
iPhone Settings

Is there any way to access the iPhone/iPod touch settings programatically ? Thanks. Biranchi ...

do I need programming experience to start iphone app development?

i want to learn how to develop apps for iphone but i have no programming experience. Do I need to know code or can I learn as I go with the iphone sdk and learning objective c? fras ...

Custom UITableViewCell. Failed to apply UILineBreakModeTailTruncation

Hi, I am creating a custom UITableViewCell with UILabel inside. When I am setting too long text into UILabel, it overlaps bounds of the cell. Looks like I have specified all required properties of UILabel, but still failed to resolve what could be wrong. Possibly I should configure a table or the cell? Could you please advice the wa...

CGFloat array help - iPhone dev

Hi Guys, here is my code: CGFloat components[8];//[8];// = { 0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.5 }; if ([appDelegate.graphType isEqualToString:@"response"]) { CGFloat components[8] = { 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }; } else { if ([appDelegate.graphType isEqualToString:@"uptime"]) { CGFloat components[8] = { 0.694, ...

How to port this doubles into an NSDecimalNumber?

I have a some doubles that I want to port into NSDecimalNumber, because I'm getting too bad floating-point arithmetic errors with them. They are: double one = 0.0000001; double two = 1000000000.0000001; They are very problematic, but I hope that NSDecimalNumber can help out to get calculations right. I'm not that big math genius, so ...

How can I use TFS for iPhone development?

I was struggling with how to use TFS as a source code repository for iPhone development. My boss will never let me use Subversion (or God forbid Perforce), so I was stuck with TFS source control. The solution is to go and buy tools to bridge Mac to TFS, and I am not trying to advertise here, but the Teamprise Client Suite for Mac OS X ...

iPhone: calling UIImagePickerController 'moves' the view that calls it

I recently encountered very strange behaviour with the UIImagePickerController. On our main view we have a button that calls the image picker controller. If you hit cancel on the image picker, I simply dismiss the controller, and for some reason or another my main view moves down roughly about the height of the status bar (which is not...

Two iPhone Simulators at the same time?

Is it possible to run the iphone app in two iphone simulator at the same time? If Yes Let me know?Please. ...

Where to find a description of all the math functions like floorf and others?

math.h is not really a documentation. Is there something else that will describe these functions a but more in detail? ...

Secure and valid way for converting a "float integer" into a natural integer?

I have a CGFloat that contains only "integers", in the meaning that it actually wants to represent integers only but due to float inprecision it may happen that it internally has a 23.00000000000000000000000142 or something like that. I try to feed an NSDecimalNumber with clean input, so I need to make sure this is truly a naked integer ...

what's the biggest integer data type in cocoa-touch and how big can the number be?

I think NSInteger, but maybe there's something that can hold larger values? How big can the number be? ...

Access iTunes library on Mac from iPhone app

Is there a way I can connect to the iTunes library on Mac from my iPhone app. The functionality which is available in Remote app from apple. I beleive this is something to do with bonjour programming. Can anyone provide me any head start and point me in the right direction to look for? Thanks ...

Adjust size of MPMediaPickerController's view ?

In my application I don't use the upper bar that displays Wi-Fi/Date/Time because it's a game. However I need to be able to let my user to pick his music, so I'm using a MPMediaPickerController. The problem is, that when I present my controller, the controller ends up leaving a 10 pixels ( aprox ) bar at the top of the screen, just in th...

Difference between quartz2d on iphone and mac

There is difference between quartz2d on iphone and mac? where can i find a list of that? Every book i founded in amazon is dedicate to programming quartz on mac. ...

How to make sure an NSDecimalNumber represents no fractional digits?

I want to do some fairly complex arithmetics that require very high precision, i.e. calculating 10000000000 + 0.00000000001 = 10000000000.00000000001 10000000000.00000000001 * 3 = 30000000000.00000000003 I want to use NSDecimalNumber for this kind of math, but the problem is: How to feed it with these values? The documentation says: ...

iPhone Memory Leaks

If an application produces a lot of memory leaks, are they "just" an in-app problem or are they also in RAM after the termination of the application? So does the iPhone OS release the memory allocated for the sandboxed application? Thank you ...

Files from Document folder on iPhone Simulator are sometimes different

Hi, I have noticed that my application's Document folder is sometimes different. The workflow was following: I started writing files into Document folder (File Set A). And it appeared empty one time. So I decided to write files again (different files) (File Set B). After the Simulator sometimes starts with files of Set A and someti...


I have an NSMutableArray as a member variable for a class. In the .h file: @interface bleh { NSMutableArray *list; } @property (readonly, assign) NSMutableArray *list; @end In the .m file: @implementation bleh @synthesize list; -(void)init; { list = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:30]; } @end Now, I'm not really an objecti...

Objective C NSCFString Leaks with NSMutableArrays

I am cleaning up my code in a phonebook iPhone application and the Leaks tool in Instruments is reporting that I am leaking NSCFString objects. Here is the pattern that I am following: I have a Person class in my application that has nothing more than local NSString members and associated properties for first name, last name, etc. My ...

Is there a better way of formatting the output of an NSDecimalNumber?

Currently, I am doing it like this: NSDecimalNumber *myDecimalNumber = // ... assume it's there NSNumber *number = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:[myDecimalNumber doubleValue]]; [myLabel setText:[myNSNumberFormatter stringFromNumber:number]]; First, I have an NSDecimalNumber object. Then I throw that out to double, which I feel is very ve...