
Synchronize Print When Expression & Text Field Expression

Background The Totals section in the image below shows strange results for the Trend column. The text should be true when the value under the column named Previous equals the value under the column named Current. Print When Expression & Text Field Expression The expressions are evaluated using identical code: new java.lang.Boolean(...

How I can call ireport and display underneath panel in java application?

Hi all , I prepared a report on ireport Designer , how i can call this report in my swing based java application, and display underneath panel in my swing based java application? Can anyone help me? Thanks... ...

CSV file formatting in jasper reports

I have a Jasper report with bunch of subreports. From what I can see all the subreports are aligned and have the same size, but when it generates the csv file the rows doesnt align with row properly following is the example csv output ,A,,,,,B ,,B,,,X ,Z,,,,,E File destFile = new File(csvFileName); JRCsvExporter exporte...

Blank subreport in Jasper Reports

Hi all, I'm trying to launch a report that I created in iReport which contains a main report and a subreport. In iReport, the subreport launches fine and contains data, however when I try to launch it from within my java code, the subreport is blank. What I've done so far: I have a String parameter in the main report called "SUBREPOR...

RTF formatting in jasper reports

I have a report which I generate RTF format off that. It displays fine on the jsp page or in the ireports preview but when it generates the RFT format, it gives me the "Invalid text height" error. I have no idea which field is causing this error, is there a way in ireports to drill down exactly which field is causing it? ...

Jasper Report: how to customize JasperViewer so that it could only export in one format?

Hi, our customer is loving the Jasper viewer, but we have a problem. It exports data to several different formats (PDF, Excel, CSV, HTML, etc.), but our customer only wants to export to PDF. How can we customize the Jasper Viewer so that the only format which our users can choose to export data is PDF? ...

How to solve this problem in JasperReport?

Hi friends, I want to print a table in pdf document. I need to use two javabean datasource to populate the data in the table. So i used two subreport parallely to map the data.The problem what i am facing is i could not able to organize the second subreport content corresponding to first subreport.That is , if any field's width is bi...

is it hibernate cache problem?

Hi all, I am using jasper report to generate a report while calculating total from database.I am sending this as a parameter to jasper.But sometimes it gives wrong values for a total. I am using Hibernate as a OR-Mapping tool. In my application i am generating reports from database.In some reports it gives wrong values whereas the cod...

How to create Excel document with proper cell alignment using Ireport?

Hi, I can able to create Excel document using Jasper Report but the problem is that fields are not properly aligned in the cells of excel sheet and all the data are populated in the plain surface without any cells.i.e) I cannot see any cells in the data populated area.Can u please give me suggestion to make proper Excel document with cel...

JasperReports multi-page report with different content

I'm evaluating JasperReport and iReport, a requirement is the possibility to produce a multiple page report in which every page contains a different report. Example: Page 1 contains an actual invoice for a customer Page 2 contains the invoices list for the customer Page 3 contains a graph of amount of invoices by year Page 4 contains on...

Repackaging Jasper-Reports into an application specific OSGi bundle, legal or not?

Hi, I wanted to ask (probably a silly) question regarding the packaging of existing open-source components as OSGi bundles (more specifically Jasper Reports). I have an application that I am converting from a monolithic jar-hell type architecture to something more moduler and OSGi is my weapon of choice. There are various modules I hav...

how to pass date as a field in jrxml of jasper reports?

Hi, I want tom pass date as a field to the jrxml. Follwing is the code for it. But it is not working. Its giving error as can not cast from date to number. Then how to convert it? ...

how to display date in HH:mm:ss format in jasper report?

Hi, I am using following code to generate chart in jasper. I am printing date on X-axis. But it is displaying in millisecond. I want to display it in hh:mm:ss format. How to achieve it? ...

Detect start of a new band

Using iReport, how do you set a variable (could be a parameter, or a value in the REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP) to Boolean.TRUE at the start of a new band? There are some fields in the header that should only be displayed after a specific band has started being filled. Thank you! ...

Multiple unrelated in JasperReports

I am using iReport with JasperReports. I want to include multiple subreports that have unrelated sql queries. I would like to be able to put these all on one report. The problem I am facing is that when I leave the master report sql query empty, none of my subreports have any data. There isn't really anything that the master report...

Location of view.properties in my proyect spring mvc jasperreports

Hello, i´m trying to generate reports with jasperreports, acording to documentation i need to configure the ResourceBundleViewResolver like this. <bean id="resourceBundleView" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ResourceBundleViewResolver"> <property name="basename" value="views"/> </bean> And a file called view.prop...

how to add date in HH:MM:SS format to the x-axis of the XY-Line chart?

Hi, I want to add date in HH:MM:SS format to the x-axis of XY-Line chart. I am using follwing code to do it. xValueExpression ![CDATA[new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format($F{time})]] /xValueExpression But it is giving error as can not convert from string to number. Because XY-Line chart takes number on X and Y axis. So how to achie...

jasper report to excel file

some field missing when I converse/export to excel (the field that create by concat()) ...

timeseries chart giving value zero

Hi, I am using timeseries dataset to print date on x-axis. code is- timePeriodExpression ![CDATA[new java.util.Date($F{time}.getTime())]] /timePeriodExpression But while fetching the value it is taking it as zero. Why so? Is any part of code is missing? Or timePeriod is missing? If timeperiod is missing how to set it? ...

Subreports in Jasper Reporting

Can I compile report.jrml file if it hasmultiple subreports.jrxml upto n levels. If So, Please suggest a good algorithm or an example to do so ? ...