I'm trying to keep track of my sprites in an array, add and remove
them from layers, and then finally clear them out of the array.
I'm using the following code:
Sprite * Trees[50];
Layer * Forest;
Forest = [Layer node];
Forest.isTouchEnabled = YES;
[self addChild:Forest z:30];
// do this a bunch of times
Trees[0] = [[Sprite spriteWi...
I have released an app with the 2.2.1 SDK, to realize that I'm pointlessly losing a big percentage of customers still on firmware 2.2 (See this article: http://arstechnica.com/apple/news/2009/03/app-store-lessons-firmware-followup.ars) So I'm thinking of updating the app to the previous SDK, 2.2.
I was wondering if anyone has run into a...
I'm implementing tableView viewForHeaderInSection where I return a nib loaded UITableViewCell.
I've simplified it for the purpose of this question.
`- (UIView *)tableView:(UITableView )tableView viewForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section {
UIView header = [CellFactoryController newSectionHeader];
header.text = "Some Text De...
My application is database driven. Each row contains the main content column I display in a UIWebView. Most of the rows (the content column) have a reference to image1 and some to image2. I convert these to base64 and add the image string into the row. However, if either image changes, it means I have to go back through all the rows ...
I'm having a small problem with request caching using NSURLConnection asynchronous connections on the iPhone. I don't know if I understood something incorrectly, or if Cocoa is doing the opposite to what it's supposed to do...
The documentation for NSURLRequest says that:
Specifies that ...
I'd like a link in a UIWebView that plays a local .mp4 file. I know how to load the MPMoviePlayerControler but am not sure how to set it up in the UIWebView. I have a UIView with a UIWebView inside of it. How do I use the MPMoviePlayerControler with this setup?
I'm working through the Stanford iPhone programming course online. The Presence app assignment pulls Twitter and displays each one in a separate UITableViewCell.
Updates often include URL's and I'd like to know how to display just the URL text in blue, having it be tappable. I can parse the text for URL's with no problem, just no idea...
I have a Owners class defined that is used just fine in existing classes.
I tried to add another class, and no matter what I do (deleted, recreated new class, copied other class files over and renamed, cleaned all targets, howled at the moon), I cannot use this particular class in any new files I create.
The class is simple with a sing...
I can't find any documentation to confirm this, but it appears that you can only call the method stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString in overridden methods from a UIWebView delegate. Can anyone confirm this?
Here's what I've tried. I setup a button on a view, link it to a method on my viewcontroller, and make sure it works fine. My ...
Sorry if this is obvious or covered elsewhere, but i've been googling all day and haven't found a solution that actually worked.
My problem is as follows: I am currently drawing an image in a full screen UIView, for examples sake we'll say the image is in the bottom right corner of the UIView. I'd like to do a rotation transform(CGAffin...
I'm trying to animate a layer's position. It animates, but it's frame property is not updated at the end of the animation, it seems only its presentationLayer is. Here's what I'm doing:
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint (path, NULL, layer.frame.origin.x, layer.frame.origin.y);
Take CABasicAnimation for example. How do you lower the frame rate (overhead)? Animations run smooth, but my touchesMoved method skips a beat. Want to reduce the animation frame rate so touchesMoved is not skipping movements.
I would like to use the JSON-framework ObjC library, which is licensed under BSD license, in my iPhone application. The thing is, I'm not sure what does the BSD license require me to do. The text of the license states that:
Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the follo...
Hi, I'm writing an iPhone app in simulator/debug mode at the moment. I'd like to know, after I build it, where does the binary go? I want to send this file to my friend to show him what I'm doing so far.
Also, how do I package apps into .dmg files? That seems to be the better format to send app to other people?
In a UIWebView, I provide a link to http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSString_Class/Reference/NSString.html. In the simulator, TOC doesn't load. A space for it appears then quickly hides. However, on the iPhone, TOC loads and doesn't hide. User has to click the hide TOC link. What is the si...
My team and I have an app which we're going to be submitting to the store pretty soon, but we know that we'll be selling the app to another company in the near future. Does anyone have any experience with moving an app's ownership to another account?
Specifically, when I sell an app to another company...
... how do we move the app to t...
I am binding live events on links in my PhoneGap app. The event does fire successfully (confirmed by alert()ing), but it seems any touch data is not attached to the event object like it should be. This happens on all touch events - touchstart, touchmove, and touchend.
$('a').live('touchend', function(event) {
I'm having trouble running the Leaks Instrument since installing the 3.0 SDK. An NDA disclaimer here I don't think this is a 3.0 SDK issue, just a configuration problem. So I'm looking for advice on configuring the tools in question not the 3.0 SDK per se.
Here’s the breakdown of the behavior I am seeing.
My Application is compiled to ...
I need to add more views to a view for handling multiple webaddress and the clicks on the labels. I try to do it in a for statement. My code is something like that:
// we have a UITabbarViewController for holding amongs other the parentViewController
UITabBarController *tabbedViewController = [[UITabBarController alloc] init];
// creat...
UIWebView, UIColor or UITextField for example have no entries in http://developer.apple.com/search.php or the documentation that comes with Xcode. Are these documented somewhere?