Hello all,
I am new at iphone application. I created one application for map view using mapkit for different places.
now i want to create radius on center point of all the places and find out that some particular place like pizza shop are belong to that radius or not.
so can anyone help me out for the same. or tell where can i find some ...
I want to draw image with round corners. How to do this on an iPhone?
I've got a problem with NSOperation and observer.
I've a tabbarcontroller and a splashController. I want the splashscreen load and download the file and when the file is downloaded make the tabbarcontroller appear to the screen.
The probleme is that i 've an error :
bool _WebTryThreadLock(bool), 0x3d2fa90: Tried to obtain the web ...
I have images in Images folder, and i would like to initialize an array with strings of file name...
one.png, two.png, three.png
I would like to initialize my array as ["one", "two", "three"]
I want to create something like the one on iTunes App, where there is a button inside the table cell and when you press the button it play a sound. I tried searching the web for this tutorial but I can't find one.
Using UIImagePicker class I can select the UIImagePickerControllerSource as UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera. This would show up both the options, camera as well as video recoreder.
I want only the video recording option to be available to the user. And as soon as user opens it starts recording without the need to tap record but...
So NSXMLParser has problems parsing strings using the Windows-1252 encoder. Now I did find a solution on this page to convert it to NSUTF8StringEncoding. But now it bumps into characters it can't parse.
So I figured out that it will work if I would escape special characters and then transfer it back after parsing it. For example:
Hi, iphone problem.
I am in editing mode.
The dark grey is an imageView, that it seems being pushed by the reorder icons, and you can see the UIview in the background (light grey).
I do not like this to happen.
What do you think?
Is there a way to assign some sort of delegate object when
[[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfUrl:... options:... errorPtr:...]
is called so that I can monitor percentage complete of a download or is the best way to handle this sort of thing through the use of the asynchronous NSURLConnection stuff?
how could I do that? I want to catch these events and see what's going on in my whole application. Must I subclass UIApplication for that?
UIControl calls this method when an event occurs. It seems like if I subclass UIControl, there won't be a point where I could stick my nose deeper into the details of an event. I can just specify tho...
What is the recommended audio format for storing and playing back short (2-3 sec) audio sound effects on the iPhone or iToouch?
The iPhone audio SDK documentation indicates that the iPhone supports audio in several formats - however there are drawbacks to each:
MP3: This is a highly compressed, but also high-quality encoding format th...
I have a navController and tableViewController set up such that selecting a table row will push a detail view on the navController's stack and display detailed information about the row selected. In the detail view I use a single UILabel to display the info, and I set the value of the label's text property in viewDidLoad of the detail v...
The UIControl documentation clearly states:
When a user touches the control in a
way that corresponds to one or more
specified events, UIControl sends
itself sendActionsForControlEvents:.
So what I did is pretty simple. I created a UIControl subclass, and overrided this, like this:
- (void)sendActionsForControlEvents:(UICont...
I want to create a camera application.
What are the available ways to share photos that were taken from my app? Email a photo? Send it via bluetooth? Probably a user can upload it to his computer?
How can I implement them?
I'm writing an application that uses UIImagePickerController. I'd like to give users choice of source of pictures, either take a new photo or choose from existing ones. I'd like to create exactly the same selection interface as is in twitterfon or in safari when you hold tap on the link. It looks like some standard SDK thing but ...
Hey guys,
I have a UIWebView which I'm using as an embedded browser within my app.
I've noticed that links in webpages that open new windows are ignored without any call into my code.
I've tried breakpointing on
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigation...
I don't want UIButton or anything like that. I want to subclass UIControl directly and make my own, very special control.
But for some reason, none of any methods I override get ever called. The target-action stuff works, and the targets receive appropriate action messages. However, inside my UIControl subclass I have to catch touch coo...
I have a very popular Apple iPhone app and wish to port to another mobile platform. What is best the Palm Pre or Google Android? The Android has more popularity with manufacturers but I worry about installation issues and incompatibilities. The Pre has one carrier and one mfr but I worry its sales will be too low.
My app uses an SQLite...
I'm looking for an X11 server on the iPhone to be able to use the NX protocol. There are RDP clients, Citrix clients, VNC clients, but no X11 server...
Do you think it is possible to port (or create ?) an X11 server (by example kdrive modified for Cocoa) for the iPhone? Does it have enough CPU-power or memory for that? How would you do ...
The date you get back from twitter is in this format Fri Aug 07 12:40:04 +0000 2009. I am able to assign the value to a NSDate without issue. However, when I attempt to use NSDateFormatter, I get a nil returned to me. What am I missing?
NSDate *createdAt = [messageData objectForKey:@"created_at"];
NSDateFormatter *format = [[NSDateFor...