
What is the best approach to use jasperReports?

hi there, here we are talking about three main products: JasperReports: which is just a library to generate reports and fill it iReport: which is GUI tool to develop templates used by the above library JasperServer: which is full application with web interface for managing reports with users permissions and other features, documentatio...

date appears one day prior to what is programmed in JasperServer

I posted this on the JasperServer forums, but I've had better luck on StackOverflow generally. Please help if you can. My biggest single gripe about JasperServer is that it flat out behaves differently than JasperReport (specifically, jasperreports developed in iReport). The problem I'm seeing now is that dates are displayed as one day...

iReport/jasperReports how can i check in xml data source if node exsicts

Hello all i new to iReport , my question is in the expression editor , how can i build expression that checks if xml node extincts and base on that print string i have this expression that returns me null in the result : ( $F{root_customer}.isEmpty() ? "Entity name:" :"Customer id:" ) the root_customer does not exsict in the xml ...

Print label with repeating record using IReport (Jasper Report)

Use Case: Would like to use IReport to Label item sold in my shop. The thing with labels is that for each product there can be multiple items that need to be labeled. So let say product CarToy is 1 record in database (field name, description, price). Question: To label CarToy item in my shop I will have to print a report containing th...

Jasper Reports can not run with the project jar file

Hi, i have created one project in java with the help of Netbeans IDE. I am using Jasper Reports as a reporting tool. We i run my project in netbeans the reports run properly. But when i run my program with jar file the reports doesn't work. It is showing jasper report error. i have added all the jar files that are required for the buil...

Another tool like Ireport (JasperReport) that support ejbql connections

Hi, i'm been using ireport (jasperReport) for a lot of time, and everything goes fine until i begin to use ejbql connection, for this type of connection the ireport was not the best tool, And i Wanna know if there are another tool for reports based in java technology like ireport and also opensource. Thanks ...

How to compile a subreport while the main report is executing in ireport?

I am trying to compile a sub-report from on the fly from java. I placed the subreport expression in the MAIN report as follows. <subreportExpression class="net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport"><![CDATA[SubReportCompiler.getCompiledReport("reportId")]]></subreportExpression> My subreportcompiler code is as follows: public class S...

How can I test a jasper report?

Hi, I want to test all the jasper reports of my application. I want to be able to detect: Compilation problems (Would checking that JasperCompileManager.compileReport(some inputStream) doesn´t throw JRException is a good option for this?) Filling problems (Would checking that JasperFillManager.fillReport(someReport, someParameters, so...

how to dispaly jasper reports in JSP page?

Hi, How to display jasper reports in JSP page? I am using iReport1.3.3 tool to create reports. i am able to create reports but i am struggling to display that report in JSP page. Note: i need to dispaly the report in PDF and EXcel format.. I am new to this.Please help me. Thanks for your help in advance. ...

How does isForPrompting works?

I'm new to Jasper reports. Can anyone help me explaining how isForPrompting works? I have a Java program as below: jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport("sample_report.jrxml"); // filling report with data from data source jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,jasperParameter, connection); // exporting...

I want to use java.util.HashMap as variable in jasper report

Hello, I want to use java.util.HashMap as variable in jasper report. I want to save group names of my report in a HashMap. I have tired and declared a variable of class java.util.HashMap and its expression field is $V{variable1}.put($F{GROUPCOLUMNVALUE}, $F{GROUPCOLUMNVALUE}) but it gives does not works and gives null when I print...

HTML Tables in JasperReports

I wanted to accomplish what was asked in this post, but the question was never fully answered. I am importing statements from a legacy database that contains HTML inside of the entries. I do not have control of the architecture and must work within these boundaries. It renders the formatting (b, i, etc) but the tables are rendered in ...

Jasper Reports iReport connection to MS Access DB

Has anyone successfully connected to their MS Access db using Jasper Reports iReport? I am running windows XP and have downloaded the North Wind .mdb example file. Can someone provide the steps/config file pastes or links to tutorials on how to connect to that file and start building queries and reports? Info I am using in JDBC Data...

problem related to subreport in i-report

Hello friends i am developing report containing sub report using i-report and i am passing two external parameters in master report one week called CurrWeek and Year Called CurrYear and the same parameters are also passed in subreport in Both report i declared parameters as BigDecimal and when i run it shows Error shown bellow Error ...

Jasper Reports in JSP page

How to display jasper reports in JSP page? I am using iReport1.3.3 tool to create reports. I am struggling to display jasper report in JSP page. Is it possible to pass ArrayList to jasper reports? I need to display the report in PDF and EXcel format. ...

java code to display a floating point value in specified format in jasper report

The value 13.10 is printed as 13.1 in my jasper report , I want to print it as 13.10 itself , How to do it .The corresponding JRXML statement is <textFieldExpression class="java.lang.Float"><![CDATA[$F{temp_bill_tax}]]> </textFieldExpression> ...

Unicode character not displayed in Jasper Report

I want to display character \u0141 i.e the 'L' with a stroke. I have appended this unicode to the field to be displayed in the report & it displays fine in the Ireport preview PDF. But when I generate the same report from my web application it displays blank i.e the character is not displayed in the pdf. I'm using Jasper 3.5.3. ...

Remove additional whitespace from HTML report in Jasper

How do I remove the additional block of white space from the bottom in a HTML report which has records less than a page? ...

Jasperreport Vs iReport

Hi, I have a need of a reporting capbility in my web application. I have googled the net and found that JasperReport is the best java reporting framework out there. I wanted to learn about JasperReport but when I went to their site, I found out also about iReport. I checked at the download site and it says. If you're interested in Ja...

JasperReports on mobile platform

I have web application that uses JasperReports for PDF report generation. I'd like to write a mobile version of my application, specifically iPhone development (iOS). Will this be possible? ...