
Change the text of a UILabel (UIBarButtonItem) on a toolbar programmatically

Hi everybody. I'm a beginneri iPhone developer. My code is the following: UIBarButtonItem *fixedSpace = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemFlexibleSpace target:self action:nil]; UILabel *lblTotCaratteri = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 25, 15)]; lblTotCaratteri.textAlignment = UI...

Making An Emoji Enabeling App

I know they sell a lot of apps in the app store that claim to "unlock" emoji keyboards. Do you know how I would go about doing this? I want to made an app that enables emoji keyboards. I have payed the 100 dollar developers license fee if this makes a difference. Thanks! ...

access default email address

I am using the MFMailComposeViewController in 3.0 to send an email with attachment etc. inside my app. I would like the "To:" address to be defaulted to the default account/address on the device. How can I access this address to place it into a string for the setToRecipients? Essentially, I'm going to let the user send an email to the...

UIView's center of rotation

Is there a counterpart to the CALayer's anchorPoint for a UIView? I'd like to rotate my UIView around a point other than the center of the bounds. Thanks. ...

Bring up Keyboard for cell in UITableView?

I have UITableView that has custom cells representing a player. When I add a new player a new data item is added and [UITableView reloadData] is called. Part of the cell is a UITextView that contains the player name. How do I bring up the keyboard for it? I could use becomeFirstResponder if I had access to the UITextView in the cell ...

How to render image with OpenGL ES?

Hi to all, I am new in OpenGL ES. I earlier developed games in cocoa with objective-c. Now I want to develope 3D game for iPhone by using OpenGL ES. I am at beginner stage. I am able to create triangle, square, cube, pyramid by usng OpenGL ES. But if we have any .png image with us and we have to render it in our game then what we have t...

Accessing GPS on Blackberry using Javascript and sending lat/long values to a server via url

When you obtain the lat/long values from a GPS enabled blackberry device, how do you send those values to a server via a url? By the way, I'm trying to do this in Javascript. "window.location.href=..." works fine on the iphone. I was thinking something like this would work but it doesn't seem to: function locationCB() { ...

How to save and view a pdf file through an app on iPhone?

Hi All, I am trying to save a pdf file in SQLite. I think it will be possible by saving the pdf file as blob. And the problem starts here, how to view that file within the iPhone app now? I know it can be done using this code:- @interface PDFViewController : UIViewController { UIWebView *webView; NSURL *pdfUrl; } ...

iPhone camera can't open from landscape application

hi all I am creating a landscape only application using sdk 3.0 that uses mapkit. I need to use iphone camera in my application. But I am getting following warning when I try to open camera. "Can't perform full-screen transition. The fromViewController's view must be within a view that occupies the full screen." The view from which I ...

Reasonable length of time to determine user's location iPhone

I'm writing a location based application, and I currently have an iPhone first gen, but I'm wondering how long it takes for an iPhone 3G or 3Gs to determine its location using the GPS chip ? As far as I understand it, locationManager:didUpdateToLocation:fromLocation: may keep getting called with more and more accurate location informati...

Hiding UInavigationItem's bar button

I have added a BarButton item to the left of the nav.bar through Interface Builder and in the code i want this only to show in my table view's edit mode. But i didn't find any Hidden property to set the leftBarButtonItem (like: self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.hidden = YES). I can only set 'enabled' property. Anybody know how to con...

Send parameters to a local file in a UIWebView

I'm working on a native iPhone app. I am able to load a local file index.html into a UIWebView: [webView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"index" ofType:@"html"]isDirectory:NO]]]; The web loads fine. Now, I would like to load the web with some parameters, in the sa...

UIActivityIndicatorView problem

I want to display q UIACtivitiyIndicatorView when i click on a tab bar item, while data is being loaded on that view controller. I have added this indicator on viewWillAppear method of the view controller but it shows indicator wen views appears on the screen. How to make indicator visible when screen working on loading data ...

Tokyo Cabinet vs SQLite3 on iPhone

Hey guys, Has anyone used Tokyo Cabinet on the iPhone? I'm interested to see if there are any real world performance differences between it and SQLite3. Also, SQLite 3 has the expressive power of SQL, does Tokyo Cabinet have any kind of query language? Any input would be greatly appreciated, thanks. ...

iPhone Facebook Application Login Problem

Hello everyone, I am trying to implement Facebook functionality on iPhone using Facebook API. In my application I can open the Login screen, but when I enter Email and password and press "Connect" button there nothing is to be happen. And after sometimes I will be back in my previous screen. I have used FBConnect bundle. I can't understa...

Sound not working in device.

I am writing an application and part of it is recording and playing the sound using AVAudioRecorder and AVAudioPlayer class. I set up the sound file as below. NSString *resourcePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath]; resourcePath = [resourcePath stringByAppendingString:@"/sound.caf"]; self.soundFileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:...

UIView dissapears after modalViewController is removed from superview

Hello, in my app i have a tabBarController and in it a navigationController. One of my view controllers is a TableViewController and under the navigationBar i added a uiView as a subview to the view like this: rectangleInfo = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,[[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame].size.width,26)]; rectangle...

Nearest-neighbour "pixelly" texture scaling in Cocos2d?

I'm trying to scale a sprite, but have the texture be scaled in a "pixelly" way, like retro games. I know how to do this in OpenGL, but I'm not sure how to do this in Cocos2d. How do I do this? Is there a way of getting at the OpenGL? Or something through Cocos2d? Thanks, uaq ...

Moving UITableView row to top of list when selected

I am sure this is an easy thing to do. I am very new to objective C (picked up a job the boss was going to outsource) and could use all the help I can get. Just point me in the right direction here. Basically what I want to set up is this: I have a list of phone numbers that expands to as many rows as needed. I have no problem populatin...

Rendering Certain Character Glyph on iPhone

I am currently using the iPhone SDK to create an app that utilizes Indic scripts. However, the iPhone has issues with rendering certain glyphs in many Indic scripts. For example: प + ् + र = प्र or ਕ + ੍ + ਰ = ਕ੍ਰ When you type this on a Mac (or Windows) the computer will automatically render the three characters into the one gly...