What thread calls the delegate when using iPhone CoreLocation framework?
If I create CLLocationManager, assign it's delegate, and finally tell it to start updating, exactly which thread is calling the delegate? Some system thread? ...
If I create CLLocationManager, assign it's delegate, and finally tell it to start updating, exactly which thread is calling the delegate? Some system thread? ...
I've got a class of object with a category property (task.category), which is set to an integer value (1, 2, or 3). I'd like to have a grouped table build itself by putting each task into the right section... How do I get certain cell objects to be drawn in certain sections of a grouped table, based on one of their properties? Thanks! ...
For example, I have a UIImage (from which I can get a CGImage, CGLayer, etc., if needed), and I want to replace all of the red pixels (1, 0, 0) with blue (0, 0, 1). I have code to figure out which pixels are the target color (see this SO question & answer), and I can substitute the appropriate values in rawData but (a) I'm not sure how ...
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; if (cell == nil) { cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease]; ... return cell; Wouldn't this code autorelease the cell before anything can be done with it...
You guys helped so much with my last question, I figured I'd give you a shot at another. I have written an app with a theme that uses a dark blue glassy background and white / gray text and labels. The textfields in my app have clearcolor backgrounds and white texts and everything shows up very well. My only concern is that when you hold...
My goal is to have a UISearchBar fixed in a view right above a UITableView. When I set this up in IB and then build, the table view expands to fill the whole window and the search bar is not visible. If I make the UISearchBar a subview of the UITableView, the search bar displays as expected, but this is not what I want. What I'm afte...
Hello all, I am having a UIView and a UIViewContorller to that. I want to draw a rectangle in the view through my controller. So how to do that. ...
I want to send mail from an iPhone app without showing an MFMailComposeViewController. I also want this mail to be sent from the user's default Mail account. Is it possible to do this? ...
Writing an iPhone app in Objective-C, I have a date in string form (in UTC format, with a Z on the end to denote zero UTC offset, or zulu time), which I need to parse into an NSDate object. A bit of code: NSDateFormatter* df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init]; [df setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"]; NSString* str = @"2009-08-11T06...
In the Contacts app's add/edit view, if you hit the 'Return' key in a field, you cycle through each of the UITextFields. These fields seem to be inside a UITableViewCell. What's a good way to do this? When I have a series of UITextFields not inside a Table, I can invoke [self.view viewWithTag:tag] to get a list of the views and the use...
I'm parsing an XML string and have a memory leak. I know this code is leaking, but not sure what the fix is: http://pastie.org/580694 Code like this appears to be fundamentally flawed: - (void)parser:(NSXMLParser *)parser foundCharacters:(NSString *)value{ if ([currentElement isEqualToString:@"problem_id"]){ currentProblem.p...
I'm curious if I'm following proper memory management with CGImageRef, which I'm passing through several methods (since it's CG object, I assume it doesn't support autorelease). Memory management with non-NSObjects and interaction with other NSObjects is still somewhat new to me. Here what I'm doing: I'm creating the CGImageRef inside ...
How do i use a variable as an image name instead of hard coding the string? right now I'm using this [UIImage imageNamed:@"one.jpg"] I would like to pass a NSString variable instead of "one.png" ...
I'm developing an iPhone application that makes heavy use of Core Data, primarily for its database-like features (such as the ability to set a sort order or predicate on fetch requests). I'm presenting all the data I fetch in various UITableViewControllers. What I'd like to know is a rough idea of how many objects I can fetch before it ...
Hi all, I was trying to upload my app to the apple store and I faced some problems. First I made my app using iPhone SDK 2.2.1 then I upgraded to SDk 3. Then I generated a certificate from the keychain access and used it to generate the profile. when I changed the build SDK from simulator to device I got that error "Code Sign error: Th...
I have a view which displays a UITableView with a section index along the right side. This was working perfectly when the controller class was a UITableViewController, e.g. in the .h file I had @interface MyClass : UITableViewController However, I wanted to make the table view have an image background. I changed the xib file so it h...
I'm trying to use Interface Builder to add UIBarButtonItems to the toolbarItems property of the UIViewController. I have a .xib file and the File's Owner is typed as a subclass of UITableView controller ("ServerTableViewController"). I've dragged a bunch of UIBarButton items into the .xib file thinking that they will show up as part of ...
I have a plist that contains an array with a collection of dictionaries. The dictionaries in the array are used to create a fairly complex tableview with 2 images and 2 lines of text in each cell. I am wanting to create sections in the tableview based on the first letter for the value corresponding to the "MainText" key. Here is the p...
I know similar questions have been asked before, so don't get snarky and link to previous answers. The reason I am repeating this is that none of the answers have worked. I have a UIWebView, and I want to draw a pretty drop-shadow behind it. I have tried subclassing and using some CoreGraphics goodness in drawRect:, but to no avail. Can...
Hi, I added UITableView in UIViewController classes... I updated tableview using [tableview reloadData].. It works fine ,but some times the uitableviewcell is not visible.. And also UITableView not scrolling fast. I didn't create any separtor classes for uitableviewcell.. I am using this code UITableViewCell *cell = [self.tableView d...