I simplified my code to test with, and still on the phone my memory usage keeps climbing to a point where the table slows way down.
Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
return 1;
(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInt...
Hello all,
I want to know when we install an application where does the database of the application resides. Like Does it resides in the application bundle or sandbox.
Also when we upgrade it why does not it affects the existing database. For example, if I make some changes to database table and reinstall it, it still uses the previous...
what I'm trying to do is to have
1. a speakable text withtin the cell of a tableview (let's say "Google")
2. the ability that the user is able to select this row ("Google") and safari starts and opens the url http://www.google.de
3. if the user adds a new entry to the tableview, he should be able to enter the speakable text and the...
Is there a way to call an ActionSheet directly from a tabbar. I'm working on a program where the user wants a contact button on the tab bar that displays an actionsheet with the appropriate buttons.
Thanks in advance
Right now, I do most of my cleanup work in dealloc (cleaning up IBOutlets, allocated objects, etc.). What other places should I do cleanup work in order for my app to be a well-behaved one? Could you explain the things that are typically done in those methods as well?
For example, viewDidUnload, applicationWillResignActive, etc.
I'm working on an iPhone App that uses the camera to take pictures, then I'm saving them to the Applications Documents directory. I'm using the following code to convert the UIImage to NSData,
NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)];
Then I write the NSData using
[imageData writeToFile:path atomical...
The iPhone settings have an IP address for the device when it is connected to a wifi network. Is it possible to get this IP address and establish a connection between a desktop computer (on the same network) and the iPhone?
I want to be able to transfer files between the iPhone and the desktop computer. Some apps like the "Files" an...
Do anyone knows the link to the different types of name for available CATransition.
Like ripple,swift....
I want to know all the available names.
I have a UIImageView object that is just a plain black rectangle.
This is what i use to select a button in the view.
Problem is, I have 49 of these buttons in my view, and all of them can be selected at the same time.
What I use for adding a subview to a button is:
UIImageView* selectedSquareView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFra...
I updated my phone to 3.0.1. While the phone works fine as a phone, xcode organizer no longer knows the name of the phone. It also says 3.0.1 is unsupported by this version of xcode.
I downloaded the latest version of xcode and OS (3.1). Now, I'm trying to move my phone from 3.0.1 to 3.1. I'm pressing option-restore in iTunes (does ...
I am developing an iPhone app using Core Data and ahev noticed that I get exceptions when I would expect and error, this is an example:
NSError *error;
// exception here if edited attribute name todoText in modeller and generated new database with that new name in it(ie clearing the iphone), ie tring to access a field not in the d...
I am developinga Core Data app for the iPhone, and I am new to the whole platform etc.
My question is, how much should I look for and handle errors and exceptions, for example when opening up the persistent store. Looking at the "Locations" Core Data Tutorial for example (hope its OK to quote it here like this):
(Se comments in the cod...
I'm getting up to speed with the new APIs introduced in OS 3.0, especially the cool new improvements to Core Animation (mostly on CALayer etc...). Now I'm trying to figure out how to use CAGradientLayer. It looks simple at first, but the NSArray it requires for the colors property must contain CGColorRef (according to the header file). I...
I used to be able to run my application on my iPhone that was running 3.0. After I updated to 3.0.1 I get the error:
No Provisioned iPhone OS Device is Connected.
I followed Apple's guide in the terminal:
ln -s /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0\ \(7A341\) /
I am using google's translate API to translate some text in the iPhone SDK. The URL I use is http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/services/language/translate?v=1.0
Everything works, except in some languages, Polish for example, the returned string sometimes have weird things like \u0026 as part of the string. It would show as "hello how ar\u...
I followed a great tutorial (http://iphone.zcentric.com/2008/08/28/using-a-uiimagepickercontroller/) on using a UIImagePickerController to get images from the Photo Album or Camera on the iPhone. The problem is, the tutorial is a bit dated and documentation cites a method used by the delegate as being depreciated since 3.0. The problem i...
I want to use AVAudioPlayer to play M4p files from iTunes generator. I could use uiWebView to play it and it worked, but I want to put an image of my choice on the background of the player instead of the "quick time" logo. Can you help me as how to do this?
Here is an example of the m4p file I want to play with AVAudioPlayer.
I'm slightly confused in one aspect of Core Data. That is, when do I use the rudimentary alloc/init routine vs created an object with core data and saving it into the current managed object context.
I know that's a rather vague question, so let me give you an example.
I have an application I'm currently working on that iterates through...
So using this link:
And this link:
I came upon this implementation:
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
Exactly as the title says, why does Core Data create instances of NSManagedObject with properties for each entity's attribute, but no accompanying instance variable? The problem is, I would like to use some of my 'Entities' in a typical alloc/init style fashion in some parts of my code. Not using Core Data's fetching/context to create/st...