
<a> html tag used for hyperlink doesn't work in Jasper Report.

I want to make one word of a sentence as a hyperlink. I have written it as : Click on our <a href="http://www.google.co.in"> website </a> to know the details. The markup property of the text field is also selected as "html". But the hyperlink is not created. Please help. ...

Embed a Report Designer in Web based Application

Hi, I am developing a web app. My users want to be able to design their own reports. Is there a way I can embed a simple Report Designer in my app? If so, which Report Designer app should I use? The Report Designer should be an existing app. I don't want to create a Report Designer from scratch. More details: My app is an ASP.NET MVC a...

Can I put java code inside the .jrxml (jasperreport)?

Hi, Can I put java code inside the .jrxml? For example, I want to put an if() or a "new ..()" Is it possible? How? Thanks ...

How can I use a conditional TextField in JasperReports?

I would like to have a pair of TextFields depenging on a value. And the "y"-value should be adjusted depending on the empty space. When the value is "0" I would like to hide the TextField. I.e. I would like to hide the staticText and the textField if the parameter red is equal to "0" and have the blue values moved up, in the jrxml-code...

Jasper report: disable pdf toolbar when generating a pdf.

Hi All Is it possible to disable the pdf toolbar when generating a pdf from a Jasper Report? Thank you in advance P ...

change the background color of jasper chart

Hi, The default background color of jasper chart is sky blue. I want to change that background color. How to change it? ...

Jasper repory error in java

hello Friends , I am getting error while developing Pdf in java error is= net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document root element "property", must match DOCTYPE root "jasperReport". if you have solution then reply vipul ...

Browser popup blocker blocking jasper reports generated from flex

Hi all, I have a flex application that uses navigateToURL() to call a servlet. The servlet in turn generates a JasperReport and then uses exportReport() to show the report in a new browser tab. Now, my problem is this. I want to generate multiple reports at once, each opening in its own tab. It all works fine except that in Firefox the...

Pentaho - Reporting Tool - Is the .prpt file (report template file) contains datasource information too?

I am new Pentaho Reporting Tool. I have the following question: When I created a report using Pentaho Report Designer, it output a report file having .prpt extension. After that I found an example on internet where the following code were used to display the report in html format:| protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpS...

Problem in Report Design Layout

Hi, I have a jasper report with 4 subreports in the detail band of the master report. If data is available for first subreport, it starts displaying from page 1 with the header of the subreport. When second subreport starts printing data, it prints only header in page 1 and the page breaks and in the page 2, it prints header again n da...

How to use jasper reports to print something only on the first page ?

How to use jasper reports to print something only on the first page. I am using jasper reports for printing invoices and only on the 1st page I need to print the Remit Payment To section with the address following it. Customer address is also present there. The way it is currently designed is that this goes into pageFooter section and we...

Insert Page/Column Break in iReport 2.0.2

Hi, I am using iReport 2.0.2. I have a report with 4 subreports in a detail band. I need a page break after the 1st and 2nd subreport. I inserted a page break property in Master Report. When the 1st subreports goes beyond one page, it is not breaking a page in second page. If it is within the single page it breaks. I need to know, ...

Group Expression in Jasper Reports

Hi, Need a dummy group expression to start report on new page. Thanks, prasanna ...

How can I print directly to printer using jasper reports and grails?

Hi, Can someone please help me. I'm using grails and jasper grails plugin. I would like to send a jasper report directly to the printer from a click on my webpage. Can someone please point me to the right direction? ...

variables in jasper report

Is there a way I could declare a variable of type HashMap which would call some java method to populate the HashMap? I want to have a hashmap in a report so depending on what the value of a certain field is, I would like to get the full description of it from an Hashmap. ...

Show nothing when 0 JasperReports format

I want to show nothing when a numeric value is zero (strict no zeros at left) What JasperReports format should I use so spreadsheet output like XLS gets empty cell when the value is zero 0;-0;;@ format? ...

DynamicJasper(on Grails) Purposefully keep column or field blank(empty)

Hi, I want to generate a pdf report, where a column(or cell/field) is left blank(empty) on purpose. This column actually does have a value but, I'm choosing not to display it. The column title still needs to be displayed. Example of where this could be useful: Blank(empty) column: A comments or notes column down one side of a report....

Dynamic Jasper Report

Hi, i need to create dynamic jasper report . my scenario is i have nearly 60 tables in database,so i can't create 60 jasper reports.i want a template jasper report which should be modified automatically by program.The data will come dynamically from the database and will be stored in an arraylist. iterating the arraylist i need to upl...

How to map paramter value for component Ypostion in jasper ?

Hi Friends,I am having one main report that detail part contain two subreports. Now i want to change the subreports y position dynamically,Is it possible to change the Y position dynamically Using parameter ?. If possible how to map the parameter value to the Y position of subreport Y position? If possible provide some code snippet.Thank...

How to use Jasper reports without templates

Hi I would like to use Jasper reports and build the report without templates. How can i get started? I have all the necessary libraries but I don't know how to start and I couldn't find anything. Thanks ...