
how to call jasper report on jsp page

When I call the jrxml file through .load(), its throw a exception FileNotfoundException. I have tried with absolute path, but it does not work. Please help. ...

how to prevent duplication of bar chart in ireport

Hello good people! I've tried to use chart in ireport for the first time.I've used a bar chart and anytime i preview the chart i see plenty of them, i think about 6.I only need a single one is there anything that i didn't do? i have a query like this : SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_message ,`status` , DATE_FORMAT(date_created,'%M') AS `mon...

Casting an Integer to a Double in XPath 1.0

I am currently building a XML based Jasper Report in which I am trying to add a tax percent onto the cost. A problem occurs when I use sum(//net-total) to value calculate the total cost. When the summed total has no decimal places it returns and Integer and I need a double. I have tried sum(//net-total) * 1.0 but it doesn't seem to wor...

Border in jasper report

Hi , I am creating a jasper report .In that I want apply border to the each page.Can any one provide me some help on this.Border height should depend on the contents height of that page. Thanks. ...

Displaying bold text in Frame using Jasperreports

Hi, I am trying to display bold text in a textfield wrapped in a frame. The text doesn't appear in bold face. <frame> <reportElement mode="Opaque" x="0" y="0" width="1185" height="13" backcolor="#D9D9B8"/> <staticText> <reportElement x="970" y="0" width="76" height="13"/> <textElement> ...

Compiling JasperReports automatically on change

Hi, I am working on a web application. We are using jasperreports. Compiling jasperreports on every call is an overhead and takes considerable time (4-7 seconds). We thought of precompiling the jrxmls using Spring but still have the ability to re-generate if the jrxml is changed/modified. Has anybody done this before? If yes, how. Thanks...

consuming jasperIntelligence services with nusoap(PHP)

Hello good people! i've been struggling the whole week end to connect to jasperIntelligence service in vain with a php client.Of course there is a sample php client in the jasperserver installation and that seems to be very very old. I've decided to write my own using the latest nusoap 0.7.3.It seems like i'm not getting well the struct...

creating subreport with ireport tool for Jasper reports

Hi, I'm working on a struts based application. I want to create a Jasper report containing questions and responses for a Paper Object. Clearly I have a List of Paper objects containing part attribute and each Paper object internally has a List of Questions. Also each Question has a List of Responses. I could create the main report with...

How to truncate data (avoiding page break) in iReport?

I have a listing that must fit in a page. Instead of the default page break behaviour, I need iReport to truncate the listing when it goes over the page size. Any ideas? Thanks! EDIT: I've had omitted that I still need pagination enabled, because I need a sequence of one-page listings, one after another. I have a group -- breaking p...

Set up page height in JasperReports

Can i set page height for report(generated by iReport) by passing its size from Java source,(passing parameters???). Thanks in advance! ...

JasperReports: subreport with different orientation.

Is it possible to combine portrait and landscape oriented subreports in a single report? I'm using iReport 2.0.4, and can't seem to find any option to do that. ...

Ireport with POJO datasource that takes paramater

I have a pojo that compiles data from various source into a single object. The object is instantiated with a single parameter. Example: Invoice inv=new Invoice(1239); This will bring back a complete invoice containing other POJO's populated with data from various sources (such as the billing/shipping address as Address objects). My ...

Render sparse matrix with Jasper Reports

How can I create a table containing empty cells from data organized in rows and lines? To make things even more complicated, the lines should appear in the order given by a sequence. Here is a minimalistic example of input data: <?xml version="1.0"?> <matrix> <row> <line nr="1">A1</line> <line nr="2">B1</line> </...

problem about page management

i have created a report with i report i am having problem about detail band, i want specific number of records for a page,even if the records with data or with out data ...

Jasper + Cyrillic

I have to print pages(made by iReport) by old(matrix) printer(think Oki ML320). The problem is when the printed text is in cyrillic it became very ugly, in the english text everything is OK. Is it the problem in used font(SansSerif) or i should adjust manually the printer? In other application printed documents, cyrillic seem to be OK? T...

Jasper report not showing detail section

I have designed a report in iReport and now I am using it in my application. The problem is that the report is generated showing all the data except the detail section data. There is no database connectivity problem, as the column header shows data which is coming from database. Only the detail section of the report shows nothing, neith...

problem about page management

hai medophal, thanks for your timely reply, actually i am not getting the exact requirement my problem is see the fallowing actually i have only one record in my detail bond,i am getting reportlike this ----------------here detail bond started Empid | Empname 124 | medopal ----------------here detail bond ended But my reQuirement i...

How to print from web application to receipt printer ?

I was asked by my client to print the receipt into Epson TM U220 (http://pos.epson.com/products/TM-U220.htm) from my web application. I have no idea how to do that. is there any java applets or something else that I can use for printing ? or should i use jasper (is jasper has lib for helping to cope this problem?) (if there is flash apps...

Problem about detail band

i have created one purchase order report with iReport in my report i am having only one record its comming like this ==================group header pro_id|productname ==================detail bond started 120 | bag ================== detail bond ended But I want like this ==================group header pro_id|productname ========...

Jasper report updating text fields in a subreport with the page numbers of subsequent subreports...

We have the following scenario with Jasper reports. It is a complex report with multiple sub-reports, some 3 levels deep. What we want to do is get the current page number, store it in some variable, then render that value in the first page of the report in a text field. Essentially, we want to create a Table of Contents. We have aut...