
c# PDF Manipulation

If I have an existing PDF that has a graphic on it, and I simple want a user to be able to click a point on the pdf, and drop a letter at the point the click, like A... B... etc. I'm thinking that ITextSharp could handle something like this, but frankly, I'm not sure how to accomplish it. Can you offer some guidance? ...

iTextSharp and VerticalText

I followed the iText samples for vertical text: and created this C# version of it: PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("existing.pdf"); PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileStream("stamped.pdf", FileMode.Create)); // change the content on top of page 1 PdfContentByt...

iTextSharp: Tile Image in Table Cell

I'm trying to tile an image or background image in a table cell in iTextSharp. The closest I have gotten is to attach an image directly to the cell using a PdfPTable and PdfPCell. tempCell = new PdfPCell(); tempCell.Image = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(Path.Combine(GetImageDirectory(), "my_image.gif")); table.AddCell(tempCell); T...

iTextSharp - How to create a document in memory?

My goal is to send an email with a generated pdf file attached to it. This is in an ASP.Net page, and therefore, I would like to create the pdf file in memory (not physically on disk), and attached it to the email. How can I create the pdf document in memory? Thanks ...

Adding a Table to a pre-existing PDF using iTextSharp/iText

I need to add a table using iTextSharp (or even PDFSharp if it can do it) into an existing PDF template at a particular location in the template. I can edit the existing template with Adobe Designer 7.0. How can I go about doing this? Is there a PlaceHolder analog from Asp.Net which can be used here? Keith ...

iTextSharp - How to convert Document to byte[]

I need to attach a pdf I created in memory to an email. Attachments can take a stream. So I believe I need to convert a iTextSharp Document object to stream. How can I do that? I tried serializing the Document object to a stream but it is not "marked as serializable". Thanks ...

iTextSharp - Sending in-memory pdf in an email attachment

I've asked a couple of questions here but am still having issues. I'd appreciate if you could tell me what I am doing wrong in my code. I run the code above from a ASP.Net page and get "Cannot Access a Closed Stream". var doc = new Document(); MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, memoryStream); d...

Delete Columns from GridView

I have a GridView with a couple of columns that I do not want to be exported to PDF (through iTextSharp). How can I hide the columns I don't want exported before I export the data? ...

Migration of Test Scripts into a New Release

Hi, Overview Our company's current system test cycle involves the use of word documents for the UI test scripts and test execution log. For each new release, these documents are copied from the previous release and then modified to reflect the current release version together with new test steps where there are changes in functionalit...

itextsharp word wrap

Hi there, I am currently using itextsharp to add dynamic text/image content to a pdf from a template. I was wondering what construct is best to use when I need a word-wrap feature? For example, I take in a description which can be up to 30 words long and it will span multiple lines. Thanks ...

itextsharp listbox or grid

Hey guys, How do I bind a listbox in a pdf template with itextsharp?!! I'm able to populate the textfields, but not the listbox. I'm trying to have something like a grid or something that its number of rows is dynamic in a PDF document. Thanks, ...

IText Lines Per Page?

I have used IText(Sharp) to make PDFs from raster images but have never used IText to build text based PDF's. In this new scenario, I have N words of ASCII text that I need to add as text pages to a new PDF. Each page should be 8.5 x 11, .5 margins, using some monospaced font. Is IText(Sharp) smart enough to automatically apply line...

Get selected text from PDF in web browser control in windows form

I need to know if I can get the selected text from a pdf that has been loaded into a web browser control that is in a windows form. I am using C# and Visual Studio 2008 with .net 3.5 and down. I have the pdf showing in the control but I can not figure out how to get access to the selected text within that document. The mshtml document is...

Techniques to create PDF report from templates using iTextSharp

Hi, I've got a project where I need to generate PDF reports from a template. The report will have a header, details and a footer, and can potentially run on multiple pages. I was going to use iTextSharp for that. For the templates i was thinking of two options: PDF Form template HTML template Can you comment on the pros and cons of...

Itextsharp error

Hi all, I am trying to write a form to help users make canned pdfs im working with Itextsharp.dll and im walking through the tutoral HERE and im getting an error that seems to be over the keyword "FONT" if i hightlight over the first error i get Error 1 'Font' is an ambiguous reference between 'System.Drawing.Font' and 'iTextSharp...

iTextSharp and DataGridView

Where can I find a code snippet which can convert a DataGridView to a PDF document using iTextShape or something similar? I want to have the same table headers as in DataGridView in my PDF document. ...

Html to pdf some characters are missing (itextsharp)

Hi,I want to export gridview to pdf by using itextsharp library.But problem is some turkish characters such as İ,ı,Ş,ş etc... are missing in the pdf document.Code used to export pdf is ; protected void LinkButtonPdf_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"; Response.ContentEncodi...

I did an 'imports' - error TYPE EXPECTED

I did this: Imports iTextSharp.text.rtf and then this: Dim grx As graphic = New graphic and on the first "graphic" I am getting a "type expected" graphic is a member of iTextSharp.text.rtf Here's the surrounding code: Public Sub New1() Console.WriteLine("Chapter 4 example 4: Simple Graphic") Dim document As Document = Ne...

iTextSharp: SplitLate/SplitRows?

I have an issue where I have a table (PdfPTable) that may extend past the length of the page. I have tried looking up how to "split" a table onto more than one page but iTextSharp is pretty poorly documented in this area. Does anyone know how to do this without choosing an arbitrary Y position on the page and telling it to split if it's ...

itextsharp: how do i position a table?

I have created a simple table and i need to position. does anyone have experience with tables in itextsharp? here's my code Private Sub generate_PDF() Directory.SetCurrentDirectory("C:\Users\alexluvsdanielle\Desktop\") Console.WriteLine("Chapter 6 example 1: Adding a Wmf, Gif, Jpeg and Png-file using urls") Dim document ...