
Looking for lightweight java stack for creating SOAP based web services.

I'm probably going to be using Tomcat and the Apache Axis webapp plugin, but I'm curious as to any other potential lightweight solutions. The main goal of this is to connect to MySQL database for doing some demos. Thanks, Todd ...

Passing data from C to Java

What is the best way to pass data between a C server to a Java applet? Currently it's done by using a buffer and copying bytes to it using memcpy, but if the object ever changes I have to hunt down every instance of where it's being sent to the applet and have it changed. Is there a better way to pass object to java? How would you do it...

java web app decorating/includes issues

Background: we have a system that was written in an older CMS based on Java back during the 2002-2003 days. We want to keep moving forward with our new stuff, using tomcat, stripes, and sitemesh. We have navigation, layouts, "pods", js, css, etc, that we've taken out of the old CMS and into a few of our new apps so we have consistent l...

What is the C# equivalent to Java's instanceof and isInstance()?

I know of is and as for instanceof, but what about the reflective isInstance() method? ...

Java actionListener for a nameless JButton?

Hey everyone, I was wondering if there is a way to implement an action listener for a Jbutton without a name. For example, I have the following for loop that creates a button for each letter of the alphabet. for (int i = 65; i < 91; i++){ alphabetPanel.add(new JButton("<html><center>" + (char)i)); } Is there a way that I can add...

The fundamentals of Hash tables?

I'm quite confused about the basic concepts of a Hash table. If I were to code a hash how would I even begin? What is the difference between a Hash table and just a normal array? Basically if someone answered this question I think all my questions would be answered: If I had 100 randomly generated numbers (as keys), how would I impleme...

How to browse for a file in java swing library?

Hey everyone, I was wondering if there was some kind of J tool in the java swing library that opens up a file browser window and allows a user to choose a file. then the ouput of the file would be the absolute path of the chosen file. Thanks in advance, Tomek ...

Array as the options for a switch statment

I remember from way back at university using a switch with 'binary search' or 'binary switch'. Something like that, My google foo is broken today. Anyway it goes down like this: You define an array of possible options (Strings usually), some magic happens, and those options in the array become the cases in the switch happens. I do rememb...

Locales and ResourceBundles in a plugin-based program

We need to start adding internationalisation to our program. Thankfully not the whole thing yet, just a few bits, but I want the way we do it to scale up to potentially cover the whole program. The thing is, our program is based on plugins, so not all strings belong in the same place. As far as I understand it, Java's ResourceBundle wor...

Which class invoked my static method?

Suppose that I have a Java class with a static method, like so: class A { static void foo() { // Which class invoked me? } } And suppose further that class A has an arbitrary number of subclasses: class B extends A { } class C extends A { } class D extends A { } ... Now consider the following method invocation...

How do I read the PAN from an EMV SmartCard from Java

I need to read account number from Maestro/Mastercard with smart card reader. I am using Java 1.6 and its javax.smartcardio package. I need to send APDU command which will ask EMV application stored on card's chip for PAN number. Problem is, I cannot find regular byte array to construct APDU command which will return needed data anywhere...

Persisting using hibernate/JPA

I have been working with hibernate/JPA on JBoss for some months now and have one question that I can't find an answer or solution for. It seems like when creating new entity beans I'm not able to do a query before I at least have called EntityManager.persist(entityBean), or else I get the following error: TransientObjectException: obje...

How do I assemble a console application with Maven without unpacking all dependencies?

Suppose I have the following directory layout in a Maven project: src/ |-- main | |-- bin | | |-- run.cmd | | `-- | |-- etc | | |-- common-spring.xml | | |-- log4j.xml | | `-- xml-spring.xml | `-- java | `-- com ... I would like to build a zip file that, when unzipped, produces something like thi...

Is there a way to hide Maven 2 "target/" folder in Eclipse 3?

I'm using maven 2.0.9 with Eclipse 3.3.2. I'm used to launching a fresh build once per day by a mvn clean install. Then, if I refresh my Eclipse project, it will be "polluted" by files from Maven's target directory. That's very annoying while performing searches, getting resources by "open resource" and so on. Is there a way to avoid ...

What are your efficiency gains by removing XML in java projects ?

I have just moved from phase 1 to phase 2 of a project. In this transition we got rid of all of the XML configuration for spring and struts2, switching to a fully annotated regime. All of the participants are amazed at the actual effect this has on development speed. There are a number of reasons for this: Structured thinking about wh...

Java: JavaFX and Java Interoperability

Can I utilise the new functionality provided by the new JavaFX APIs directly from Java to the same extent as I would be able to using JavaFX Script? Are all the underlying JavaFX APIs purely Java or JavaFX Script or a mix? ...

Erlang JInterface - is OtpMBox thread-safe?

In my Java program, I create a OtpNode and a "named" OtpMBox. Whenever a message is received via this mbox, some time-consuming operation needs to be performed after which a reply message is sent back. Since this operation is time-consuming, subsequent messages sent to the mbox won't be processed immediately. So I want to use Java thre...

How can I call .NET code from Java?

I'm not looking for the usual answer like Web-services. I'm looking for a light solution to be run in the same machine. Edit: I'm looking for way in Java to call .NET methods ...

How to access java-classes in the default-package?

I'm working now together with others in a grails project. I have to write some Java-classes. But I need access to an searchable object created with groovy. It seems, that this object has to be placed in the default-package. My question is: Exists a way to access this object in the default-package from a Java-class in a named package? ...

QueueConnectionFactory for MQSeries

Does anyone know if there is an implementation of javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory for MQSeries and where to get it? I Googled it and searched IBM website but couldn't find anything. I don't want to retrieve the connection or factory from Websphere MQ via jndi, I need my own connection factory. ...