
PayPal IPN on port other than 80

Has anybody tried using Paypal's IPN on a port other than 80? I'm trying to specify a URL like http://domain.com:8080/url/to/ipn.php but the IPN request isn't getting through. If I hit the URL directly from my browser it works fine. ...

PHP: How to check for response code?

Hi, I'm a relative PHP newbie implementing a PayPal IPN listener and all seems to be working fine, except I dont really know how to check for a response code. I've tried something ugly with cURL but it doesn't work at all (I'm not understanding cURL). I've tried this piece of code that I grabbed from somewhere on the net: $fp = fsock...


Hey all... I'm trying to figure out how to use PayPal's IPN and I've run into a wall. I want a buyer to be forwarded to a success page after making a purchase, and I want that page to show the details of their transaction. I choose IPN instead of the PDT because I also want to do some other behind the scenes stuff with their data. Any...

paypal ipn passing parameter

I wanted to get the userid from paypal after the user have made his payment. Pay.php <form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?php echo $merchant_email ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="IPN test"> <in...

Paypal IPN not works for subscription

Paypal IPN doesnot return any variable for subscription payment, I have spent more than a week, still i haven't break the wall. I am using host gator webhosting service. please send the the working example...thankyou [email protected] ...

Paypal IPN setup...Ship to Zipcode and auto calculation

Hi I have successfully setup paypal IPN on my site and its working fine. From my paypal account I have set options to ass shipping and tax calculations(only if it's Iowa). But the only issue is, on the paypal checkout page it's asking me to enter the "Ship to Zipcode" manually...if I enter and update only then the net payable is getting...

Setting up PayPal to allow my site's members to charge others

I have a site where members write specialized articles. I'd like to allow my members the option of putting up a PayPal button to charge their readers for these articles. Basically, I'd like to set it up so that a member can choose to charge for content or not. If they choose to charge for an article, then their reader must pay via P...

Paypal IPN how to get current session

I want to get my previous $_SESSION['cart'] to the Paypal IPN Sample of IPN Code I use. Everything working fine and script got the $_POST data from Paypal. if (strcmp ($res, "VERIFIED") == 0) { $subject = time(); $to = '[email protected]'; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $body .= "\n$key: $value"; ...

Can someone show me the "hello world" of Paypal IPN?

I'd like to set up a PayPal donation box, and use their IPN protocol to monitor when donations come in. The documentation is enormously complex and full of features I'm not interested in. Is there a short snippet -- ideally in Python -- that shows how to, say, connect to Paypal, loop forever, and print "Just got $5" every time a donation...

Paypal IPN failures - IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing:

We are getting this message from paypal and payments are now failing (although everything was working fine for the last month) Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing: http://[www.OURCLIENTSURLISHERE]/shop/paypal/standard/ipn/ If you do not recogni...

PHP filter POST from PayPal IPN?

I have a PayPal IPN PHP file set up which assigns all of the IPN post contents variables to variables. This file is only 'hit' from paypal.com (ie nobody should know it's url). My question is should I take the necessary steps to filter and sanitize the POST data from PayPal or is masking my IPN file name (IPN_082j3f08jasdf.php) enough? ...

How to treat payment status on IPN

I was thinking how to treat the payment status in my database. I want to store all payments in my database (also the pending ones). But we have to check in the IPN process if there is already a payment with such txn_id, right? Let's suppose I receive a payment that is pending and I store it on my database. After that, when the payment ...

[PayPal] exchange_rate IPN question

Hi... I'm confused about WHEN I'll get a exchange_rate non-null value from IPN... If I have option "block payments from other currencies etc" set to "No, but convert to USD" (in the payment receiving options of account) do I will ALWAYS get the mc_gross already converted to USD and null exchange_rate? Could someone explain-me it more ...

PayPal IPN - minimum fields required for a purchase button?

I am using "buy it now" PayPal buttons but I DO NOT want to use the previously saved buttons on my PayPal account, I want to create a custom form that has a submit button. However, I need to know which fields are the minimum required ones for a form. I thought it would be something like this <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_s-xcl...

PayPal: IPN and PDT scripts working together and simultaniously

Hi, I am working on integrating PaylPal as a payment module in my webshop. I use PHP and Mysql. After a payment has been made with PayPal the customer is redirected to my webshop. At that time my IPN en DPT scripts are called simultaniously. I do that because sometimes IPN has a (tiny) delay. I don't want my customer to wait for the IP...

Using Paypal IPN for subscription-like purchase

I'm trying to integrate paypal in a php website but I'm not sure how to use IPN.. or if IPN is the right choice. In general, for $8 a user can post something for 30 days. After 30 days their posting will expire. For this I will need to insert into the database the date the user made a payment. Is this possible with IPN? If yes, can som...

Django: Integrating Avangate IPN

Does anyone have example code showing how to process the Avangate IPN (Instant Payment Notification) in a Django app? In particular, I'm interested in seeing examples of creating the hash signature for the response. ...

IPN simulator 403 with codeigniter

i get a 403 with the IPN simulator my site is online (not on localhost) and i m using the paypal_lib library any idea what could cause this? this is the message from the IPN simulator : IPN delivery failed. HTTP error code 403: Forbidden ...

Paypal IPN Acknowledge Failing Only On Live Site (Not In Sandbox)

We're trying to get IPN working with the Paypal gem (Paypal::Notification). Everything works fine in the sandbox, but against the live site paypal returns INVALID every time for acknowledge. Here is the code: def ipn # Create a notify object we must notify = Paypal::Notification.new(request.raw_post) logger.info "ORDER_CREATE:RAW_R...

Paypal IPN subscription and single payment at sametime

Is it possible to have items, one time payments, and a re-occurring subscription in the same payment? so only one total payment is made at first until the subscription requires renewal. Looking through the documentation I don't think this is possible I just need verification. ...