
Loading numpy into IronPython

Hi, I've recently installed Ironpython + tools and having trouble loading external modules (numpy). this is my test code: import numpy numpy.test() when writing my simple test, intellisense can find numpy, however when it's run from vs2010, I get: ImportException was unhandled by user code: No module named numpy IronPython Consol...

IronPython - What kind of database is useable

Hello, i'm using IronPython 2.6 for .Net4 to build an GUI logging application. This application received data via serialport and stores these data in an sqlite3 database while showing the last 100 received items in an listview. The listview gathers it's data via an SQL SELECT from the database every 100ms. It only querys data that is n...

Why is IronPython so much slower to import modules when built as an exe then as a script?

I wrote a small script for work and when developing it everything was fine but when I turned it over for production use people complained about the time it took to display the first form. Looking into it, all the time seemed to be spent in importing various modules used by the script. I made a new script of just the import statements a...

Adding static method to IronPython scope

Assume I have the following code: public static class Foo { public static void Bar() {} } In IronPython, I would like to have: Bar() Without having to include the Foo on the line. Now, I know I can say: var Bar = Foo.Bar Bar() But I would like to add Bar to the ScriptScope in my C# code using SetVariable. How can I do this...

cannot access protected member ... without a python subclass of ...

bt_volver is a System.Web.UI.webcontrols.button and it's just a code it used to work fine in 2.0 IronPython 2.6.911.0 in ASP.NET webforms Visual Studio 2008 Professional 9.0.30729.1 SP cannot access protected member bt_volver without a python subclass of abmlocalidades_aspx Error de código fuente: Línea 7: else: bt...

How to develop IronPython applications on Mono?

I might need to write some GUI application that runs on .Net (and Windows), while what I can work with is Mono (on Ubuntu and/or Gentoo). I am very familiar with Python; in addition, I understand that the Mono Windows.Forms assemblies seem to be satisfactorily usable (I've run successfully .Net applications using Windows.Forms). What ar...

IronPython: How many script engines should I have?

Generally speaking, should I keep one ScriptEngine for the life of the application or should I create and destroy them as needed? ...

translating line of code from C# to IronPython

I need to convert this line of code from an c# page to IronPython, how would it be? ((IPostBackEventHandler)Button1).RaisePostBackEvent(null); ...

clr.AddReferenceToFile() fails in IronPython 2.7

Can someone explain why this code: import sys sys.path.append("C:\\WINDOWS\\system32") import clr clr.AddReferenceToFile("wiimotelib.dll") works fine with IronPython 2.6, but fails in IronPython 2.7 alpha 1 with an IOException, and the message: Could not add reference to assembly wiimotelib.dll Is this new behaviour in 2.7, or is ...

Get length of IEnumerable?

What's the fastest way to get the length of an .net IEnumerable<T> in IronPython? The Python standard len() function doesn't seem to work on it. I know I can do len(list(my_enumerable)) or list(my_enumerable).Count But that might be slower than necessary. ...

IronPython, importing Modules.

Hi. I follow the example from the best answer here to a T, compiling with I get an exception at pyScope = pyEngine.ImportModule("MyClass"); no module named MyClass I believe this to be a bug as sometimes recompilation with will pro...

How to add a new project type to IronPython Studio?

I'm trying to follow this tutorial, but it only describes how to add a new project type based on C#. I want to create a new project (sub)type underneath IronPython. I've downloaded the IronPython source code, and I think I've found the place where I need to add my new template, but I don't know how to "run" it. VS tells me I can't run t...

Serializing IronPython Objects Which Inherit From CLR Types

This may be a bit of a weird question, but is there any reliable way to serialize IronPython objects whose classes extend CLR types? For instance: class Foo(System.Collections.Generic.List[str]): def Test(self): print "test!" System.Collections.Generic.List<string> is serializable with Pickle, as it implements the ISerial...

IronPython - How do I import Gzip?

I am trying to use IronPython under VS 2010. I need Gzip, but there is no (that I can find) documentation to tell me how to "reference" or add a module. Can anyone tell how to add Gzip please. ...

IronPython gzip

Is there a direct equivalent of gzip for IronPython? ...

Where is Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll?

I installed IronPython 2.6.1 on Windows Vista x64 on a machine with Visual Studio 2010 installed. I expected to find these DLLs: Microsoft.Scripting.Core.dll Microsoft.Scripting.ExtensionAttribute.dll ... in the IronPython directory, but they are not there. Is this a difference between IronPython 2.6.0 and 2.6.1 or do I have a proble...

Python Triple Quoted Strings in Visual Studio 2010

I'm used to using Idle for Python development, but decided to give Visual Studio 2010 + IronPython a try last week. It seems to work fine, but I noticed that triple-quoted (multi-line) strings don't highlight correctly in the editor. See photo: Does anyone else have this problem or know of a good fix? Apart from that bug, Visual St...

IronPython -> .exe Executable & distribute with all DLLs HELP

Been trying to compile this IronPython program into a working .exe for the past 3-4 hours with no luck. I'm using the that came with "IronPython 2.6 for .NET 4.0" D:\IronTestCompile>ipy /out:Program / /target:exe The program compiles out to Program.dll & Program.exe but the Program.exe ca...

Does IronPython .net based DLL need to be deployed with Python Standard Library if it uses the Standard Library?

If I reference the Python Standard Library using IronPython do I have to deploy any Python related libraries or runtimes along with my .net dll? Or, can I just deploy the dll? ...

Building a Visual Studio Package based on another one

I want to add my own project type based on IronStudio. So, I downloaded the source for and compiled the latest version of IronPython, then I created a new Visual Studio Package. I added the Templates\Projects\MyProject folders, and added a file to it, and set its property "Include in VSIX" to true. Then modified the main Package cla...