I'd like to know how to pragmatically pull lists of apps from the iphone app store. I'd code this in python (via the google app engine) or in an iphone app. My goal would be to select maybe 5 of them and present them to the user. (for instance a top 5 kind of thing, or advanced filtering or queries)
I'd like to have the home screen style for a section of my app, and the icon style will most likely be the 'make it or break it' aspect. Right now, I've got it looking pretty decent. I just have a black background with rounded buttons and the basic system text under them as labels. With a few modifications to this psd kit I've been ab...
Can you open the native iPhone mail app with OpenURL but not for compose? I just want to open the app into the inbox, or at the very least just open it (and doesn't care which account/folder it shows). I just don't want the compose page shown.
Hi there,
In my app I want the user to type names into a UITextField (or equivalent) and then when they press return, it will put that word(s) in a blue bubble that's usually associated with tags. The cursor then moves to the end where they can add more "tags".
This can be seen when adding contacts in the To, CC & BCC fields in the Mai...
I'm using Page Control example from Apple. I want to be able to scroll horizontally to certain page and get the sound automatically play when viewing that page? And then sound stop when viewing the other page?
So, for example. On page 1, i have some texts. When i go to the next page which is on page 2, i want sound to be automatically p...
From my understanding on iphone sdk, the app runs in a sandbox & the only way to get access to photo library is thru the UIImagePicker. Wondering if there is any way to bypass UIImagePicker & still get all the images from the user's photo library.
I am looking for something like java's File API. (If we want list all files in a dir...
Is there anyway to analyze the audio pitches programmatically. For example, i know most of the players show a graph or bar & if the songs pitch is high @ time t, the bar goes up at time t .. something like this. Is there any utility/tool/API to determine songs pitch so that we interpolate that to a bar which goes up & down.
I want to put an 'i' button on the nav bar (on all the screens in which the nav bar appears). Touching on that button should bring up a view (perhaps modal) in which I can have controls. How do I put the button on the nav bar, and what how will I execute the call back?
What do people do in this scenario
- Lets say you have a screen with 7-8 buttons, so instead of displaying 7 buttons in a screen which looks ugly, what other options do you receommend. Picker is one option, similar rto date picker, we can display one picker with 1 column which displays all button texts. Any recommendations on using ...
What's a good way to archive the data from a class into XML and write it out to a file? (in Objective-C for iPhone SDK)
I see lots about using NSXMLParser to parse the data but not much on creating the files.
Hi there.
I have a UISearchBar in the table cell. All done in code (not in IB). When the search bar is activated I want to disable the table view are between the search bar and keyboard, so there is no way to touch and navigate out of this view. Cannot really get it working. Help please.
I have a UITabBarController that manages 5 View Controllers. I create their tab bar items in their "init" methods so that they will be displayed before the view is loaded. I'm just wondering what way I should do it, because there seems to be so many ways. For example, for my DatePickerViewController:
- (id)init {
if((self = [super i...
Anyone knows if iPhone OS is based on 32-bit or 64-bit architecture?
This is the first time that I'm upgrading the iphone sdk and am wondering if there is anything else needed to use the upgraded version with xcode besides just installing it?
I have run into a bit of a problem. I built an iPhone app that streams my podcasts via the MPMoviePlayerController. Apple will not approve it because it can use too much bandwidth over the Carrier Network. So their workaround is to use a Stream Segmenter. I am unable to install a stream segmenter on my server. Are their ANY other so...
I wonder if this affects performance or memory consumption a lot. I need an NSMutableArray, and at the beginning I can only guess how many objects will be added. About 3 to 5 maybe. So I create it like this:
NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
What happens here exactly, when creating it with a capacity o...
FlipView *fl=[[FlipView alloc] initWithNibName:@"FlipView" bundle:nil];
//fl.view.frame=CGRectMake(50.0,50.0, 300.0,300.0);
[self presentModalViewController:fl animated:YES];
In above code, A Complete New View Controller...
I'm using an tableView with custom cells. When I want to display another view using the pushViewController function of the navigationController I loop through the textfields and call resignFirstResponder on them. But resignFirstResponder does only work when the textfields are being displayed so I scroll first to the top of the page. This...
I'm trying to (cross-)compile obfuscated-openssh for the iPhone, and I'm running into some problems. I'm using this to configure the build:
./configure --host=arm-apple-darwin CC=/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/arm-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.0.1 \
CFLAGS="-arch armv6 -pipe -std=c99 -I/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platf...
I'm using openAL to play audio files. I'm using a uibutton to play an audio file. I access this play method that loads and plays the audio file from an object called oalPlayback. I have connected this button and method in interface builder by dragging the object into the nib /xib window. I then shift drag the button to the object to a...