
iReport - How to move a Summary Pie Chart on the first page of the report and not at the end?

Hi, Is it possible to have a Summary Pie chart as the first page of my multi-page report (right before the Detail band)? I need to display my Summary band as the first page when report is printed. You advice is appreciated! Siyan ...

Java - Which Business Intelligence (BI) platform can I embed with my commercial software for free?

I am developing a java application and I want to use: Reporting Analysis Data Mining Data Integration tools to be shipped with my commercial application that I am NOT going to sell as an open source application. So I want to know which tools I can use in my app. Actually I am evaluating PENTAHO and JASPER but I don't understand lic...

How to apply texture pattern to 3D bars in pdf generated using iReport ?

Hi, I have a requirement like applying texture pattern to the 3D bars in 3D Barchart using ireport. I am able to see the texture pattern in the default JRViewer. But when I take the PDF from the same report, I cannot see the texture pattern instead I can see a transparent 3D bars. Can someone have a solution ? ...

List<Integer> as a JRBeanCollectionDataSource to a Subreport, how to get the integert value display on the report?

I am passing a List<Integer> as a JRBeanCollectionDataSource to a Subreport, I was wondering how you retrieve the integer value and display on the report. Your help is greatly appreciated. ...

How to add new menu item in ireport 3.7.2

I am customizing the iReport sources. I need to add a new menu item in iReport designer. Note: iReport 3.7.2 is used. Can anyone tell the procedure? ...

JasperReports reports access image via authenticated URL

Hi all, I am hoping that this is a simple issue with a simple solution and that I have missed something obvious. Let me explain the problem; We have an application that generates PDF reports (using Jasper). These reports contain data from our database, as well as imagery (photographs). These photographs are stored in S3. We use signed...

What jars shoul i include to a struts 2 app to work JasperReports?

I am using Struts with full-hibernate-plugin and jfreechart-plugin. I would like to use jasperreports plugin, but common-*.jar from struts are different versions from those in jasperreports 3.7.3. And when I run de app i get this error SEVERE: Exception starting filter struts2 Unable to load configuration. - action - file:/...

Jasperreports xls shows in splitted format

I am using Jasperreports 3.7.2, iReport and JRExporter. I tested with JExcelAPI as well. The generated report is shown in MSExcel in splitted format. I run the report using Spring MVC Controller -> forwarding to a Servlet. The Servlet does the logic. This issue does not appear if I run directly the Servlet, bypassing the spring controlle...

How to load ms word document in jasper report

How to load word document in the jasper report in java. Thanks in advance ...

Passing a Collection of Java Beans as DataSource to Jasper, How to design this in ireports

I need to design a report, that displays the data from a collection(Say List). This list contains multiple POJOs. The POJOs are populated by the data access layer of the application. How do I design a report template for this requirement in iReports? ...

How to apply custom styles to a jasper html report

How does one apply custom CSS to a HTML report generated using Jasper. I need to include this report as an iFrame into a GWT window. ...

Regarding report Generation using Jasper Reports

Hi, I have a requirement of generating report depending on the query & its associated columns. I should write 2 queries & based on flag conditions particular query has to be executed to generate report with its column data to be displayed on report. All this should happen with a single jrxml file. Please help me on this also please req...

How to control the number of rows in a JasperReport

How do I set the number of rows to be displayed per page in a report using iReports. Ex: if i have 100 records, I wasnt to display 10 per page and then break. The default behavior is to cram all the records possible in the page. ...

display jasper Viewer inside a jpanel/jframe..?

Hi everyone, i'm a newbie in using jasperreports. In my swing application i wanna show jasper viewer inside a jpanel or jframe..! can anyone help me out..? Thanks in advance...! ...

Displaying Multiple Tables in a Page in Jasper Reports using ireports/Jasper Assistant

Hi all, I have a report to be printed / exported to PDF format. for that i am using jasper reports. I have 8 individual pages to be exported. so i prepared 8 separate design files. In that 6 pages are having more static text and mere direct mapping and remaining two pages consists of table like data. one page contains huge table so i f...

Can we print only a certain page in a multi page jasper report?

Is there a way to print only specific pages in jasper. I need it for pagination purpose. ex: if I have 20 pages, i should be able to get jasper to generate one page report at a time. Can i pass the page number as a param? ...

Subreports in Jasper Reports

Hi all, I have two tables to be printed in same page. Data for those tables will be supplied from a map from a custom data source. I need to implement it. I Google for implementing this task. At that time i came across sub-reports concept. but didnt get much tutorial for how to implement sub-reports. I have a idea of how to create su...

How to group data in Jasper Report?

Hi Friends, I am using jasper report and i used JavaBean as datasource. My bean consist of 3 fields namely Type,Name,Designation. I need to group data according to the same Type value. But as far i understand we can able to group only consecutive data. But my bean list does not returning array list in a consecutive order (Ex: Co...

printing jasper report in pdf tabular form

hi all, how to print the report in tabular form to export for pdf format or html format. now i am getting the data in plain form. but i want to print the data in tabular form and export the report to generate pdf file or html file... any suggestions would be appreciate..... ...

How can I add "set names 'latin1'" in jasperreports

I have problems with some character display, like "ñ" and accents in my reports, so I want to add previously to the query "set name 'latin1';" but jasper doesn't work, that because when I run the query in phpmyadmin with this line it works. The applicaton in php work fine, don't has a problem with the characters Thanks ...