
Line is not visible in subreport jasper report?

I am using jasper report to create pdf document. I used one Subreport inside main document.This Subreport consist of 3 textfield and one line .I use javabean datasource to populate the value. Now i could not see line if the datasourece returns null value. Can anyone guide me how to solve this problem. Below you can see the xml code whi...

Java jasper report NullPointerException

I am new to Java and I am running into this issue that I can't figure out. I inherited this project and I have the following code in one of my scriptlets: DefaultLogger.logMessage("DEBUG path: "+ reportFile.getPath()); DefaultLogger.logMessage("DEBUG parameters: "+ parameters); DefaultLogger.logMessage("DEBUG jr: "+ jr); bytes = JasperR...

How to show an image on jasper report?

Hi, I want to show an image on a jasper report. I have the following on the .jrxml: <image> <reportElement x="181" y="0" width="209" height="74"/> <imageExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA["logo.jpg"]]></imageExpression> </image> The image logo.jpg is in the same directory as the .jrxml. By just putting that it didn't wo...

JSF and jasper example

I am new to JSF, I want to integrate JSF with Jasper report. I am generating custom report from server side, that report should display into the UI using JSF components. How to do that? Could you please provide the JSF and Jasper Report Simple Program and required libraries. ...

Web framework with JasperReports integration?

What web development frameworks natively support JasperReports? Consider the following form as an example: <form name="report" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="REPORT_PATH" value="reports/Names" /> <input type="hidden" name="REPORT_FILE" value="List" /> <input type="hidden" name="REPORT_FORMAT" value="pdf" /> <input ty...

create jrxml file at run time and modify at run time

Hi I have a requirement to develop custom reports where we already have some reoprts developed using JasperReports using iReport tool. Now the requirement is to modify those reports design at run time. I should use those existing jrxml files and save as to new report then change the design at run time. Also I should see those newly cre...

How to stream pdf document from servlet?

Hi,I am creating pdf document using jasper report and i need to stream that pdf document from servlet.Can anyone help me where i did mistake.This is the code snippet which i am using in my application. ServletOutputStream servletOutputStream = response.getOutputStream(); String fileName="test.pdf"; response.setContentType("application...

OLAP Web Visualization and Reporting Recommendations

I am preparing an offer for a customer. They proide weekly data to different organizations. There is huge amount data suits OLAP that needed to be visualized with charts and pivot tables on web and custom reports will be built by non-it persons (an easy gui). They will enter a date range, location which data columns to be included and ge...

Jasper Reports and iReport issue

I am having an issue with JasperReports I can not solve. I am using Eclipse, OpenReports 3.2 and IReport 3.7 The issue I am having is that the report does nothing. When I preview the report in IReport I can at least get a "Document has no pages" message but when I try to open it using OpenReports it doesn't do anything. I get the open r...

Jasper error: Caused by SQLServerException: Transaction (Process ID 58) was deadlocked on thread | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

I got the above error in my jasper report mail. The query that is used in the report is quite complicated (for me). Reading different posts I conclude that to solve this the I have to change the query to SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ GO BEGIN TRANSACTION ... my query ... COMMIT TRANSACTION ? I wonder if this is the ...

PDF generated with jasperreport not showing well on Linux but yes on Mac, could the os be related?

Hi, A PDF I generate with jasper reports renders Ok in my MAC but some labels show wrong on Linux. For example, I have a static label that doesn't show completely on linux (only a part of the whole word) but yes on Mac. Can the OS be somehow related? What is the usual source of this kind of problems? ...

hi i am new to jasper report and i would like to load the report file in JSP. how can this be possible?

hi i am new to jasper report and i would like to load the report file in JSP. how can this be possible? ...

How do I set the pagination to occur after X rows with a jasper report?

Hi, I want the detail band not to draw more than X rows. I tried setting up the splitType to Immediate o Prevent but nothing changed. How can I tell jasper report to paginate only after X number of results? Thanks! ...

Java and Jasper

Hey Guys, I have integrated Jasper Reports on my netbeans platform and i am able to generate reports using the following code. Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("databaseUrl", "userid","password"); JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManag...

Write binary stream to browser using PHP

Background Trying to stream a PDF report written using iReport through PHP to the browser. The general problem is: how do you write binary data to the browser using PHP? Working Code header('Cache-Control: no-cache private'); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment, filename=climate-report...

Using iReport with eclipse to generate reports approperly

Hi everyone, I want to use iReport with my J2EE project (JSP/Servlet) in order to generate automatically any report that I want. I don't Know how to integrate ireport with my project and with eclipse and how to genarate reports. Thanks for Help. ...

jasper Chart can't be displayed using tomcat

Hi, I am using jasperreports-3.5.0 to generate timeSeries chart. When I run it through eclipse it is working fine. But if I create .war file of project and run through tomcat by deploying the project into tomcat / webapps folder then chart can not be displayed. What could be the problem? code: PrintWriter out = response.getWriter()...

Drill through table does not show correct count when used with a dimension having parent child hierarchy and a filter on this dimension

Hi All, I have a dimension with parent child hierarchy as shown in code block. The issue i am facing is if i have a filter on parent child dimension then drill through table does not show filtered data instead it shows all the data for that dimension. Here is an example. <Dimension type="StandardDimension" name="page_type_d" caption="P...

How to access Thai data from a source and display it in iReport / Jasper Report

Hello, I have a database which contains data in Thai language. But my iReport is not reading this data. Can I know the steps to display Thai data in the report?? When I try to preview, I get the following error: ?Compiling to file... C:\Documents and Settings\admin\report3.jasper Compilation running time: 469! ?Filling report... ?Local...

Jasper Reports HTML Preview problem

I have a jrxml file which is displayed properly when previewed in PDF, but the same file doesn't display correctly when previewed in HTML. Overlapped objects are not displayed. The alignment and formatting also changes. Please help. ...