
jQuery (cross domain) .getJSON, store response in re-usable variable

I want to get the IP from the current user and send it along with an AJAX POST to a PHP file. Which means I need to re-use the variable I get in the response from the IP .getJSON request. Script 1: I found this handy snippet on snipt: $.getJSON("http://jsonip.appspot.com?callback=?",function(data){ alert( "Your ip: " + data.ip); })...

Batch script to get website ip address?

I'm trying to put together a batch file, that will ping a website, and assign its ip to a variable - I've searched around, but haven't really been able to put something together. Can anyone shove me in the right direction. Tim. ...

Google App Engine (Python)- Strange behaviour of REMOTE_ADDR

In order to make the registration process on my website easy, I allow users to enter their email address which I will send a verification code to or alternatively they can solve a captcha. The problem is that in order to prevent robots from registering accounts (with fake emails) I limit the number of registrations allowed per IP addres...

How to get computer's WAN IP address in Java?

How do i get the Wide Area Network of my computer with Java? I try with this: ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(port); System.out.println(ss.getInetAddress().getHostAddress()); //wich return then i try with this: System.out.println(InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString()); //which return keenan-a658368c/ < yes it ...

Determine IP address of CONNECTED interface (linux) in python

On my linux machine, 1 of 3 network interfaces may be actually connected to the internet. I need to get the IP address of the currently connected interface, keeping in mind that my other 2 interfaces may be assigned IP addresses, just not be connected. I can just ping a website through each of my interfaces to determine which one has co...

IP address in rails

Hello, I have Rails 2.3.8, Ruby 1.8.7, Mongrel Web Server and MySQL database. I need to find the IP address but I am facing problems. I am in the development mode. I googled and found code, that its simple to get the IP address using request.remote_ip but, I am getting the output only as In the controller, I have def ind...

What PHP geo-information library can you recommend?

Hi, I'm woking on a PHP app that should show visitors in a world map, base on their ip-addresses. Have you tried/used any geo-information library in PHP? Something that can convert ip-addresses into geo-information? If so, please share your experience and recommendations. ...

stringWithContentOfURL return an empty string

Hi, i have a problem with the method "[NSStrng stringWithContentOfURL:url]"; all things worked so fine until i change my url from a web address to an ip address with which i got an empty string. Did you have a solution or an idea? Thks ...

Get WHOIS "descr" value from IP address and insert into HTML table

I am using an SQL query to extract web statistics from my website. This is done with the MySQL comand line tool and outputted as a HTML table. The table is currently formatted like this: <TABLE> <TR><TH>Keyword</TH><TH>Date</TH><TH>IP/WHOIS</TH></TR> <TR><TD>random phrase</TD><TD>2010-10-11</TD><TD></TD></TR> </TABLE> The tabl...

how to broadcast/multicast a service over the network for clients to discover without any need for server IP

how to broadcast/multicast a service over the network for clients to discover without any need for server IP? how to let other clients discover the service from a server, without the client requiring the IP address of the server, similar to DHCP IP acquiring. broadcast? multicast? how do i implement the same in ruby or any other langua...

How to track users location / region in PHP

Hello, I'm trying to get the country from which the user is browsing the website so I can work out what currency to show on the website. I have tried using the GET scripts available from: http://api.hostip.info but they just return XX when I test it. If anyone knows any better methods please share. Thanks. ...

How to resolve an IP address to an organization (with caching)

I would like to resolve IP(v4) addresses to owner organizations, from the registry of IP address allocations. To do it, I don't want to become an expert in whois protocols and templates or the structure of the registries themselves. I just want a function that takes an IP address (allocated anywhere in the world) and returns a short st...

Are and IP's for spammers

I have a site that is getting bombarded by requests from and I couldn't find where these servers are. What is the best way to regulate this? I could just deny those IP's but I have a feeling it would just start using other IP's. Any suggestions would be helpful. ...

Different server addresses and client address

Server has couple of ip addresses (let say 1 and 2) iface eth0 inet static address netmask addresses-test Address 1 is default and all applications use it. How can I change connection address for my applicaton? For example, app1 connects to serverX and serverX see client ad...

Android sending data phone to phone

Can you find the IP address of a freinds phone using their phone number? ...

Automatically redirect browser to many ip addresses using PHP or Javascript

I have a ton of IP addresses that I need to visit to see if they are active. So my plan is to redirect the browser over and over again and then just use the back button to view each page. What is the best way to do this? I will most likely have an array of IP addresses. like: array(234.324, 2343.323432, 234.234, 234.4543) Then I can u...

How to get IP all hosts in LAN

Hello I need list IP addresses of all connected hosts in my LAN. What is the simpliest way to do this? ...

Amazon EC2 multiple private IP addresses per instance

I have a scenario where an application requires multiple private IP addresses but does not require the resources of multiple instances. In this case, I would like to run multiple jboss instances on the same EC2 instance without port mangling. I've seem threads up to 2009 that stated this is not possible, checking if this has changed....

what is the best way to detect the country code of a website ?

what is the best way to detect the country code of a website ? 1) looking at the domain registration info 2) ip range 3) domain extension ... UPDATE : this information (country codes) will be used to built a search engine for the web of a given country. ...