I have just finished ridding my project of leaks, but there are still thousands of objects under the category "GeneralBlock-0". The number of net allocations is through the roof (its approaching a million as I type) but none of them are leaks and none of them have a size greater than 0 bytes.
QuartzCore is responsible f...
Apple describes the architectural pattern used by iPhone apps as MVC. However, virtually no modern application uses MVC (as described by Trygve Reenskaug). Modern operating systems, including iPhone OS, inherently handle controller responsibilities. What is mistakenly and commonly referred to as MVC is actually MVP.
Why does Apple sa...
I have a piece of NSString that will read "Test & Test" or with "
Is there any way without searching and replacing to make that display as "&" or """ ??
Hi folks,
I was trying to make a sample iphone application to update current location.
I have a function that logs the current location, "logCurrentLocation", but I have no idea how to call this function automatically in every X minutes( or seconds).
Please advise me which method I need to look at in the apple documentation.
Thank you...
When programming for the iPhone, I find that I often need to use the same instance of an object in multiple views. What is the best way to handle this? My strategy so far has been to create it as a member of the root view and pass it to subsequent views which retain it as a member. However, this does not seem like a very good approach...
Okay, I guess I'm missing something important, and I can't seem to find the answer. I'm posting all the code, because it's very small.
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've worked on this looking at example after example, for quite a while, and nothing I do seems to work.
When I create the app, I use whichever skeleto...
I have buttons laid out diagonally with their image frames as shown in the picture below. How can I alter the corner points so the buttons don't significantly overlap?
I know I could just create a rectangular UIButton and rotate it, but I may eventually need custom-shaped buttons anyway. Also, my button images are essentially text wit...
I am pulling my hair out on this one... I am using the ASIHTTPRequest (http://allseeing-i.com/ASIHTTPRequest/) wrapper library for accessing Amazon S3 storage. I am able to connect just fine and grab a listing of buckets without any problems. My frustration is with trying to UPLOAD (PUT and/or POST) a new object (a photo) to an existing ...
I'm having a huge headache trying to figure this out. I'm trying to display a single page from a pdf file (the only one that is). This pdf page is a map that I need to zoom in and out with pinching, etc... I am doing this with CATileLayers (each tile being 256x256, but can set it to a bigger size). It does the job but REALLY slowly. What...
I have been into cocos2d-iphone for ages, and today when i came back to uikit, i toally forgot how to create menu in uikit. UIButton isn;t really an option, a UILabel might sound good good.
What do you say?
In Xcode, the Utility Application template makes a project with:
MainView, MainViewController
FlipsideView, FlipsideViewController
In my app, the two views correspond to the main UI and a preferences screen. Obviously I want the prefs to be reflected in the main UI and persisted to disk to remember settings. I know how to do that...
I have several different color block images that are reused in my game many times (its a simple rectangle for a puzzle game). I would like to apply a transparent overlay to each one of these images on the fly (a symbol for the puzzle block) which can be one of several different images. Is there a "best" way to get this done? Creating a s...
My app consists of 3 views. I've defined 3 helper methods in the AppDelegate to switch between each view (so that each view can call the other), which look like this:
-(IBAction)goToView1 {
if ( view1 == nil )
View1 *thisView = [[View1 alloc] initWithNibName:@"View1" bundle:nil];
view1 = thisView;
for (UI...
Is it possible to stikethrough a UILabel at all? I can't seem to find the option...
I would like to know if it's possible to programatically wake up the iPhone from sleep? I have an NSTimer set to play a sound after a certain amount of time, but I also want it to wake up the iPhone when the timer rings. Is this at all possible? Thanks!
I'm considering developing for the iPhone and i wanted to know; what codebase does the SDK and any frameworks offer? how easy is it to make a touch enabled application? is there an easy way to tell if, say, someone is attempting to use a zoom out gesture or am i supposed to interpret that myself?
I am looking for component that draws a calendar grid View, similar to Apple's "Calendar" app.
Can't find anything on google. searching for "calendar" or calendar, view, component is too generic term to find anything useful.
There are a lot of apps in appstore that have calendars, do they program calendar views at low-level by drawing ...
Hi All, I am very new to the iPhone SDK and have read many threads on RESTful service integration with the iPhone. However I am none the wiser. Can you help?
I have some PHP and a MySQL database string on a server. I POST 3 pieces on information from the iPhone to the PHP which then does some thinking and chatting to the database.
It t...
I've created a simple iPhone app which has two .xib files. In the app delegate at application did finish launching I display the first .xib file by calling:
[window addSubview:myView];
and I do the same on an IBAction for a UIButton to change the view to myView2.
What I'm finding is that there's a white bar of around 10 pixels wh...
I have an UILabel with two lines. Sometimes it's text is short. Then the text gets displayed in the center (vertically) of the UILabel.
How do I align my text at the top (vertically)?