Hi There,
I have mp3 files stored on the iphone and I my application to be able to read the ID3 infomration, i.e length in seconds, artist etc.
Anyone know of how to do this or what library to use in objective c?
Your thoughts are much appreciated.
Hello guys,
I have an application where I want to display data as per week.
I also have the button so that user can toggle around the weeks.
Is there any way in iPhone sdk (May be using DateFormatter) to get the current week and also to toggle around the previous and next week.
Hello wonderful people of stackoverflow!
I have a problem.
I am working on an app that will take multiple photos and each time it will enlarge them, show a preview, save them, and then load the UIImagePickerController again.
But after taking about 5 to 6 pictures it dies.
I think that it is dying because I have a UIImageView that I s...
Hello all,
I want to add customized arrow buttons to UINavigation Bar which comes at the top.
what I want to do is create a custom image button and place it over the bar. When I tried adding to view like:
[self.view addSubview:leftArrowButton];//(Where leftArrowButton is a UIButton with an image of arrow)
This dont work, like it pl...
You often hear that C++ is preferable to Objective-C for games, especially in a resource-constrained environment like the iPhone. (I know you still need some Objective-C to initially talk to iPhone services.) Yet, the 2D game engine of choice these days seems to be Cocos2d, which is Objective-C.
I understand that what Apple calls "Obje...
I want to animate a view on top of another view in my iphone app. I basically want my view to look like the apple keyboard except with my custom controls. When i click a button I want the new view to animate up, from the bottom of the screen, on top of part of the view.
How would I do this?
Problably you know that iPhone OS makes an artifical delay of about 0.25 seconds after an touchesBegan: occures. This is to check if the user intends to move or not. If the deltas move significantly enough during this time, a touchesMoved: sequence starts.
But when you want to implement tactile touch behaviour in your app, you may not w...
I'm having a problem with the UIScrollView when doing zooming operations, which seems to be very simple but I didn't figured out how to solve it.
I want an UIScrollView no to exceed the bounds of the content view when zooming out.
By reading the Reference Guide i found out the following properties:
bounces (A Boolean value that contro...
How can I do the following things with iPhone sdk:
1. Access built in microphone, get amplitude of a sound.
2. Record sound from microphone into a file.
3. Playback the audio recorded from the microphone.
Thank you in advance.
Is there a good overview of initWithNibName, awakeFromNib and viewDidLoad that lays out the best way to use each of these and describes exactly what each does? I find these very confusing. In the template that's generated with a View Controller, the comment about initWithNibName says: "The designated initializer. Override to perform se...
How would I use a NSTimer to do a countdown or is that even possible ? I've tried a couple of things and got a few errors dealing with the numbers but wat I want to happen is when my timer gets activated it starts off with 5:00 and for each second It takes away I want a new number to appear on my label so....
if(Timer1 == 5:00) {
// ...
I have an object that is a child of UIImageView. Before all these touches methods, I add this object to the superview and then user moves it. In touchesEnded, sometimes I want to release self. I've tried:
- [self release]
- [self removeFromSuperview]
But all these tries end up in exceptions. What's the right way to release self...
I have seen many application doing voice recognition on the iphone.
I have already gone through the following questions of stackoverflow:
However I couldn't find sufficient knowle...
Plz, go Through my Previous question?
Ok Now my Current question is as below.
It seems very hard to build my own voice recognition code - in iPhone.
Is it possible to use google's voice recognition in our software,
like when user wants to search a student by voi...
I am creating an NSArray inside a method, so I have to give it up with release when I'm done with it. I pass this array to the
- (void)performSelector:(SEL)aSelector withObject:(id)anArgument afterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay
method. After that, I don't need the array anymore in my method that calls this performSelector:withObject:aft...
I have a authenticationTokenKey and authenticationTokenSecret and consumerKey and consumerSecret, but i still dont know how to use them to send updates to twitter ... I do not want to use MGTwitterEngine .... HELP !!!!!
I'd like to add custom controls to the mediaPlayer control view much as this asker:
However, the solution posted in the above question is depreciated in 3.0. Does anyone know of a way to do this with the new SDK?
So far I have added an overlayView to the mov...
I would like to develop an application in which voice can be recorded & data should be displayed after filtering accordingly recorded voice.
I want to do the same thing in my Application.
My Application requirements are as follows.
=> search entries accordingly recorded voice?
for me,
1) How to record a sound? ----- More Priority
Hi ,
Iam trying to play a video from a remote location and trying to overlay a window over the entire screen which is more or less transparent with few images along the edges . As soon as the movie is preloaded I play the video. This happens good the first time. But if I try to replay the video it does not play the video and neither am ...
Hi All,
I am trying to access sharepoint default web services from my iPhone app. Can some one help me with how to construct the request and get the proper response.