
Tool Tip for text in iReport

What functionality in iReport allows for tool tip text? I have a field name description that contains very large text. Instead of displaying large text I want to show two or three lines and rest of text as a tool tip. How is this possible? ...

what does a tool like Jasper Reports give me?

Ok, So I have to generate very complex reports from my DB. If I am to do it with SQL the query themselves will be complex, and I will have to do some more manipulation on the results later, code level. How do libraries like Jasper Reports/ Crystal Reports and friends save me time when developing such reports? What will they give me? ...

JAVA Reporting Tool iReport

Can we get a reporting page which is like .Net's Crystal report using iReport? That is i need to get report inside the frame. Please help me. ...

Reporting Trend Line

How would you create a line in JasperReports that follows the trend for the data, in addition to showing the data points? Here are before and after shots: Before After The Time Series report does not appear to have any such option to draw the orange line. (The orange line should be smooth, and thinner, but that's the general idea.) ...

using a java.util.list in the query in jasperreport with ireport

I would like to do like: SELECT mat.idmat AS mat, $P{mylist}.indexOf(mat.idmat) AS myorder, ... FROM ... WHERE ... ORDER BY myorder In this sql I have a list who index the position of each element, so i want to order using the list ...

How should I architect JasperReports with a PHP front+backend system

Our system is written completely in PHP. For various business reasons (which are a given) I need to build the reports of the system using JasperReports. What architecture should I use? Should I put the Jasper as a stand alone server (if possible) and let the php query against it, should I have it generate the reports with a cron, and the...

Alt for images in JasperReports

Hello all, While putting an image element in PDF report, how can we give the alt description or similar kind of description for that image? The idea is to read the description when some screen reader is used to read the PDF. Currently, the reader (JAWS) says just 'graphic' when encountering an image in the PDF. Thanks! ...

Can BIRT be used within a web application without deploying a separate web application on the server?

Can I use BIRT within my application instead of deploying as a separate app on the webserver? I know that BIRT viewer can be integrated with the application by installing it on the server. I went through the process and its very cumbersome. It requires me to import too many JARs and then code too much even for a simple report. Jasper on...

Are there any Jasper Report Examples/Templates?

Does anyone know of some sample Jasper Reports? I am looking for an Invoice and Receipt Report. ...

How to populate this JRDataSource?

Hi, I want to create pdf document using JRDataSource using jasper report.Actually i m having one bean object that object has List of another bean object and one string value,The inner bean object has two String variables .Now i don't know how to map these all three variable in the jrxml document to populate the values in pdf document . C...

Best way to generate report using multiple databases

Hi All, I am new to the reporting world. Wanted to know which is the right solution to about for generating a single report by querying for data from multiple databases. We are planning to use some reporting solution like Jasper Reports or BIRT. Generally the databases are going to be postgresql. Please do feel free to let me know abou...

multiple detail band in jasper report

Hi I want to show multiple detail section in my jasper report.How to add multiple detail bands in jasper.For details band I am passing collection from my java class.So if I have multiple detail band how to pass the different collections to different detail band. Can some one provide help on this ...

BIRT vs Jasper Reports

Hi, I goggled for 2 hours to find what shall I use. I found that both are good and have good community. BIRT is supported by IBM, IBM integrated Tivoli reports with it. This proves it is good and will keep growing. Jasper Reports has fairly bid community and (probably) a better report designed (iReport). My requirement is simple: I w...

Jasper Sub reports not showing in main report

I am having one jasper report.Inside of the that main report I am adding one sub report.I am passing collections and parameters using java class(Not using sql query directly).It is compiling successfully. But while running it shows only main report.It is not showing the sub report.And also it is not making any error. It is just giving s...

How to solve this nullPointer Exception in jasper report?

Hi, I am new to jasper report, I need to create pdf document with BeanDatasource and subreport. I refer the following blog " http://knol.google.com/k/jasper-reports-working-with-beans-and-sub-report# " . I followed all the steps perfectly. While i am running the report using IReport i can get the pdf document with the content. But when...

Jasper Reports: How can i have multiple growing subreports in a report?

Hi, My Requirement is to show two sub reports in a Report. What I am doing is, I have created two sub-reports and put that into a report. But the issue is that, both the sub reports are growing (i.e. their height is not static as the number of records are variable). I just want the second sub=report to appear after the end of first sub...

jasper reports, formatting field data color based on condition

Hi all, I'm new to Jasper Reports. I'm designing report using iReports. My requirement is I have two values(Fields) x,y to compare. if x < y then the data color for y should be changed to 'black' & if greater then data color of y should be changed to 'red'. please advice me as to how to proceed on this & where to validate.This requrie...

Working with Jasper Reports

Hi all, can I integrate the jasper report viewer to my swing application as like if I click on view report button from my application then viewer should be opened. If so could you advise me with code snippet for this integration and in this viewer the save as type should be restricted for PDF only rather than every other download option...

group expression in jasper reports

I've a report which has a has 5 columns on each page and I have a group defined which shows columns related to A | B | C | D | E - main column X | Y | Z - group - A is the key I have my query ORDER BY A, but when it is displayed it doesn't print the results in next page if A is changed. Following is how I have a group defined. <...

How to increase detail band height dynamically

Hi All, I am using ireport. My requirement is to increase the detail band height dynamically when the text field has more data , are there any settings to increase to it? I am using one textfield in the detail band when it has more information(words), it is displaying only some information.i.e the words are being cut off. Depending on t...