
How to refer to Method objects in Java?

Or, in other words, what is wrong with something like - new Method[] {Vector.add(), Vector.remove()} Eclipse keeps telling me that I need arguments. But I obviously don't want to call the methods, I just want to use them as objects! What to do? ...

Running a Java Thread in intervals

I have a thread that needs to be executed every 10 seconds. This thread contains several calls (12 - 15) to a database on another server. Additionally, it also accesses around 3 files. Consequently, there will be quite a lot of IO and network overhead. What is the best strategy to perform the above? One way would be to use the sleep ...

Is there any way to do n-level nested loops in Java?

In other words, can I do something like for() { for { for { } } } Except N times? In other words, when the method creating the loops is called, it is given some parameter N, and the method would then create N of these loops nested one in another? Of course, the idea is that there should be an "easy" or "the usua...

Implementing Java's getResponseCode() in C?

If it's any help, there is also a similar class in C#'s WebRequest. Although I do not want it in java or .NET, i am wondering how to implement this in native C/C++ code (for windows). for reference: try { URL url=new URL(""); HttpURLConnection con=(HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection(); con.connect(); int code = con.g...

Java SSL socket based client/server application

For two way verification is it necessary to import certicate from both sides? ...

Why are many of the banking sites implemented in Java rather than .NET?

We are developing an application for a banking client which includes transactions and the site should be very secure. The business process is finalized. Then we decide on the technology. We suggested .NET 3.5 framework with C#. The client replied for security reasons and ease of use we are going to Java. Also many of the banking sites ...

Block without spinning in Java?

Certain methods in Java will block until they can do something, like ServerSocket.accept() and, but how it does this is not easy for me to find. The closest thing I can think of is a while() loop with a Thread.sleep() each time through, but the longer the sleep period, the less responsive the blocking, and the shorter ...

Garbage collection behavior with isolated cyclic references?

If I have two objects on the heap referring to each other but they are not linking to any reference variable then are those objects eligible for garbage collection? ...

Is there such thing CASE expression in JPQL?

Let say there is a table: TableA:Field1, Field2, Field3 and associated JPA entity class @Entity @Table(name="TableA") public class TableA{ @Id @Column(name="Field1") private Long id; @Column(name="Field2") private Long field2; @Column(name="Field3") private Long field3; //... more associated getter and setter... } ...

java.awt.Color error

I have this simple Jsp page: <%@ page language="java" import="java.awt.Color"%> <% Color background = Color.white; %> Which fails with following error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError at _text__jsp._jspService(/text.jsp:3) at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service( at com.caucho.jsp.Page.subservice(

Problem with corba in Java

I'm having an issue where I've written a Java App that works perfectly on my development machine and perfectly on a Lab system, however when I install it onto the client machine I get the following Error: org.omg.CosNaming.NamingContextPackage.NotFound: Does anyone have any idea what mig...

how to decrease the font size in dial charts

Hi, I am usinf jfreechart to plot the dial charts. But i want to decrease the font size. How can i do that. Thanks in advanc ...

Showing the current date using JSTL formatDate tag

I am trying to show the current date in my JSP page using JSTL. below is the code I am using. <jsp:useBean id="now" class="java.util.Date" scope="request" /> <fmt:formatDate value="${now}" pattern="MM.dd.yyyy" /> But the above code is not producing any results? Am I missing anything here or is there any better approach for this? I am ...

Using PowerMock or How much do you let your tests affect your design?

I've been a fan of EasyMock for many years now, and thanks to SO I came across references to PowerMock and it's ability to mock Constructors and static methods, both of which cause problems when retrofitting tests to a legacy codebase. Obviously one of the huge benefits of unit testing (and TDD) is the way it leads to (forces?) a much...

How should you write junit test cases for multiple implementation of the same interface?

Before asking question, let me explain the current setup: I have an service interface, say Service, and one implementation, say ServiceImpl. This ServiceImpl uses some other services. All the services are loaded as bean by spring. Now, I want to write junit test cases for the ServiceImpl. For the same, I use the applicationContext to g...

Overriding a super class' instance variables

Why we are not able to override a instance variable of a super class in subclass? ...

How do I manage the ClassPath in WebSphere

I have a problem with my web module classpath in Websphere v6.1. In my WEB-INF/lib I have a largish number of jar files which include xercesImpl.jar and xmlparserv2.jar. I need both jars to be present, but they appear to confict with each other. Specifically, each jar contains a META-INF/services directory so, when we try to get an ins...

Java Enum Singleton

Building on what has been written in SO question Best Singleton Implementation In Java and specifically talking about using enum to create a singleton, what are the differences/pros/cons between (constructor left out) public enum Elvis { INSTANCE; private int age; public int getAge() { return age; } } and the...

What is the best/simplest way to read in an XML file in Java application?

Currently our Java application uses the values held within a tab delimited *.cfg file. We need to change this application so that it now uses an XML file. What is the best/simplest library to use in order to read in values from this file? ...

Jogl Shader programming

I just started Shader programming(GLSL) and created a few with RenderMonkey. Now I want to use this Shaders in my java code. Are there any simple examples of how I do that? ...