
Resource for learning Spring MVC

I am looking for an online resource to learn the Spring MVC stack. Can someone point me in the right direction? ...

where to store database string connection in java web app???

I'm about to begin my first project with java Let me tell how I used to handle these things... So far now, I've been workin on asp with a com+ componente made with VB6. The component is registered via the com+ administration console with a domain user, something lile my_company_domain\my_app_account The components reads the configura...

Will Silverlight 2 Succeed Where Netscape Plugins and Java Applets Failed

My company sells spreadsheet components which are used in a variety of ASP.NET and Windows Forms applications. We frequently get an email or a phone call asking "Can we use your product to let our users view / edit / print / etc... this Excel spreadsheet that my boss gave me, in the browser?" Our answer is something like "Not exactly. ...

Java security in non-web app

Does anyone know of a good, open source security framework for java? I've played with jSecurity a bit, and it seems really cool, but the documentation is so sparce I can't seem to make any progress. Spring security seems web-app oriented -- but I may be wrong. I am not opposed to writing this myself, but it seems like this should ha...

File changed listener in Java

I'd like to be notified when a file has been changed in the file system. I have found nothing but a thread that polls the lastModified File property and clearly this solution is not optimal. ...

Setting up per-user or per-group security in JMX

We are big fans of JMX in my company. We have instrumented pretty much everything. This is great for developers and a hardcore of support people. But it has been too successful: we are now getting requests from other people to be able to view JMX and we don't want to let them have access to everything. Is it possible to setup JMX with ...

Challenge when we maximize applet.

Dear Friends, I'm facing a simple challenge in applet. I'm writing an applet application consider some navigation aid in applet. When I'm minimizing or maximimizing the applet, resizing i.e size of the navigation-aid does not change when I maximimize the applet. How can I avail that ? Any opinions? Regards ...

Inheritance and casting in Java

Hello, I have a question about inheritance and casting in Java. I have the following two example classes and a test class, and I state my question after the classes: public class Automobile { public int var; public Automobile () { var = 1; } public String toString () { return "AUTOMOBILE: " + var; } } ...

What are the possible exception occurs during copying file?

Hi, My program has to copy file from one folder to another folder. I have used InputStream and OutputStream to do he same. The file size is about 5GB. what are all the possible exception may occur during this process and how?. As i need mention the same in unit testcase document...Please help. ...

how to read xls chart in java?

I am using POI API to read a template n to create an XLS file through java. I want to get the chart from the template. IS there any way to do so? ...

How to externalize pieces of maven build file?

I was faced to a problem how to version a configuration file in XML format. The easiest way is to write XSLT updates. Every release of the application has its own XSLT update. All these update files are small enough to be managable by the IDE, especially its DIFF tool. Since the project is already been developed as Maven2 Java logical s...

JPanel in JFrame in NetBeans

I have created a Java application (project) in NetBeans, in which I have designed a JFrame with menu bar, and different JPanels. I want these JPanels to appear inside the JFrame on action of different menu items, so that whenever the menu items are clicked different JPanels should appear inside the JFrame. I have designed both JFrame & J...

How can I specify an Eclipse .classpath entry for specific O/S platform?

I am working on an SWT project as part of a team. We are constantly breaking each others build environment because Eclipses .classpath file is checked into version control and we include different SWT libraries for our machines. Depending on who committed last, the .classpath entry can be: <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/swt/swt-...

Any good tutorial for moving from eclipse to vim?

At present I am using eclipse for JAVA project. I always wanted to use VIM for my project. Is there any good resource or tutorial that can help me? ...

Should C# and Java incorporate each others syntax?

I've been jumping from C# to Java an aweful lot and the "differences" between the two are a bit of an annoyance. Would it be possible to write a set of extentions/plugins that would merge the two languages syntaxs. I'm talking about adding either IDE support or using language constructs that would for example: treat these two lines e...

Verfying a database is as you expect it it be

I've been writing a java app on my machine and it works perfectly using the DB I set up, but when I install it on site it blows up because the DB is slightly different. So I'm in the process of writing some code to verify that: A: I've got the DB details correct B: The database has all the Tables I expect and they have the right colum...

Java security - MSCAPI provider: How to use without password popup?

I've managed to use Sun's MSCAPI provider in my application. The problem I'm having now is that it always pops up a window, asking for a password, even though I've provided it in the code. This is a problem, because I need the cryptography functionality in a webservice. Here's the code I have now: String alias = "Alias to my PK"; char[...

Will Java catch up with C# any time soon?

Is there a chance that Java will catch up with C# considering the fact that Sun is now headed by a Software guy(Jonathan Schwartz) and James Gosling is back in the mainstream of Sun's development operations against Microsoft's continuous release of new and quite useful features in .NET 3.5 and the coming .NET 4.0? Or maybe developers sho...

Remove last character/line

Hello, I have a snippet of code that prints text from a file to a JTextArea called textArea. Unfortunately the method I'm using goes line by line (not ideal) and so I have to append each line with a \n This is fine for now but a new line is created at the end. The code I have is as follows: class menuOpen implements ActionListener {...

How to remove default theme from Java Faces application?

I've never used Java before (C# is my domain), but now I have a task that I must apply a specific style to for a tiny Java webpage. The style is from another ASP.NET application that we're rolling out and that I've helped to develop. Seems that this style is on the way to become our new company web-style. :P The webpage is really tiny -...