
Determining Shared Hosting Providers on an IP range

I have virtually the same question as http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3300504/finding-out-all-websites-hosted-by-a-webhosting-service ... I'm trying to get shared hosting on a particular set of IPs because then my website will be close to another server on their network which my website needs to access. I tried getting in touch with ...

How do websites get your real IP address when you're proxied?

From a trusted computer engineer and Rapidshare, it seems that its possible to get your real IP address when you're proxied. Note that I define proxied I mean using some kind of tunneling (VPN, SSH, etc) to another computer that does not share your IP address. I do NOT mean proxy sites, since with some trivial Javascript and some server ...

Best type for IP-address in Hibernate Entity?

What is the best type for storing IP-addresses in a database using Hibernate? I though Byte[] or String, but is there a better way, or what do you use? @Column(name = "range_from", nullable = false) public Byte[] getRangeFrom() { return rangeFrom; } public void setRangeFrom(Byte[] rangeFrom) { this.rangeFrom = rangeFrom; } ...

Regexp to normalise (pad with zeroes) IP addresses

Hi, I have a copy of a log file I want to make easier to view/edit. I use textpad to remove stuff I do not want and I can enter a regular expression as search term and use \1.\2.\3.\4 in the target field for captured groups. I would like to change all IP addresses which start each line from [0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,...

Can i use EnableStatic for setting the IPv6 addres (using WMI)?

Hi I am using the wmi in c++ to set the IPv6 ipaddress. The IPv4 address is working fine using "EnableStatic" which is part of wmi class named "Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration". Can any one help me setting the ipaddress for the ipv6 address using WMI. If any sample codes please refer me. I tried in net i am not getting idea for this....

IP Address to Hostname in Java?

My hosts file (C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts) has a bunch of IP Address to host name mappings: # Switches sw-con-ctrl sw-con-ctrl-2 sw-con-ctrl-1 # sw-con-ctrl-blk-1 # sw-con-ctrl-red access-console # Rou...

Geocoding an IP Address in Rails

Hello all, I have GeoKit setup and in general I'm really happy with it. But I recently tried Geocoding IP Addresses with it and its default results (provided by hostip.info it looks like) don't seem very accurate or complete. Has anyone else had bad results from this? Is there a better way to GeoCode IPs in Rails? ...

Port to Service Name in Java?

My services file (C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\services) has a bunch of Port to Service mappings: echo 7/tcp echo 7/udp discard 9/tcp sink null discard 9/udp sink null systat 11/tcp users #Active users systat 11/udp users ...

Show different contact info on a website based on IP Address US State geolocation?

I want to show different phone numbers / contact information on a website based on the IP address of the visitor. I want the granularity to be as fine as US states (have a unique record for each US State) and then have a catch all for all non-US IP Addresses. This is a very common task I'd imagine others have, we want to show a differe...

Ruby - Get client IP Address from inside a gem

Hello, I'm trying to create a gem and I would like to have a feature inside it that takes the client ip address when using it. Basically it's just like the rails ActionController request.remote_ip, but within the gem I don't want to rely/depend on rails. Is there any way to have something like this purely using Ruby? I've found this, ...

Understanding dig output - will this redirect a browser?

I'm trying to setup a subdomain elstest1 on my example.com domain to redirect to a certain IP. Following some instructions on the web, I created an A DNS record. Currently, if I do this: dig elstest1.example.com I get: ... ... ;; ANSWER SECTION: elstest1.example.com. 14400 IN A 994.93.999.990 (IP address hidden) Will ...

Reverse IP lookup with PHP

In PHP is there a function to do a reverse lookup on a domain name to find out how many websites are hosted on the particular shared hosting server that domain name is hosted on. Or, a way to do this with PHP? Now, I'm already aware of the online services that offer this. However, I want to write a script to do it myself. I just can't f...

How to tell an IP address with 4 LEDs?

I am developing a net-managed device with the .NET Micro Framework. Since the idea is to have a bunch of devices in an office, sometimes it is necessary for the user to know the IP address of a specific device. So I've been trying to come with ideas on how to indicate the IP address the user. The only user interface is 4 LED lights ...

Finding the web address of a Javascript link

Hi all, I am using RCurl in R to try and download data from a website, but I'm having trouble finding out what URL to use. Here is the site: http://www.invescopowershares.com/products/holdings.aspx?ticker=PGX See how in the upper right, above the displayed sheet, there's a link to download the data as a .csv file? I was wondering ...

how to set system ip programatically

C++ how to programatically change system IP... and if the the account has Limited Rights how to use the password to perform the task ...

Using Different Outbound IPs in Perl

We have a few different websites running on the same server that all access 1 particular web service with each having their own unique API key. Unfortunately the web service has a daily limit based on IP address (not API key) so while each of our sites is way under their daily limit, combined they are over the IP limit. When accessed via...

How To Get Client IP Address

I've tried to get the IP address of client browsing the site using $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], but I'm not getting the exact IP of the client please help me... Thanks ...

How to get IP address of server in .Net?

How do you get the IP address of the web/application server in .Net? Not the client IP address, but the server. Just found something about Server Variables Here ...

Remove IP address from Query String using HTACCESS

I have a URL like so: http://example.com/one/?ACT=123&gateway=mygateway&method=mymethod&orderID=303&currency=EUR&amount=11&PM=CreditCard&ACCEPTANCE=test123&STATUS=9&CARDNO=XXXXXXXXXXXX1111&ED=0517&CN=Test+test&TRXDATE=08%2F12%2F10&PAYID=7963938&NCERROR=0&BRAND=VISA&ECI=7&a...

Is Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] reliable enough?

Currently I am using Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"] to get the IP from the client. What guarantees I get when calling this Method. Or should I look in other ServerVariables as well? ...