
is ipv6 backward compatable with ipv4?

I've got a little udp example program written using ipv4. If I alter the code to ipv6 would I still be able to communicate with anyone using the listener with an ipv4 address? I was looking at porting examples at http://ou800doc.caldera.com/en/SDK_netapi/sockC.PortIPv4appIPv6.html I'm not sure if simply altering the code would ensure ...

testing ipv6 applications

Hi All, I have a network application that I need to convert so that it works for ipv6 network. Could you please let me know what I need to do (replace socket APIs)? One more thing, how can I test my application? Thanks. ...

Visual Studio: How to make Cassini listen on ::1?

Visual Studio's internal development web-server only listens for connections from the local computer. Unfortunatly, the web-server only binds to the IPv4 loopback address: On machines with IPv6 enabled (i.e. Windows Vista, Window 7), it does not bind to the IPv6 loopback address: ::1 When you push play in Visual Studio, ...

Get IPv4 addresses from Dns.GetHostEntry()

I've got some code here that works great on IPv4 machines, but on our build server (an IPv6) it fails. In a nutshell: IPHostEntry ipHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry(string.Empty); The documentation for GetHostEntry says that passing in string.Empty will get you the IPv4 address of the localhost. This is what I want. The problem is that...

Resources to get started with IPv4/IPv6 basics and development

I'm looking for resources and book which one can use to get started with IPv4 and IPv6 network development. The most relevant book I've came up so far is "Unix Network Programming, Volume 1: The Sockets Networking API (3rd Edition)" which covers both protocols but apart from that I did not find very much. The information I'm looking fo...

How to convert IPv6 from binary for storage in MySQL

Hello, I am trying to store IPv6 addresses in MySQL 5.0 in an efficient way. I have read the other questions related to this, such as this one. The author of that question eventually chose for two BIGINT fields. My searches have also turned up another often used mechanism: Using a DECIMAL(39,0) to store the IPv6 address. I have two ques...

Geolocation with IPv6?

I'm working on an IP geolocation library that uses the first three octets of an IPv4 address to determine a user's country, city, lat, lon, etc. Works like a charm. But it doesn't handle IPv6 addresses, and I'd like it to do so. Is there any way to transform an IPv6 address to get the equivalent of the first three octets of an IPv4 add...

IPv6 and SoapTcpTransport.GetInputChannel (WSE)

I’m having a problem getting IPv6 addresses to work with the .NET WSE SoapTcpTransport.GetInputChannel or more specifically SoapReceivers.Add, which uses GetInputChannel under the covers. Since no one else on the planet seems to be having this issue, I assume that I’m doing something wrong. If I create a SOAP input channel using an IPv...

IPv6 zone resolution

Firstly, I'm new to the specifics of IPv6 so I wouldn't be surprised if this is just a mis-understanding of IPv6 routing. Consider the situation where I am running a P2P overlay network , part of which lives within the boundaries of a single LAN. The nodes within this LAN have the following link local addresses (as viewed by themselves):...

How to display ipv6 address on a web page?

I'd like to display an IPv6 address on a web page, as done on http://ipv6.whatismyv6.com/ What's the best way to do this? A code sample would be most awesome. ...

Since IPv6 Is Going To Replace IPv4,Should I Develop My New Application To Support It?

I develop applications using many languages, and a few platforms. From what I am reading IPv6 is going to be mainstream within then next 5-10 years, and that some ISP's even offer direct connection to the IPv6 internet. On my private network - all the machines have dual stacks and communicate with each other using ipv6 when possible. My...

Link-scope IPv6 Multicast packets suddenly not routable on a MacBook Pro?

Hi all, This is a slightly obscure question, but I'm stumped and I thought maybe somebody out there might have more of a clue on the issue. My co-worker has been successfully running an in-house application that uses IPv6 multicasting on his MacBook Pro for several months, but today the Mac decided to stop routing the multicast packets...

Is there a notification mechanism for when getifaddrs() results change?

Hi all, On startup, my program calls getifaddrs() to find out what network interfaces are available for link-local IPv6 multicasting. This works as far as it goes, but it doesn't handle the case where the set of available network interfaces changes after getifaddrs() has returned. Is there some way for the OS to notify my program when...

C# IPv6 Server error

I'm trying to create a small HTTP server in C# but I'm having some trouble with IPv6 clients. I have IPv6 support on my machine but when I try to create a listening socket it fails. Log("Creating server socket on port {0}", LogType.Info, _port); _serversocket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, SocketType.Stream, Prot...

C# server that supports IPv6 and IPv4 on the same port

Is it possible to have a Socket that listens and accepts both IPv6 and IPv4 clients? I used a IPv6 socket in C# hoping that it would automatically be backwards compatible but IPv4 clients cause an invalid ip address exception. ...

Is there a new library for Java that supports IPv6 on Solaris?

I'm doing the following to lookup an Internet address. It fails specifically on Solaris machines that have IPv6 nameservers in the resolv.conf. Works fine on Windows machines that have IPv6 nameservers and on IPv4 only Solaris machines. From the error returned it appears that the Java "getAttributes" line is failing internally (somewh...

Determining when to try an IPv6 connection and when to use IPv4.

I'm working on a network client program that connects to public servers, specified by the user. If the user gives me a hostname to connect to that has both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (commonly, a DNS name with both A and AAAA records), I'm not sure how I should decide which address I should connect to. The problem is that it's quite commo...

Binding an IPv6 server socket on Windows

I try to bind an IPv6 server socket in Java 1.6 on Windows 7, using this fragment: ssock = ServerSocketChannel.open(); ServerSocket sock = ssock.socket(); sock.bind(new InetSocketAddress(InetAddress.getByAddress(new byte[16]), 0)); Unfortunately, this fails with an IOException: Address family not supported by protocol family: bind I...

IPv6 address validation and canonicalization

What libs have you used for that? How compatible are they with one another? Or did you write your own parsing routine? I'm particularly interested in mutually-compatible implementations for Java, C++, Python, and JavaScript, which support: zero compression ("::") IPv4-mapped addresses ("::ffff:") canonicalization (includ...

What is the purpose of the AI_V4MAPPED flag in getaddrinfo?

The getaddrinfo call has many interesting flags. I'm wondering what the purpose of the AI_V4MAPPED flag is. On no system do I seem to be able to get getaddrinfo to produce ::ffff:n.n.n.n form addresses as I would expect when I set this flag. Am I expecting the wrong thing? Am I seeing bugs? In particlar, if I ask for AF_INET6 family...