
Jasper report->If page footer data over flows then it should print in next page footer

I am trying to print textfield, which lenght is more than 4000 characters. I put the text field in page footer and trying print data in page footer, but when data over flows its not printing in next page. Can anyboday have idea, please reply me. Thanks, Raj ...

Jasper report always showing no content, why?

Hi, I have the following code: InputStream reportFile = MyPage.this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("test.jrxml"); HashMap<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); parameters.put("StringParameterName", "show me"); try { JasperReport report = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(reportFile); JasperPrint print = J...

How can I pass an arbitrary object to jasper report as parameter?

Hi, I would like to pass as a parameter to my .jrxml an arbitrary object of my domain, e.g a Person. InputStream reportFile = MyPage.this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("test.jrxml"); HashMap<String, Person> parameters = new HashMap<String, Person>(); parameters.put("person", new Person("John", "Doe")); ... JasperReport report = Jaspe...

PHP variable passed to JasperServer for reports

Is it possible to pass a variable from php to a report in JasperServer? For example, in my php application I keep the department_id stored in a session variable. I would like to pass the department_id over to my reports running on JasperServer and display the information appropriate for that department. in the iReport I have a query l...

One page subreport getting generated 4 times

When inserting subreport on the main page, for one page subreport, i am getting 4 pages. That is, the first page is getting repeated 4 times.. ...

Not getting content in Excel sheet after exporting using DynamicJasper in grails

Hi. I am new to grails and jasper reports. Please help me with the issue. I am trying one example on how to save in excel format the data that we display in grails. I am able to save as excel but not able to get anything inside excel sheet after opening it, not even columns. Refer the link http://www.wysmedia.com/2009/05/dance-with-dynam...

How to refresh jasper image without flickering?

Hi, I am using jasper reports to generate graph. I am refresheing the graph by using session.addHeader("Refresh",10); But the problem is while refreshing the graph it is flickering. Code is- PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); response.setContentType("text/html"); JRDataSource dataSource = createReportDataSource(perfArrayListSample...

Removing duplicate values from dataset

I want to print only unique values from a dataset into the list component, avoiding duplicate values. How do I do it ? Please help. ...

Prevent the groupfield from repeating every three rows

I have a web app and I need to integrate some JasperReports in this app. So I downloaded iReport and I used the templates. I choose the LeafGreen template, but I have a problem. When I have more than 4 elemets in my list, my headers gets repeated every 4 elements (see the image:) - I don't want this; once is enough. The problem: i39.t...

How do I iterate over a collection that is in an object passed as parameter in a jasper report?

Hi, I have an object A that has as an instance variable a collection of object Bs. Example: public class A{ String name; List<B> myList; ... public List<B> getMyList(){ return myList; } ... } I want an instance of A to be the only source of information the jasper report gets. I am currently doing som...

How to access value of the variable inside a dataset; outside a dataset or into another dataset.

How to access value of a variable inside a dataset; outside a dataset or into another dataset. I have a variable which counts the number of values in a dataset. I want to use this variable outside the list-component which refers to that dataset. How do I achieve this ? ...

How to use table component added to JasperReports 3.7.2 with grails jasper plugins ?

I would like to use new table component added to JasperReports 3.7.2 with grails jasper plugins. I find this new component useful to generate tables. I have define Table dataset 1, and some fields (ex : $F{name}), problem, all my fields values are null. I have also define fields (not attached with table), and I get values. Here is my t...

Merge rows of same values in jasper Repors Detail Band

Hi, My data contains same value for a particular column. My requirement is to merge the data rows for that particular column alone in detail band. Is it possible in jasper reports. please help. Thanks & Regards, Prasanna ...

How to change the band height dynamically?

Is it possible to modify the height of detail band dynamically in jasper report? Because in my application i need to create pdf document.I have used one main document inside detail band of that main document i used one subreport. Sub report will take java bean as data source. This java bean return a list of field. So if we fixed the size...

What are the drawbacks with Jasper Reports?

I'm evaluating report engines for a Java desktop application. I need to print receipts, invoices and reports. I'm looking at Jasper Reports since it seem to be the most popular reporting engine in the Java world. What are the biggest drawbacks and disadvantages with using it in a small business system? ...

How to use jasperreports subreports with grails jasper plugin ?

I would like to use subreports with grails jasper plugins, I followed the manual at this url (http://www.grails.org/plugin/jasper). Here is my code : Domain Book : class Book { static belongsTo = Library Library library String title String author String publisher String category static constraints={ ...

What is jasper report's algorithm for using a data source?

Hi, I have created my custom data source by implementing the interface JRDataSource. This interface looks like this: public interface JRDataSource { /** * Tries to position the cursor on the next element in the data source. * @return true if there is a next record, false otherwise * @throws JRException if any error occurs whil...

Run a JasperServer reprt via PHP and pass over the querystring.

I'm using Web Services to run some reports created in iReport on JasperServer. Inside the .jrxml file I can see the xml that holds the SQL for the report. Is it possible to pass this querystring over to JasperServer via Web Services, instead of hard coding the definition inside the .jrxml file. This is the string I would build in PHP...

how to set default value as zero to <valueExpression> in TimeSeries chart?

Hi, I am using TimeSerirs chart to display cpuusage per time. Code is- valueExpression ![CDATA[$F{cpuUsage}]] /valueExpression Problem is when it displays chart it always start with 5 or non-zero number. It takes non-zero number as its first point then displays it. How to set zero as its first point? ...

List<Object> as a JRBeanCollectionDataSource to a Subreport

am passing a List as a JRBeanCollectionDataSource to a Subreport. here Object is of Type A and B. A is having properties 'name' and 'address' and B is having property 'location'. if Object is of type A then i have display 'name' and 'address' in subreport. and if is of type B then i have to diaplay 'location' in subreport. i have to acc...