
Backup/Restore iPhone adhoc build via iTunes

Is there any way to backup/restore iPhone adhoc build via iTunes? I tried different ways and manipulation and it seems to be impossible for me. But probably someone know any tricky solution to do so. I'm asking about this to test whether application works correct after restoring it backup on another device. I have live app in iTunes and...

AppleScript to refresh iTunes track at a filesystem path

I want an Applescript that refreshes a certain song in iTunes from a file. To address the file in iTunes, i have only the path to the file. I tried it on my own with "refresh" and "file track" but I'm a total newbie on AppleScript so I didn't got anything to work. ...

Mouse events aren't working in embed browser

Hello folks, i'm making an Itunes plugin with an embed browser attached to it. I can see it, and it works perfectly, but it can't receive mouse inputs! I think that itunes is getting all the inputs for it... anyone knows a way to solve this? ...

Why does Visual Studio disable the media buttons?

I've got iTunes running and the media buttons on my computer work with it. I've installed mmkeys.dll which has been recommended for making iTunes work with media keys in the background and it works fine with all apps - firefox, thunderbird, MSN messenger, Open Office. But when Visual Studio 2008 is in the foreground the buttons stop wor...

How about M4V Converter Plus? Anyone use it?

How about M4V Converter Plus? Anyone use it ![alt text][1] ...

iTunes integration.

can i access the iTunes library of the iphone device in my app. if yes, then can u point me in the right direction. ...

Drop on NSTableView Behavior

Hi, I have an NSTableView and I have successfully implemented both tableView:validateDrop:proposedRow:proposedDropOperation: and tableView:acceptDrop:row:dropOperation:. I don't need tableView:writeRowsWithIndexes:toPasteboard: because that's for dragging objects out of the NSTableView. Now, the problem is that I want it to behave kin...

Link to an iTunes song / album from iPhone app.

I'm making an iPhone app for a band, which lists songs for the band. When the user touches a button next to a song, I want to open iTunes and display that song. Currently I'm using this code: [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: linkLocation]]; where linkLocation is a link to the song in iTunes. This works...

C# event not being handled

I'm learning C# event handling by writing an app that uses the iTunes COM API. I have a method that should run when iTunes stops playing a song, but the method is never getting called when I trigger the event in the app by hitting the "stop/pause" button. EDIT: Based on dboarman's reply, I deleted the while loop. Now the event does get ...

IPhone Aggregate iTunes reporting tool

Is there a tool that will aggregate all the rerpots that Apple provides on sales of apps? Apple's reporting tool is very poor and hard to use without manually pulling data into Excel each period. ...

The binary you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate

The binary you uploaded was invalid. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate getting this error message.. since 2 dayz.. tried all googling.. its still there ...

Encoding Problems With ID3 Tags

I have an ID3v1 tag that shows up in iTunes like: "It's Been A While". But when I read the tags with the libtag library "It¹s Been A While" comes out. Now when I open the file with a hex editor, I can see that it actualy is 0xB9 which is ¹ on Latin-1 and UTF-8/16. So how does Itunes get a ’ from 0xB9? Any ideas? Is there any character en...

Finding the URL for podcast feeds from an iTunes id. (iTMS API)

I'm look at a way of turning an iTunes podcast id into the RSS feed that the podcast producer serves. I'm aware of the RSS generator, which can be used to generate a feed of links to podcasts, but these links are to HTML pages. If you have iTunes open, you can manually export the list of podcasts by exporting to OPML, so we can surmis...

How to compile an iPhone application source code on server using command line in Windows?

I have an application in which I change the data on web and then download the files then I compile my iPhone app with data. I just want to create ad-hoc distribution so I have already added devices. So is there a way that anytime I change data on web then I compile my iPhone app over the server using PHP and some command-line script so...

How to post json object in web service

Dear All, Can any one help me please that how to post Json object to web service using c#? Actually I am trying to verify an App Store Transaction Receipt in C#. follow this link to have an enough idea.

iPhone application doesn't install from anywhere else other than the dev machine

Hi, I created an iPhone application. I am distributing it with the ad hoc method. It installs just fine from the iTunes installed on the machine where the app was created. Anywhere else the iTunes just gives the error 'Resources have been modified'. Please help. ...

iTunes Gift - do they have an API we can use?

Hi Is there an API which lets me create iTunes Gift cards and send them in emails? The iTunes FB app has this option so there must be a programming interface, but couldn't find any references anywhere. Any ideas where I can get a head start or is there no such API? Thanks. ...

How create WPF scrollbar to look like iTunes cover flow scrollbar?

I would like to create a scrollbar in WPF that looks like the one seen in iTunes cover flow. See scrollbar image below, which also shows the reflection of the album art underneath the scrollbar. Below is a basic scrollbar control in xaml. <ScrollBar Name="scrollBar1" Height="24" Width="Auto" Orientation="Horizontal" Smal...

Parsing XML with PHP's simpleXML

I'm learning how to parse XML with PHP's simple XML. My code is: <?php $xmlSource = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?> <Document xmlns=\"\" artistId=\"329313804\" browsePath=\"/36/6407\" genreId=\"6507\"> <iTunes> myApp </iTunes> </Document>"; $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlS...

Read ITunes Settings and change them

Hi, I will try to read and change ITunes Settings from my Application. I google a lot but noone seems to try it before, has anyone an Idea? Im not find a file or something where ITunes save settings for the user. ...