I'm trying to start the console (irb) in Ruby 1.9 with Rails 2.3.4. I have two versions installed of Ruby (1.9 & 1.8.6) and I run the Ruby 1.9 by calling: rake19, ruby19, gem19...etc
And they work fine in all situations except this! it seems that its trying to load Ruby 1.8 instead! Do you know how I can change that?
Why is my irb history no longer saving?
My version of ruby was compiled with editline (on os x) and I miss the features of readline in irb.
How do I recompile ruby with readline support?
Hi. I'm (extremely) new to Ruby, having started today.
I just moved from my system's Ruby 1.8 installation to Ruby 1.9, compiled from source. In doing so, irb has taken a turn for the worse. It reacts in a most unfriendly way to the non-alphanumeric control keys:
UP key prints: ^[[A
DOWN key prints: ^[[B
DELETE key prints: ^[[3~
I'm running Ruby on Windows though I don't know if that should make a difference. All I want to do is get the current working directory's absolute path. Is this possible from irb? Apparently from a script it's possible using File.expand_path(FILE)
But from irb I tried the following and got a "Permission denied" error:
in ~/.irbrc i have these lines:
require 'irb/ext/save-history'
#History configuration
IRB.conf[:SAVE_HISTORY] = 100
IRB.conf[:HISTORY_FILE] = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.irb-save-history"
and yet when i run irb and hit the up arrow nothing happens. also the irb history file specified is not getting created and nothing is logged to it.
I have a Ruby script that defines a class. I would like the script to execute the statement
BoolParser.generate :file_base=>'bool_parser'
only when the script is invoked as an executable, not when it is require'd from irb (or passed on the command line via -r). What can I wrap around the statement above to prevent it from executing ...
Similar to this question, except in JRuby (it works in MRI Ruby). Alt-left prints a "b" in my console. Very annoying!
To clarify, I've setup my terminal as described in this article, mapping option-left to escape-b.
I am getting very strange outputs from my IRB console. Here it is:
irb(main):001:0> File.dirname(__FILE__)
=> ←[0;31m"←[0;0m←[0;36m.←[0;0m←[0;31m"←[0;0m
Seems like an encoding issue, right? I am not sure why this is happening. Any ideas how to fix it?
I my model I would like to check if the app is running inside IRB consol or as a website?
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def xmethod
if !isIRBconsol
self.user_id = UserSession.find.user.id
When I try to run the following, I get an error back from ActiveRecord stating that the connector hasn't been found.
require 'activerecord'
:adaptor => "sqlite3",
:database => "db.sqlite3"
Error Message:
>> ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection("adaptor" => "sqlite3-ruby")
I have a library that I'm trying to get working with rails 3 (specifically feedzirra) which I can require ok in irb but it breaks the console in my app with the following error:
I can change the irb prompt mode with
irb --prompt prompt-mode
I can see what null and simple does, but I can't tell the difference between null and xmp and the difference between default/classic/inf-ruby. Can someone explain to me what these other modes do? It seems pointless to have multiple modes doing the same thing.
For instance, in Python, I can do things like this if I want to get all attributes on an object:
>>> import sys
>>> dir(sys)
['__displayhook__', '__doc__', '__excepthook__', '__name__', '__package__', '__stderr__', '__stdin__', '__stdout__', '_clear_type_cache', '_current_frames', '_getframe', 'api_version', 'argv', 'builtin_module_name...
I'm really tired of typing my_ar_object.errors.full_messages in my console when i'm testing things...
So, I want to define this:
module ActiveRecord
class Base
def err
in my ~/.irbrc so that it is exclusive to script/console.
I don't want to define it in some rails initializer since...
If you have seen my previous questions, you'd already know I am a big nuby when it comes to Ruby. So, I discovered this website which is intended for C programming, but I thought whatever one can do in C, must be possible in Ruby (and more readable too).
The challenge is to print out a bunch of numbers. I discovered this nifty met...
As I am going through my journey by adopting the Ruby language, I spend a lot of time inside IRb. It's just fantastic! But, as I am not very aware of it's capabilities, and still a nuby with Ruby, I would like to know the following:
How can I 'flush' the session,
without restarting IRb (or is this
not possible).
How can I configur...
I'm trying to write a rake task that will set up an environment mirroring my project.
task :environment do
require 'rubygems'
require 'sequel'
# require 'my_projects_special_files'
task :foo => [:environment] do
require 'irb'
Leads to irb complaining that "foo" doesn't exist (the name of the task)
Trying to understand this problem I'm running into.
I create file welcome.rb.
The contents of this file:
welcome_message = "hi there"
I then launch an irb session.
And type require 'welcome'. That works fine.
Then I type:
puts welcome_message
I get the error message undefined local variable or method `welcome_message' for main:Obj...
Here's what I've tried:
1. gem install awesome_print
2. echo "require 'ap'" >> ~/.irbrc
3. chmod u+x ~/.irbrc
4. script/console
5. ap { :test => 'value' }
NameError: undefined local variable or method `ap' for #