have posted on this site, so maybe they could help? I also noticed that quite a number of NTRU implementations have been written at universities, so i...