
How to make two python programs interact?

I have a HTTP sever in one program and my basic application in another one. Both of them are loops, so I have no idea how to: Write a script that would start the app and then the HTTP server; Make these programs exchange data in operation. How are these things usually done? I would really appriciate Python solutions because my script...

RE: Posix and System V IPC

Which IPC among message queues, shared memory and semaphores is easiest to convert to network IPC and which is the hardest. Would it be easier to convert System V shared memory to network IPC or Posix shared memory to network IPC ...

What's the best way to notify a non-web application about a change on a web page?

Let's say I have two applications which have to work together to a certain extent. A web application (PHP, Ruby on Rails, ...) A desktop application (Java, C++, ...) The desktop application has to be notified from the web application and the delay between sending and receiving the notification must be short. (< 10 seconds) What are ...

DuplicateHandle(), use in first or second process?

The Windows API DuplicateHandle() http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724251(VS.85).aspx Requires the Object handle to be duplicated and a handle to both the original process AND the other process that you want to use the duplicated handle in. I am assuming that if I have two UNRELATED processes, I could call DuplicateHandle() in...

is it possible to have InterProcess communication in Java ?

I have two Java Programs each running in its own JVM instance ? Can they communicate with each other using any IPC technique like Shared Memory or Pipes ? Is there a way to do it ? ...

msemaphore on linux?

AIX (and HPUX if anyone cares) have a nice little feature called msemaphores that make it easy to synchronize granular pieces (e.g. records) of memory-mapped files shared by multiple processes. Is anyone aware of something comparable in linux? To be clear, the msemaphore functions are described by following the related links here. ...

Best mechanism to implement an IPC Bus in .NET?

I have several apps that want to communicate LOCALLY via a data bus. Ideally: They talk and listen whenever they come online There will not be an "owner" of this communication method. No extra components to install (ie. Message Queues) It would be nice if there were no ports to require open What do you think is the best technology...

Which Interprocess Communication methods work on a Terminal Server?

In a terminal server session, some standard IPC technologies might not work like in a single user environment, because the required resources are not virtualized. For example, TCP/IP ports are not virtualized, so applications in different sessions which try to listen on the same port will cause a port conflict. Which IPC technology wil...

Re: Shared Memory and Semaphores

Is an IPC mechanism using shared memory and semaphores for synchronization simplex like pipes or duplex like message queues? ...

Where do you place POSIX semaphores when using POSIX shared memory?

I'm trying to build a client server application using POSIX shared memory and POSIX semaphores. Do I have to place the semaphores inside the shared memory segment or can the semaphores just be global variables? I wish to adhere to POSIX convention. ...

Good alternative to shared memory IPC for Java/C++ apps on Linux

Hi. I'm currently using shared memory for IPC between Java and C++ apps, but looking for a more convenient alternative. Can someone advice better method, but with same performance speed? Thanks! ...

C# bi-directional IPC over stdin and stdout

How can I connect two C# processes so they can communicate with each other over stdin and stdout? Like this: Process A --> stdout A --> stdin B ---> Process B Process A <-- stdin A <-- stdout B <--- Process B ...

Real time process communication in game development

If you make a game architecture that splits up system components (IE, rendering, physics, logic, input, scripting, etc) into different threads, how do you handle cases where real-time communication is necessary? For example, if a script wants to draw a box on the screen, it would ideally do this when the rendering component issues a "Fr...

Redefine signal handling flaws

This is about the design decision and understand the procs and cons for adopting another service. So we have two services with two unrelated servers, one listening on port 10000 and another is a xinetd server responding 3 different requests via 3 different ports (its client uses nc server port1|port2|port3 to retrieve data). One day be...

Why isn't my Perl program reaping children processes after fork?

I have been trying to write a bare-bones ping scanner using Perl for internal use. Since it scans a 24-bit CIDR network the script takes too long to run if it runs in a single thread. I have tried adding fork functionality to speed up the process but my first attempt was taking pretty much the same time since there was only one child pro...

windows mailslot max size on local computer

After researching windows mailsots for IPC within a local computer I'm a bit confused on what the max size the datagram can be. MSDN says "A mailslot is a pseudofile that resides in memory, and you use standard file functions to access it. The data in a mailslot message can be in any form, but cannot be larger than 424 bytes when sent ...

simple IPC mechanism for C#/WPF application to implement app CLI.

So I've been reading lots about interprocess communication on .Net. Named pipes, remoting. It all seems great but possibly overkill for what I need to do. I want to add a command line interface to my WPF application, so I need a simple IPC mechanism to send the string from one process to the already running app. What does SO recommend...

IPC windows service windows forms

I have an IPC problem. I have created into a windows service a NamedPipeServer: serverPipe = new NamedPipeServerStream(Constants.PIPE_NAME, PipeDirection.InOut, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Message, PipeOptions.Asynchronous); Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(pipeWork)); thread.Start(); where pipeWork is private static void pipeW...

Are message queues obsolete in linux?

I've been playing with message queues (System V, but POSIX should be ok too) in Linux recently and they seem perfect for my application, but after reading The Art of Unix Programming I'm not sure if they are really a good choice. http://www.faqs.org/docs/artu/ch07s02.html#id2922148 The upper, message-passing layer of System V IPC ha...

what is ipc ?

what is ipc in .net..... whether it's possible to use in .net 2003.....if possible explain it ...... ...