
How do I send a very simple status update with the iPhone SDK?

Hi, I'm building an app that will allow the user to send a status update to twitter about something they have done in the app. What is the easiest way to authenticate the user in the settings and have the app update their status when they tap a button? Any help/ sample code is greatly appreciated. -GVG PHP/ iPhone SDK Developer http:/...

iPhone: Blur UIImage

In my iPhone application I have a black-and-white UIImage. I need to blur that image (Gaussian blur would do). iPhone clearly knows how to blur images, as it does that when it draws shadows. However I did not found anything related in the API. Do I have to do blurring by hand, without hardware acceleration? ...

iphone uiwebview array

i want to make an tabbed browser for the iphone.. how do i store uiwebviews in an array and open it with an button like in safari? ...

How to re-load UIView after memory unload?

My main view controller (representing the Main Menu in my app) has a simple UIView with a few sub views. I am using a modal-type design pattern and switch to multiple other view controllers before finally returning to the main menu. The problem is, in my other view controllers (not the main menu one), I often load data-heavy images and t...

ipod touch kCLErrorDomain Code=0 Operation Could not be completed

HI , i m using CoreLocation Framework and getting the location. in Simulator it is working fine . but when i am deploying the app in my iPod Touch 2G with OS 2.2.1 .. it is giving my a strange error .. Error Domain=kCLErrorDomain Code=0 "Operation could not be completed.(kCLErrorDomain error 0.)" What to do ?? can anyone help ?? ...

Overlay on top of Streaming MPMoviePlayerController

I went through the example from apple "MoviePlayer on iPhone" Im trying to overlay on top of the mpmovieplayercontroller, it works perfectly with video clip that is in bundle, but it wont work if i stream the video from the url. the overlay view will just get hide behind the player. is there a way to bring the overlay view up to fro...

Take the photo without the imagepicker

HI Guys! I'm working on a camera application. I want to use a timer to take a photo (without user interaction). But apple provides only UIImagePicker to take snapshots and create videos. is there any other way to do this. or there is a way to take a image automatically through ImagePicker without pressing the take picture button. Thanks...

What's a quick way to test to see a file exists?

I want to quickly check to see if a file exists in my iPhone app's Documents directory (or any path for that matter). I can enumerate through the directory's files, or I can try to open a specific file. What's the fastest way? I just need to know if the file is there or if it does not exist. ...

App store Application Submission Feedback

Hi all, I submitted my application to the App Store and I got that feedback,it is crashing on iPhone 3G running iPhone OS 3.0.1 and Mac OS X 10.5.8. I tested the application on the new SDK simulator 3.0 and replaced the deprecated methods. My question is, how to test the application on Mac OS X 10.5.8. ? Thanks in advance, Sarah ...

UITableView clear data

How to clear whole tableview data and reload with new one? ...

Show/Hide TabBarController in iphone

hi, i am making an application in iphone in which i have 4 tabbars & in one of its tab i have 4 views in 2nd view it needs to hide the tab bar. I am able to hide the tab bar using the setHidesBottomBarWhenPushed:YES in in the initWithNib method of the Viewcontroller being pushed. But when navigating to the screen 3 , calling the same met...

Sharing NSOperationQueue across View Controllers?

I'm using an NSOperationQueue to manage HTTP connections (using ASI-HTTPRequest). Since I have multiple views and the need to have these different views requesting HTTP connections, should I try to create a global NSOperationQueue in the app delegate, or should I have one in each of the views? I'm not familiar with NSOperationQueue. I'd...

How to disable iphone UI?

I start doing some things on multiple threads and I want to disable the UI while the new thread is working so that the user doesn't accidentally launch a duplicate. Is there a good way to do this? ...

How to decode shift-jis encoded data in an XML document using Cocoa (iPhone)

Hi, I have an XML document that may have shift-jis encoded data in it and I'm trying to parse it using an NSXMLParser object. Ordinarily I assume the document is UTF8 encoded and all is well - does anyone know if/how I can determine if an element is shift-jis encoded and then how to decode it? Thanks ...

Call,Message,Email,URL is store

Hi I want to know where log of following is store in iphone: 1) Call Log 2) Message Log 3) Email Log 4) Url Log. Is there any database created in iphone? if yes then how i Fetch all these log Thanks ...

Common multithreading mistakes beginners make on iPhone...

I just introduced multithreading into my app JUST to get a silly UIActivityIndicatorView to work. Well, the activity indicator works, alright -- but now my app crashes sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't -- under otherwise controlled conditions... I need to figure this out but don't know where to start looking... So, what are some commo...

iPhone SDK: GameKit and large files + connection lost

Hello! Since some time I've been playing with GameKit, but now I'm facing relly bad difficulties. I'm going to send through Bluetooth bigger files - 1-2MB. I've already prepared a packets (about 8kB each). My app works as described on followin scheme: iPhone - sending header: file divided into 25 parts iPod - received header: OK I go...

Display image blobs directly in UIWebView?

I have a bunch of images stored in my database as blobs that I need to include in a UIWebView. I'd like to do this directly -- without first saving them as temp files. Is there a way to display images in UIWebView with raw data instead of a URL? ...

remove every type of subview from uiscrollview?

hello all i am using this code to show flip animation...... i have a uiview with scrollview(paging enabled)...so it shows a view like a page...now i also have done flip animation using this code.... -(void)flipView { flashCardAnswerController *flashCardAnswerControllerobj = [[flashCardAnswerController alloc] initWithNibName:@"Flash...

IPhone - Animate from Loading Screen to Main Application View

I have an IPhone application that I want to attempt login and do some initial setup before showing the UI. I currently have my Default.png set to an image and I have a view that has that same image. When my app loads the Default.png loads and then my loading screen loads. The loading screen is the view for my root view controller in t...