
Remove elements as you traverse a list in Python

In Java I can do by using an Iterator and then using the .remove() method of the iterator to remove the last element returned by the iterator, like this: import java.util.*; public class ConcurrentMod { public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> colors = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList("red", "green", "blue",...

How to loop through WPF StackPanel static Items?

Probably very easy but I am having trouble to figure this out (also Google doesn't seem to help much). How can I loop through the statically declared elements (no databinding - elements are declared in the xaml) of a StackPanel? Any help appreciated! ...

Python - Iterate over all classes

How can I iterate over a list of all classes loaded in memory? I'm thinking of doing it for a backup, looking for all classes inheriting from db.Model (Google App Engine). Thanks, Neal Walters ...

How can I iterate through nested arrays in Perl?

I have created an array as follows while (defined ($line = `<STDIN>`)) { chomp ($line); push @stack,($line); } each line has two numbers. 15 6 2 8 how do iterate over each item in each line? i.e. I want to print 15 6 2 8 I understand it's something like foreach (@{stack}) (@stack){ p...

Iteration through GroupCollection in C#

Hi, I'm currently trying to implement the use of regular expressions: Regex reg_gameinfo = new Regex(@"PokerStars Game #(?<HID>[0-9]+):\s+(?:HORSE)? \(?(?<GAME>Hold'em|Razz|7 Card Stud|Omaha|Omaha Hi/Lo|Badugi) (?<LIMIT>No Limit|Limit|Pot Limit),? \(?(?<CURRENCYSIGN>\$|)?(?<SB>[.0-9]+)/\$?(?<BB>[.0-9]+) (?<CURRENCY>.*)\) - (...

How to remove elements from a generic list while iterating around it?

I am looking for a better 'pattern' for working with a list of elements which each need processed and then depending on the outcome are removed from the list. You can't use .Remove(element) inside a foreach (var element in X)... you also can't use for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count(); i++) and .RemoveAt(i). Previously I have done craz...

Iterating over arbitrary dimension of numpy.array

Is there function to get an iterator over an arbitrary dimension of a numpy array? Iterating over the first dimension is easy... In [63]: c = numpy.arange(24).reshape(2,3,4) In [64]: for r in c : ....: print r ....: [[ 0 1 2 3] [ 4 5 6 7] [ 8 9 10 11]] [[12 13 14 15] [16 17 18 19] [20 21 22 23]] But iterating o...

iterate through nested form elements in jquery

Hi! im sorry if this was posted already i have been looking to no avail.. I just want to know how to loop through nested form 'elements' (elements being not only the strict form elements like input tags but other html elements as well) in jquery. Currently i have this piece of code to do it: $('#'+arguments[i].formid).children().each(...

How do you Iterate a multidimesional array without knowing the number of dimensions and elements of the array being passed to you?

A SDK is returning me an array with multiple dimensions such as: int[,,] theArray = new int[2,8,12]; I need to visit each element in the array and return the value and the position of the value. I need to do this without knowing the number of dimensions and elements of the array being passed in. ...

Iterating through/Parsing JSON Object via JavaScript

Hello, I'm having a problem with jQuery/Ajax/JSON. I'm using a jQuery ajax post like so... $.ajax({ type: "POST", dataType: "json", url: "", data: "cmd="+escape(me.cmd)+"&q="+q+"&"+me.args, success: function(objJSON){ blah blah... } }); It's my understanding that this will return a JavaScript JSON object? Th...

Clojure: Call a function for each element in a vector with it index

Say I have a vector: (def data ["Hello" "World" "Test" "This"]) And I want to populate a table somewhere that has an api: (defn setCell [row col value] (some code here)) Then what is the best way to get the following calls to happen: (setCell 0 0 "Hello") (setCell 0 1 "World") (setCell 0 2 "Test") (setCell 0 3 "This") I foun...

VBA: How to perform an action on specific elements of an array

In VBA for PowerPoint, as far as I understand, this code gets only the first shape in the active window and nudges it: Set oShape = oSlide.Shapes(1) oShape.Left = oShape.Left + 5 And if I wanted to nudge all the shapes, I would use a loop for this. But how can I get and nudge only certain shapes, based on their number? For exampl...

Objective-C Array Iteration Speed

I'm working on an application, I have a NSMutableArray that stores 20 or so sprites. I need to iterate through it fairly quickly and efficiently. The speed for my purposes is not optimal... I'm getting two values from each sprite as it iterates through, would it be more efficient (faster) to iterate through an array of say CGPoints then ...

Iterating through the Object Browser in VBA

I would like to iterate through members of any class in a referenced library much like is done using the Object Browser. How can this be done using VBA? ...

How determine css text of each node in html

How can I iterate over HTML nodes of a web page and get the CSS Text of each node in it? I need something like what Firebug is doing, if you click on a Node, it gives you complete list of all CSS Texts associated with that Node (even inherited styles). My main problem is not actually iterating over HTML nodes. I am doing it with Html Ag...

int object is not iterable?

inp = int(input("Enter a number:")) for i in inp: n = n + i; print (n) ... throws an error: 'int' object is not iterable I wanted to find out the total by adding each digit, for eg, 110. 1 + 1 + 0 = 2. How do I do that? Thanks ...

Ant task that processes multiple files

Hi, in Ant I want to execute a Java task on a fileset. I use the Java task to run rhino which runs a JS beautifier. The later works without any problems, except that it might seem little bit awkward to use rhino+js to acutally have a working JS beautifier/indenter. But all working JS beautifiers I have found are all written in JavaScript...

How to iterate through Dictionary without using foreach

I am not sure if the title formulates it well so sorry. I basically have a bunch of elements listing targets for a communication. I placed them in a dictionary though i am open to moving them to a different data structure. My problem is that i have a tree-like structure where a key is a branch and each branch has many leaves. Both the...

Iterate over array and combine two arrays

I have two arrays of objects. I would like iterate over each of these two arrays and add a property ("IsPriced"). Then I would like to combine the two arrays into one array. How can I do this in JavaScript (with MooTools is fine, but not with jQuery please)? I really don't know where to begin. ...

jQuery - How to use Each() Method to loop through and alter all checked boxes on a page load

Hi, I'm loading a web page that has a series of 20+ checkboxes. The page is being loaded with data from a database, so that some of the checkboxes will be checked, and textareas connected to those checkboxes will have some text in them. What I think I want to do is: 1) iterate through all the chekboxes and find the ones that are checked ...