
Given a list of IP address, how do you find min, max ?

In Java, i have an arrayList of ip address. how do i find the min and max ? I have used the Collection.min() but it doesnt work given a case like : <--min <--max how do i return <--min <--max instead? ArrayList is retrieve from the database. I would need to d...

PHP: allow only two IP addresses at the same time

I want my website to be accessed from only two IP addresses. when ever the site is accessed by more than 2 IP addresses it will shoe an error. can any body done this in php please help me thank you ...

Private IP Address Identifier in Regular Expression

Hey I'm a total n00b at Regular Expressions. I'm wondering if this is the best way to match a string that starts with a private IP address (Perl-style Regex): (^127\.0\.0\.1)|(^192\.168)|(^10\.)|(^172\.1[6-9])|(^172\.2[0-9])|(^172\.3[0-1]) Thanks much! ...

Dynamic picture that displays the visitors IP address?

I see this a lot now, jpg files displaying your IP address. To you of course, not to others, they would see their own For example: How is this even possible? If this is possible, would it be possible to log an IP into a MySQL database from the picture as well? Is my IP getting logged when I view this? EDIT: Sure, its possible when it...

How to get computer name or IP from javascript?

I want to get the name of the computer or its IP address through javascript. How can this be obtained? ...

How to display last 100 visitors to my web site in Silverlight?

I am interesting on log down the recent 100 visitors around the world whom have visited to my website and display their country information and IP address on the website developed by Silverlight platform. Where can I get accurate data for detecting the visitors' IP address and geo-location information? ...

IP address spoofing

Is it true if I want to make ip spoofing program I need only a program that can change my machine ip address??? if true how can i use System.Net - IPAddress Class to set the ip address .... ...

Problem with Oracle/SQL ORDER BY Statement

Hi, i have the following content inside an varchar2 column: When i query the database i need an result ordered: 4.... 8.... 9.... 10... the NLS_SORT parameter is set to german, an simple "order by COLUMN DESC/ASC" is not working like excepted. It return...

making IP address spoofing using sharp-pcap on c# ???

I will use sharp-pcap framework to make my spoofing program so I need to edit my machine IP address of the packet with another IP on the source address field I found some example on sharp-pcap project but I don't know how can I edit or change the source address field of sending packet here sample code for sending random packets: byte...

Should the website switch language based on IP address or browser language?

Geo-location has been used most by Websites to do redirection, but I have found that several IP addresses locate a country which has using several languages. Meantime, some users prefer to using the language setup in their system. For example, a person from United States goes to Japan and using the Internet connection from there to surf...

IP address detection for geo-location or MAC address much secure?

Recent study many websites are using geo-location technology on their Websites. I'm planning to implement one website which can be detect the web visitor more accurate. An found that Mozilla is using some kind of detect MAC address technology in their Geo-Location web service. Is it violate some privacy issue? I believe most of Geo-loc...

How best to implement "favourites" feature? (like favourite products on a data driven website)

Hi, I have written a dynamic database driven, object oriented website with an administration frontend etc etc. I would like to add a feature where customers can save items as "favourites", without having to create an account and login, to come back to them later, but I dont know how exactly to go about doing this... I see three options:...

Find time zone from IP address

Is there a way to find the time zone a user is in when all I have is their IP address? I'm looking for the time offset I need to apply to the server time in order to find the time for the user's location. ...

Change IP settings using C++

How do I change the IP settings of a Windows CE 6 box Programatically via C++? Functions for Windows might also work. I found that I can change the hostname via sethostname but couldn't find how to change IP address settings such as: IP Address DHCP Subnet Gateway DNS1 / DNS2 WINS1 / WINS2 Any advice / pointers would be great. Thank...

java regex matching ip address and port number as captured groups

Hi, could please anybody tell me what is wrong with this regexp ? ((?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?))\\:([0-9]{2,5}) for matching this: assfasfas> I need and 8080 to be captured groups Thank you ...

How do you get the host address and port from a System.Net.EndPoint?

I'm using a TcpClient passed to me from a TcpListener, and for the life of me I can't figure out a simple way to get the address and port it's connected to. The best I have so far is _client.Client.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(); which returns a string in the form FFFF::FFFF:FFFF:FFF:FFFF%00:0000. I've managed to extract the address and port...

Is there a way to setup multiple authorization rule sets for a single directory in an Apache config file?

I have a test site set up as a virtual host in my Apache2 config file. It already has a directive for the root folder that first only authorizes access from a specific set of IP addresses, and then only after the user is also authenticated by Basic HTTP Auth. I would now like to add to the list of allowed IP addresses (the ap...

C++ Windows function call that get local hostname and IP address

Is there built-in windows C++ function call that can get hostname and IP address? Thanks. ...

Getting the 'external' IP address in Java

Hi I'm not too sure how to go about getting the external IP address of the machine as a computer outside of a network would see it. My following IPAddress class only gets the local IP address of the machine. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. public class IPAddress { private InetAddress thisIp; private String thisIpAddress; pr...

How to find out my server's IP address through it's domain name from my flex air application?

Hi all, I'm working on file transfer application where client sends files to cpp server. At client side I can give the server's domain name but not IP address cuz it may vary. So any one can tell me how can I get my server's IP address through it's domain name. I have to put this logic into air application. Thank you. ...