
Changing text of copy&paste buttons

Hi there! I would like to localize my app but I can't figure how to change text in copy and paste and other other buttons. I tried to google but that is way too much irrelevant info about iphone copy/paste :/ any help is greatly appreciated ...

iPhone: RegexKit vs. RegexKit lite - going through an array takes very very long

For my app I need to see if an url is Matched by a regex string. so I created an array with all the regex strings (about 1000+ strings) and check them using RegexKit lite: for (NSString * aString in mainDelegate.whiteListArray) { if (![urlString isMatchedByRegex:aString]) { it works but sadly this operation takes very very long. at l...

AVAudioRecorder: peak and average power

Hi, What is the difference between peakPowerForChannel and averagePowerForChannel methods of AVAudioRecorder? And why is the value returned is negative? Isn't it supposed to be 0 for no sound and go up when the amplitude of sound rises? How can I convert to a more "readable" format? Thanks. ...

NSArray, last Object always invalid

This has got me stumped. I build an NSArray and initWithObjects. The last element never really allocs. In fact, the next alloc in my code takes the same memory address as the one pointed from the last element. Code is: coordArr = [[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects: [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(200.0,40.0)], [NSValue va...

Ability to draw and record a signature as part of a form - iphone

Apolgies in advance for any errors.. new to this and am not a developer/programmer.. just have some basic unix experience. I have searched the web and struggled to find a solution to my problem when I stumbled onto this website which maybe suggested that there is a solution to my question. For work i use a windows mobile device because...

UIButton touchUpInside action firing multiple times per click

I have three buttons set up in Interface Builder, each tied via touchUpInside to btnSelection: - (IBAction)btnSelection:(id)sender { NSLog(@"tag: %i", [sender tag]); } In my console, the first click registers correctly (after a second or so delay, which seems a bit weird) but any subsequent touch of any of the 3 buttons results in...

Pixel perfect collision ?

Is it possible to do pixel perfect collision in a view based application ? I've been looking for example codes but with no luck... Also can you use colored bitmaps to represent collision for a certain color ? ...

Sample Code showing how to add gradient color to iPhone app.

Hello, Does anybody know a sample application which helps and show how to add a gradient color to an iPhone application. ...

What is the NSObject isEqual: and hash default function?

I have a database model class that is a NSObject. I have a set of these objects in a NSMutableArray. I use indexOfObject: to find a match. Problem is the model object's memory address changes. So I am overriding the hash method to return the model's row ID. This however does not fix it. I also have to override the isEqual: method to comp...

Can I override the UIControlEventTouchUpInside for a UISegmentedControl?

I have a UISegmentedControl which I'd like to use to perform a certain action if you click the already selected item. My thinking is basically something like this: - (void)viewDidLoad { UISegmentedControl * testButton = [[UISegmentedControl alloc] initWithItems:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"one", @"two", nil]]; [self.view addSubv...

UIWebview swipes to another UIWebiew

Total nooob here. I'm trying to figure out how to implement a transition from one UIWebview to another with a swipe and still be able to scroll/zoom w/in each webview. Each webview should respond normally to all touches/gestures unless a swipe is detected and the boundry of the view/content is at the corresponding edge of the screen...

Is it possible to disable the dragging waiting time in an UIScrollView?

When the user touches into an UIScrollView and wants to scroll, there is a little delay. UIKit tries to find out if the user wanted to touch the content in the scroll view or if the user wanted to scroll. So it waits a moment if the finger moves far enough, and then starts scrolling. Could I tell it that it must start scrolling with no d...

How do I calculate the optimal titleView width?

I am using navigation with a custom UIView subclass that becomes my titleView. I want to ensure this is the full available width. Logically from my UIViewController's viewWillAppear:, this should be: CGFloat width = self.width - self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem.width - someConstant; (I don't have a right item here.) This would ...

Is it possible to let the iPhone system time run faster for a moment?

Maybe this can solve out the ugly delay with touchesBegan: to touchesMoved:. It is caused artifically by iPhone OS to check if the user really wants to move. In some situations the finger must be tracked without delay, otherwise it just looks ugly. You see that everywhere through iPhone OS. Sliders, Scroll Views. Maybe accelerating the ...

iPhone UIActivityIndicator not working at first launch

It works fine on every subsequent launches. I'm using an OpenGL animation at the start, if it matters. ...

image loading problem in iPhone ? - from webservice

imgBiteSpot.clipsToBounds=YES; NSData *imageData = [[[NSData alloc]init]autorelease]; imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:ObjBitSpot.StrImagePath]]; if(imageData==0) { imgBiteSpot.image=[UIImage imageNamed:@"img-not-found.gif"]; } else { UIImage *imgs = [[UIImage alloc] initWi...

How could I handle touch events by using hitTest?

I found this little text on the net: UIScrollView overrides hitTest method and always returns itself, so that all touch events (touchesBegan, touchesMoved, touchesEnded, touchesCancelled) go into it. Then inside touchesBegan, touchesMoved etc it checks if it's interested in the event, and either handles or passes it o...

I want to implement the flip touch event in iPhone

Hello all, In my application I have two images which are arranged in circle. I want to imeplement something like when user flips his finger downwards or in circle the position of the images must be swapped. How to do it in iPhone. ...

When play a movie using safari on iPhone device, i got a warning ... /Symbols/System/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.webplugin/QuickTime Plugin" (file not found).

warning: Unable to read symbols for "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0 (7A341)/Symbols/System/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/QuickTime Plugin.webplugin/QuickTime Plugin" (file not found). I'm not sure, but this causes the movie to take a long time to load. What i meant by play a movie using safari is that I use the s...

Categories for NSMutableString and NSString causing binding confusion?

Hi, I have extended both NSString and NSMutableString with some convenience methods using categories. These added methods have the same name, but have different implementations. For e.g., I have implemented the ruby "strip" function that removes space characters at the endpoints for both but for NSString it returns a new string, and fo...