
iphone app programming: existing plist file for time zones?

Is there a plist file that lists the timezones and maybe a corresponding city? Being able to select a couple of time zones (independent of the users location/iphone settings) is a requirement in an application I am writing. I am hoping I don't have to reformat some existing list into a plist. Thanks, Mike. ...

Synchronizing UIScrollView scrolling

I have three UIScrollViews, scrollView1, scrollView2, and scrollView3. When scrollView1 is scrolled then scrollView2 should scroll horizontally with it, and when scrollView3 is scrolled then scrollView2 should scroll vertically with it. How can I do this? ...

Memory leak while using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(imageView.image,nil, nil, nil);?

Memory leak while using UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(imageView.image,nil, nil, nil);? how can i remove memory leak for this situation? when i try with out this line,There is no memory leak. ...

How can i rotate an arrow image by touch on that image ?

I am working on a project where i need to rotate an image by touching it. It can be rotate faster or slower depending on how the user touches it. Can you show me some tutorials or how this can be done? ...

iPhone app crashes from Finder

Hi, I've written an iPhone app and only tested it with the simulator as I don't have an actual iPhone. If I Build and Go, I can see the app running. But if I go to Finder and then open it through the project's build folder, it just crashes immediately. Does anyone know the reason for this? ...

Sqlite3 gives "no such table" error on iPhone

I created a sqlite3 database, created tables and insert some data. I can retrieve using select query by using terminal application. But when i add this database to my iPhone application resources and try to access data programatically I get error as "no such table: table name" Why does this happen? ...

How to integrate third Party API with iphone SDK

Hi, In am developing one application for iphone, where I want to integrate third party API's with my application. I have two .h files and one .a files. The header files contains some method and I want to invoked that method into my application. I set the header search path and library search path. Then I tried to invoked the method...

How can i use MYSQL database connection in iphone application useing cocos2d ?

I am working on project and i need to connect MYSQL database. I am success to connect SQLite in my project ( using cocos2d).But i can not connect MYSQL database in my project. I any one do like this than help me for how to connect . Give me the necessary information. ...

How to save password in iphone?

Hi, I need to create an IPhone Application...Which will communicate with a website...so it requires username and password...Now I need to know how to save the username and password in iphone...I have already used NSuserdefaults...but that didnt solved my pblm....Also I need to restore the view...from where the user exits the application...

When does autorelease release on an iPhone app?

I understand you need to be careful with autorelease on the iPhone. I have a method that is returning a class it allocs which is needed by the caller so in this situation as I understand it, I need to send autorelease to the object in the callee before it returns. This is fine, but once control returns to the phone (i.e. after my button...

Handling interruptions with Audio queue

Hi I am developing an audio streamer and have declared an interruption listener to save state of a song when an interruption occurs - like an incoming call or an sms. Here is the relevant code In my AppDelegate, I have this AudioSessionInitialize (NULL, NULL, interruptionListenerCallback, self); AudioSessionSetActive(YES); This is ...

where to store media files in an iPhone app

I am new to writing iPhone apps, but I have an idea for one. The only problem is that the app I want to write will require a ton of very tiny sound files. I want to organize everything in a hierarchy of folders in the app, but allow the user to add more sounds later, possibly from the music collection or something. Basically, the user...

Bundle videos or download later?

I have an application that uses small videos I've created to demonstrate the concepts explained in particular topics. The videos are at least 3MB and I'm unsure of the max but probably 5MB. For v1.0, I'd like to distribute 5 videos. That's ~15MB plus about another meg for the app. Should I distribute the videos through iTunes, where ...

How do you handle Potrait and Landscape Views?

I understand you can specify a landscape , for the entire application but what if its partially in landscape and partially in portrait. Currently I have some views that are basically Images. These images have been rotated so that the user knows certain sections of the application are going to be in Landscape mode. All my UILabels are al...

iPhone UIWebView - How do you set the zoom level and position?

I'm displaying a series of tiled images in a UIWebView and would like to programmatically set the UIWebview's initial zoom and view location. How does one go about doing so? ...

Using Instruments Leaks & Object Alloc: Are autoreleased objects counted as leaks?

I have an iPhone app that's getting memory warnings and so I'm trying to find leaks, make more efficient use of memory, etc., with the help of Instruments. Amongst other things, I'm trying to take out any autoreleased objects and replace with manual alloc/init/release objects. However, some API calls don't appear to have an 'init' versio...

Changing a view's visibility affect's parent's clipping

Hi, I've encountered a really, really weird behavior mix that I believe has to be a bug, and I'd like to either be enlightened, or work with you guys to find a workaround. The issue is as follows: UIView* bigView UIView* barView UIView* buttonView UIView* imagesView buttonView and imagesView are children of barView, which in turn i...

need a 24 bits type in objc

Hello, I need to a variable which holds a 24 bits value, what should I use ? Also, do you know a list of all available types in Objc? Thanks a lot. ...

Custom colors in UITabBar

Is it possible to use custom colors and background images in a UITabBar? I realize that Apple would like everyone to use the same blue and gray tab bars, but is there any way to customize this? Second, even I were to create my own TabBar-like view controller, along with custom images, would this violate Apple's Human Interface Guidelin...

CoreAudio AudioTimeStamp.mHostTime clock frequency?

I'm running into a bit of a problem with AudioTimeStamps on the iPhone. When I'm running my application in the simulator the AudioTimeStamp.mHostTime appears to be in nanoseconds (1,000,000,000th of a second) whereas when running on my device (iPod Touch 2G) the frequency appears to be about 6,000,000th of a second. It appears that on O...