
How to create a dynamic report thorough jrxml ??

Hey! I am working on jrxml to create dynamic re0ports. I have parameterized the columns i.e. the jrxml for that report can be used to generate other reports as well. However, i have not managed to make the fields flexible. That is, if the user selects 4 columns it would work but if 1 or 2 or 3 columns are selected, it gives an error si...

porting enterprise one reports from crystal to jasper server framework

my employer is considering migrating our e1 reporting from crystal reports 10 to another solution. i want to use jasper server and i was wondering if there is a standard migration path or standard report package that we could use to make the task easier/faster. also, any experience shared about creating the user objects for jasper busine...

Does JasperReports read the columns metadata before generating reports?

I have a few JasperReports made and running very fine on a Windows machine. The problem started when the reports were set to run on a mainframe with zOS operating system. The problem is: when Jasper creates the report it seems to read the tables metadata from the database and based on it expect the data to come. Example: if i have a col...

JasperReports Text Field Expression doesn't really let me put in anything except a variable or field reference.

Referencing the page number variable in JasperReport as $V{PAGE_NUMBER}. Of course that works fine. However, I would like this report to have a page number preceded by a letter, as in: A-1 A-2 ... A-N Unfortunately, this does not appear to be permitted. Even when I get the expression editor to accept an expression, it still fails to ...

pre-compile jsp files happend exceptions

I pre-compile some jsp files through ant task of jspc,but it built failed. errers: info.jsp(35,2) The attribute prefix fn does not correspond to any imported tag library info.jsp line 35 : <c:if test="${fn:length(requestScope.checkDetailInfoList) gt 1}"> ant task xml: <jasper validateXml="false" uriroot="${basedir}/WebRoot" ...

Subreports are not getting printed.

I tried to create a very simple report with a subreport. The subreport was created separately and was embedded in the data group. The subreport separately gives me the relevant data. and the other main report gives me the intended partial data. But the data intended in the place where the subreport has been embedded is not appearing. It ...

iReport exported pdf does not show correct font

A PDF generated in iReport using the 'Times New Roman' font appears to be using 'Arial' for its print version. Any idea what the problem is? ...

how to generate a report from jsp in pdf format using jasper

In my application I can connect to a database and get an array resultset and using JSP code I can iterate through the array and can display the report in my webpage using HTML. I want that the generated report in my HTML webpage can be exported in PDF format and saved in some .pdf file. Please tell me how to implement such technique to...

JasperReports in .Net over IKVM


jasperreports does not append into output stream

Hi, I am passing the outputstream created as FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(reportOutput, true); to the method JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfStream(jasperPrint, out); I am printing multiple times in the same file using jasperreport with different templates and data. I expected a single file created containing a...

Excel Cell Format in JasperReport Report

I'm working on JasperReport Report that generates Excel file. For some reason my cell formats/types are not how they should be. For example I have Date object in my cell but when I generate Excel file it sets cell type to Number, or Long type is text in the cell but cell's format is number (see THIS excel file for example) and also when ...

Jasper report can't find package net.sf.jasperreports.engine

I have a j2ee application using spring framework. I am trying to export jasper reports to xml, pdf and xhtml files. I am using eclipse ide with plugin for weblogic server and for apache tomcat server. It works fine when I run it on server(in eclipse) and choosing Tomcat as server. But when I try to run it on server(in eclipse) now choosi...

How to register a QueryExecuterFactory in jasper reports in java

Hi, I implemented JRQueryExecuter and want to use it in a report. Using iReport I managed to register and use the executer. Now I want to use it in a java application, but I can't find any resources how to register the factory. I thought it's enough to have the implementation in the classpath, but I get the following exception: Caus...

Wants an idea of how i can add dynamic jasper to my project..

Hey! Scenario:What my project do right now User Enters his Login and Password through his mobile phone and servlets contacts webservice of Authentication and user gets authenticated with the system in the mean while user is Authorized also i.e What page he is allowed to see. Page appears infront of user on his mobile screen from where ...

Static Members Issue - JasperReports for .Net over jni4Net

I'm trying to fill a report with empty datasource like this JasperPrint print = JasperFillManager.fillReport(@"D:\ImagesReport.jasper", null); Usually the program crashes without notice, but I used watch window and found that this is what I get at net.sf.jni4net.jni.JNIEnv.CallStaticObjectMethodPtr(Class clazz, MethodId methodIdNa...

Instance Members Issue - JasperReports for .Net over jni4Net

In JAVA you'd say : JRXhtmlExporter exporter = new JRXhtmlExporter(); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.JASPER_PRINT, jasperPrint); exporter.setParameter(JRExporterParameter.OUTPUT_FILE_NAME, destFile.toString()); But using jni4Net I cant find setParameter instance method (Note: It's inherited from JRAbstractExporter). I dont...

Page header & footer on Summary band

Hi, I have read this thread: http://jasperforge.org/plugins/espforum/view.php?group_id=83&amp;forumid=101&amp;topicid=67923 I would rather not repeat the page header and footer for each crosstab, as there are six of them, and if the header needs to change, I'd like to change it only once. The problems include: Putting the crosstabs...

Field Expression in ireport

Hello! I'm trying to get myself used to jasperforge ireport before using it in a real project next week and i seem to be stacked somewhere already .i'm using ireport 3.7.0 on windows xp platform + java 1.6 It sound easy to get a field color changed based on what it contains or calculate a sum of number in a field based on conditions ...

JasperReport set number of records per page

after exporting jasperreport template, I found that the number of records per page depends on pageHeight. Suppose I always want all the records to be on one page, is there a way to specify this? is there a way to get how many records I want per page? it seems to be depending on height of the report. ...

Plot points with different color based on the value in Line graph using Jasper Reports

I have a line chart generated from a SQL, I need the data to be plotted in different colors based on the value. For example: Green color for positive values and Red color for negative values. I have added the jrxml content, <parameter name="conName" isForPrompting="true" class="java.lang.String"/> <paramet...