
Wanted: How to reliably, consistently select an MKMapView annotation

After calling MKMapView's setCenterCoordinate:animated: method (without animation), I'd like to call selectAnnotation:animated: (with animation) so that the annotation pops out from the newly-centered pushpin. For now, I simply watch for mapViewDidFinishLoadingMap: and then select the annotation. However, this is problematic. For instan...

Creating an iphone book application

I have some experience creating iphone applications and would now like to create an iphone book application. Browsing the Book category in iTunes it seems to there is a standard format for building these apps, however, googling for how to build an iphone book app produces no useful results. This type of application is also not addresse...

Group by weekdays with Core Data

In my Core Data Model i've got an entity that has a date attribute and as the title suggests, i'd like to group this entity by (week)days. The problem is, the dates are stored more or less as timestamps and i don't know how to create a predicate that is capable of grouping/filtering my entities approprioately. I've figured out that i w...

UIWebView scrollBy replacement.

For an iPhone app I was using window.scrollBy to scroll to the bottom of a page. The page is rendered in a UIWebView. This all worked fine untill sdk 3.0. It is documented that scrollBy is not supported in UIWebView anymore. Is there an handy javascript replacement for window.scrollBy? ...

Can I have multiple UIScrollViews on a screen at once

I have a simple application that I am building that needs 3 areas on the screen that will have images that I want to scroll left and right. I created a single scrollview that correctly displays images, scrolls left and right and just loads images as they are needed. I created a xib, wired a uiscrollview to my controller and all is well...

iPhone 3.0 WebView Scroll PDF Error - [NSCFDictionary _absoluteLinkURL]

I have a WebView which loads a PDF file: [myWebView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:fileName ofType:@"pdf"]isDirectory:NO]]]; It works fine on iPhone OS 2.x but on iPhone 3.0, when I tap the PDF for scrolling, this error appears, and the app crash: -[NSCFDicti...

UITabBarController, MoreNavigationController and the Holy Grail of Device Rotation

UPDATE: See my answer to this question first. This appears to be a bug. A minimal test case has been created and a report has been filed with Apple. (Fixed as of iPhone OS 3.1.) Greetings! Here's a puzzler from the "I'm so close!" department. I have a Tab Bar-based iPhone app. Each tab features a UINavigationController with the usual s...

zooming multiple subViews in ScrollView

I'm adding two subviews in a UIScrollView centered on top of each other. My thought was when the user uses the the zoom gesture that both would stretch together but that is not the case. The imageview on top get's stretched and the image view on the bottom does nothing. How can I accomplish both imageviews to have the ability to zoom tog...

Spin screen with connection

Hello, I would like to know how to do the next: I have one app that make some connections to receive datas (this datas are show in the screen) I would like to know wich code i can use to wait each connection, I mean, the time between the connection start and this finish i would like to show in the screen one spin (Loading...). I have ...

iPhone: Detecting Tap in MKMapView

How do I detect a single tap on an instance of MKMapView? Do I have to subclass MKMapView and then override the touchesEnded method? Thanks, -Chris ...

How to use Google Earth on iPhone?

Hi All, I am just wondering that is there any way to integrate the Earth browsers in an iPhone app (native or web). Is there any way or any suggestion friend, this is an open discussion so please let ideas flow in. Thank you All, ...

Flattening Images in Iphone SDK

I am trying to save more then 1 image with a background image into a single image and then saving it out. I found out how to flatten the images, but the images I added on top of the background are not appearing in the correct position when flattening them. It seems like they appearing in different position with different background image...

Subclassing UIImage and adding to UIImageView

Can anyone help me with this. I need to do custom drawing code in -drawRect so I subclassed UIImage. How would I initialize my custom UIImage with an image? Say I override the imageName method, what would I need to do in this method? After initializing can I add it to a UIImageview like so initwithImage:? ...

Is this an error?

Hello, while i'm testing my app the console show: GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-966) (Tue Mar 10 02:43:13 UTC 2009) Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "sh...

How create an Global Variable for all the project type NSArray

Hello, I would like to know how can I create a global variable type NSArray that i can use (write in/read data) from any class from y app. At the moment i'm using NSUserDefaults, but I don't think this is the best option, because i'm saving one NSArray quite big. Thanks. ...

iPhone - where can i find a sample of GKVoiceChatClient?

Hi I want to be able to let users of my iPhone app communicate using the GKVoiceChatClient classes. The documentation for the 3.0 SDK is very vague and I don't see any good samples in the Sample Code either. Can someone please tell me where I can find some working example of in-game voice using which I can learn how to use it! Thanks....

iPhone - stuff "silence" in the beginning of an audio file

Hi I am using AVAudioRecorder in my app in order to create a .wav file based on user voice input. I want to be able to stuff" silence in the beginning of an audio file for some time before the actual recording is done. How can I do this using AVAudioRecorder? Can I mention a time for which I want the "silence" to be recorded? Thanks. ...

iPhone Music Game Problem With Double Tapping Home Button

When the home button gets double tapped in the middle of my music game for the iPhone, a pop-up appears showing the name and artist of the song being played...how do I disable this pop-up ? I'm using the iPodMusicPlayer in MPMusicPlayerController and I don't want to have to use applicationMusicPlayer. Thanks. ...

Can we use iPhone Mapkit Framework in a web app ?

Hi All, I am trying to develop a web app for iPhone on LBS. I am using the ASP.NET MVC to do this. Is there any way to use the Mapkit Framework provided by iPhone 3.0 in my web app ? I am waiting to find this answer .... Thanks and regards All. ...

iPhone 3.0 MapKit -- providing routing between points

Is it possible to have the MapKit connect defined points using the Google Maps API type routing connections. ...