
Where is a good collection of freely licensed instrument .wav samples?

I require full samples for a variety of instruments. One such site that provides this resource (http://theremin.music.uiowa.edu/MIS.html) is good, but there aren't enough non-classical instruments (e.g. steel guitar, drums). I need a different resource that provides instrument samples such as ones the MIDI specification supports. Side ...

Unable to add framework (MessageUI) to target

Obvious question if you know what/where to look...unfortunately I don't...yet. When I double-click my target and try to add the MessageUI framework it's not listed. I tried to do it manually and ran into trouble. I see that this app's target is for 2.2.1 and obviously MessageUI requires 3.0. Where can I set this? Do I need to create a n...

iTune-style apps using C#

Hi All, I'd like to develop some wIndows apps using C# that similar to iTune. The app is similar to iTune where it updates information on the iPhone whenever the phone is connected to a windows-based PC/laptop. From Apple Development Center, my understanding is that I would need the "Accessories SDK" but looking for your guidance on: ...

Creating table sections with NSFetchedResultsController

I'm using NSFetchedResultsController to drive the data for my UITableViewController. A simplified version of the managed object I am fetching looks like this (well for example): Person: -(BOOL)hasPet; -(BOOL)hasDog; Basically, I want my table to only show those Person objects who have a pet. So that's simple, I can use a predicate. No...

blend two uiimages

I'm trying to blend a background with a foreground image, where the foreground image is a transparent image with lines on it. I am trying to do it this way. UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(CGSizeMake(320, 480)); CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); // create rect that fills screen CGRect bounds = CGRectMake( 0,0, 320, ...

iPhone dev - How far down should I cast?

If I have a method that passes an argument of type void * (UIView animation did stop method, has to be a void pointer), or of type id, and I know that the argument is a UIBarButton item, and I need to disable it, [barbuttonitem setEnabled:NO];, should I cast the argument to a UIControl, which is as far as I need to be able to use setEnab...

iphone data persistence sanity check

Well, I'm trying to decide if the way I chose to persist web-based data is the right way in my iPhone app. I haven't yet dove into the intricacies of Core Data, so am still using Sqlite with the FMDB wrapper. Here is how I'm doing it now: I have a class that uses a singleton similar to theElements sample. A static shared instance is ...

iPhone dev - delegates, notifications, unsubscribe before deallocated?

In my question about using a delegate or a UIControl Event, this was in Kendall Helmstetter Geln's answer: Both are about an equal load to work with - with a delegate you have to set yourself and then remember to unset yourself before you are deallocated. You have to do the same thing with notifications, remember to start listening a...

UIButton image and background image, which one to use for custom image?

I am customizing my UIButton and I can either set image or background image. They both work fine but how do I decide which one to use? Are these two methods for when people have image that are broken up into foreground and background so they can layer them? ...

iPhone dev - objects stay until user quits, don't release?

In in my app, say it count downs to something and at the end just beeps forever until the user quits the app, is it safe to say have an NSTimer and never release (or in NSTimer's case, invalidate it) it, since it will need to stay until the user quits the app? ...

How do view controllers work in the iPhone SDK?

I have just started developing iPhone applications and I am very confused by how the "view controller" aspect of the user interface works. I did the "Your First iPhone Application" tutorial on the Dev Center. It has you set up your own view controller class and then initialize it using initWithNibName. So it seems that nib files contain...

Recommended Apple iPhone Audio Recording Settings and what file extension to use

I would like to get your recommendation on what settings to use for audio recording using AVAudioRecorder. Below is the settings I am using currently. Also, what file extension should I save it as so users on Mac or Windows can play it without difficulties? Right now I am saving the file out as .caf [settings setValue:[NSNumber n...

iPhone Add a timer at Navigation Bar

HI , i have made simple application with 5 view controllers with some functionality .. what i want to do now is add a time at the main screen . and it should b running till i quit from application .. i will move to other view controllers also but that timer would b running .. how i will have this functionality ?? ...

Need help with MonoDevelop (solution for iPhone)

Hello, i try to make a solution with MonoDevelop, but i have some problems. I try to compile empty project, but there the builder shows: Building: tusciasProjektas (Debug|iPhone) Building Solution tusciasProjektas Building: tusciasProjektas (Debug|iPhone) Performing main compilation... Updating CodeBehind files Updated 1 CodeBehind f...

how to remove subviews from scrollview?

how do i remove all subviews from my scrollview... i have a uiview and a button above it in the scrollview something like this.... here is my code to add subview in scroll view -(void)AddOneButton:(NSInteger)myButtonTag { lastButtonNumber = lastButtonNumber + 1; if ((lastButtonNumber == 1) || ((lastButtonNumber%2) == 1)) { btnLeft = ...

Would NSMutableArray -removeObject: also remove a NSString if it has a different memory adress?

Example: I add some NSString objects to an NSMutableArray: @"Foo", @"Bar", @“FooBar". Now somewhere else I access that array again, and I want to delete @"Foo". So I create a new NSString @"Foo", and pass it to -removeObject:. The documentation does not state on what criteria -removeObject works. I think that it looks only for the memory...

Convert to grayscale - too slow

Hi, I've made a class that converts an image into grayscale. But it works way too slow. Is there a way to make it work faster? Here's my class: @implementation PixelProcessing SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON_FOR_CLASS(PixelProcessing); #define bytesPerPixel 4 #define bitsPerComponent 8 -(UIImage*)scaleAndRotateImage: (UIImage*)img withMaxRes...

How implement a UIActivityIndicatorView when the UIWebView is Loading? (iPhone ObjC)

I want to know how to implement an activityIndicator in a WebView based app, I wrote the following code but the indicator does not appear. The webview load file locally, so it load very fast, but when it load an external page it load slow and I need the indicator... FirstViewController.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface FirstView...

Test iPhone App on physical iPhone rather than simulator.

Hi all! I've just made a basic Hello World app for the iPhone. Compiling and running works fine for iPhone Simulator. But now I'd like to put it on my real physical iPhone, to test it. Is there any way to do this, or do I have to pay $100, put it in the app store and download it (with the chance Apple doesn't like it and just deletes it...

iPhone update application version (in Settings)

Hello I have an iPhone application that displays the current version as a Settings constant (just like Skype does). When I released the first version of the application, I use this code to set the app Settings: - (void)registerDefaultsFromSettingsBundle { NSString *settingsBundle = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"Settings...