I can't find anything anywhere(search engines, docs, here, etc) that shows how to create rounded corners (esp. in a grouped table view) on an element that also clips the subviews.
I have code that properly creates a rounded rectangle out of a path with 4 arcs(the rounded corners) that has been tested in the drawRect: method in my subcla...
I have a TabBarController with 4 viewControllers - one of them is called FlashController.
From within the FlashController.m code, how do I switch to one of the other controllers in myTabBarController? Is there a way to access FlashController's container or parent?
The TabBarController is not referenced anywhere in the FlashControlle...
Does anyone know how I can get the latest coordinated of my annotation after I've dragged a map annotation from a callout of the annotation? How can I access that info? Any code samples would be appreciated.
Is there a way to track UIViewController transitions? As part of analytics, I would like to measure how long the user spends in each UIViewController without adding the code to all the controllers.
Is there any way to get the min rectangle area which contains all the non-transparent part of an UIImage?
Reading pixel by pixel to check where alpha == 0 ...isn't a good way I believe.
Any better way?
Many thanks for reading
I am using a UITextView and I am confused about making the keyboard to disappear. Do I need to use some kind of a notification to make it disappear.
I have a folder on my remote server that has a few .png files in it. I want to download these from within my app and store them in the apps 'Documents' folder. How can I do this?
Before I begin I'll freely admit it's something in my code but it's not blatantly obvious what's causing it.
I'm storing one boolean and four NSDate objects in NSUserDefaults. I have a view that loads the information into controls: boolean into a switch and the 4 date values are loaded as the label on 4 buttons as formatted values. ...
How do I get an NSArray of the NAMES of all files stored in a specific directory such as: "http://www.someurl/somedirectory/"?
My app downloads a small image file from a remote server and I am trying to display it along with some other small image files that are pre-installed in the app. I am using [UIImage imageNamed:@"TheImageName.png"] to get the images (see below for more detail). The pre-installed images display as expected but the image in my apps 'Documen...
This little bit of syntax has been a bit of a confusion for me in Objective-C.
When should I call self.myObject vs just calling myObject.
It seems redundant however they are not interchangeable.
Would someone please enlighten me?
I'm trying to make a bobble head app, but I don't know how to use the movement technology..
Any thoughts?
I am currently getting images from the 'Documents' directory (using -imageWithContentsOfFile:) with no problems except that I cannot get the images to display immediately (for example as soon as touchesEnded was called). I am assuming that this has to do with image caching and that image objects created in the above way are not cached? S...
Hi All,
i have a problem on iphone 3GS.When application installed on phone that time debugger shows various error.These error occured on SDK 3.0
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS3.0.sdk/usr/lib/dyld' has changed; re-reading symbols.
gdb-arm-apple-darwin(3064) malloc: * mmap(size=3443003392) fa...
I want to modify a python application written for the ipod/iphone.
It should copy a string into the clipboard so that I can use it in another application.
Is it possible to access the iphone clipboard using python?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for replying.
A bit of background: The python program is a vocabulary program ru...
How we can make a custom keyboard with button on top next,previous and done..
Is it possible to tween a variable (let's say a float from 0.0 to 2.0 over a period of time) in objective-C?
Something like what TweenMax would do in flash.
I guess the class methods of UIView don't do that. Is it doable maybe with CoreAnimation? Or would someone have to use NSTimer?
I tried to assign a very small number to a double value, like so:
double verySmall = 0.000000001;
9 fractional digits. For some reason, when I multiplicate this value by 10, I get something like 0.000000007. I slighly remember there were problems writing big numbers like this in plain text into source code. Do I have to wrap it in som...
can someone please give me a hint, how I can convert any that a user can enter into a TextField or select from within the Adreebook into a given format?
The Webservice I user wants all Number in a specific format. For Example:
+49 (123) 456789456 must be 49123456789456
0049 (123) 456789456 must be 49123456789456
+49 123 456789...
for my iPhone Project, I woud love to use the TTpickerTextField from Three20 to let the User select a contact from the Addressbook. While I’m really new to cocoa, I don’t understand how to use the Addressbook as a DataSource. As far as I understand, I have to create my own DataSource, that means, get every entry from the Addressb...