
Freeze or pause iPhone camera image

On iPhone's built-in Camera application (OS 3.1), touching the shutter button shows an iris animation, then displays the image that was taken for a second or so before animating it away. Is anyone aware of a simple way to get this "brief pause" activity? Or do I have to resort to manually adding the image as part of my custom cameraOve...

Movie Player shows Default.png image in background while loading (OS 3.1.2)

Hi, I'm using MPMoviePlayerController to stream audio/video files from a servrer. It works great on all other OS versions. However, on 3.1.2, it shows the Default.png image (used to display at app splash screen) in the background while the movie loads. It only happens for the first time and the player works fine (no image in background)...

Iphone How to know if Bluetooth headset connected

Hi, using iphone sdk 3.1.2. Is there anyway of knowing if a Bluetooth headset is connected to the device? Don't need any info except if its connected or not. This is different from knowing if one was plugged in or not which one can do via a Property Listener of an Audio Session. Thanks ...

dylib for iPhone 3.1.2 is too short, wrong cputype/cpusubtype.

I've been trying to compile a dylib to use in a little prototyping experiment however dlopen() says that my dylib is Mach-O but that the file is too short. Should it be padded with something? I have the latest everything so that shouldn't be a problem. lipo spits this out when I try to merge the i386 and armv6 arch's together: lipo: s...

iPhone SDK - (void)viewDidLoad { } - Show Progress

I have a long - (void)viewDidLoad { } function that uses the internet to load a page, and whenever the application loads the URL, the screen is black. I have a UIActivityIndicator setup to show that the address is loading, but I don't know how to prevent it from seeming as if the application is not responding, and I don't want to show t...

iPhone accelerometer:didAccelerate: seems to not get called while I am running a loop

An accelerometer related question. (Sorry the formatting may not look right, its the first time I am using this site). I got the accelerometer working as expected using the standard code UIAccelerometer *accel = [UIAccelerometer sharedAccelerometer]; accel.delegate = self; accel.updateInterval = 0.1; //I also tried other update values...

Appending a scrollview (horizontal) to a view which has a scrollview (vertical) and two labels Iphone sdk

Hi I have developed an iphone application which has 6 cards (icons with images) in the Rootview. Clicking on a card would bring another view which the image being enlarged (fullScreen). The Card View has a Flip button which shows the back side of the Card which contains some text. Different cards hold different text on their back. Depen...