
Resolving Session Fixation in JBoss

I need to prevent Session Fixation, a particular type of session hijacking, in a Java web application running in JBoss. However, it appears that the standard idiom doesn't work in JBoss. Can this be worked around? ...

What's your "best practice" for the first Java EE Spring project?

I'm currently trying to get into the Java EE development with the Spring framework. As I'm new to Spring, it is hard to imaging how a good running project should start off. Do you have any best practices, tipps or major DO NOTs for a starter? How did you start with Spring - big project or small tutorial-like applications? Which technolo...

Best binary XML format for JavaME

Can anyone recommend a good binary XML format? It's for a JavaME application, so it needs to be a) Easy to implement on the server, and b) Easy to write a low-footprint parser for on a low-end JavaME client device. And it goes without saying that it needs to be smaller than XML, and faster to parse. ...

What OSS project should I look at if I need to do Spring friendly WorkFlow?

We need to add WorkFlow to our Spring managed application. Does anyone have any useful experience in using any of the myriad of OSS Work Flow solutions? Which one is best? Which one integrates with Spring best? Which ones should we avoid? ...

Can I specify a class wide group on a TestNG test case?

I have a base class that represents a database test in TestNG, and I want to specify that all classes extending from this class are of a group "db-test", however I have found that this doesn't seem possible. I have tried the @Test annotation: @Test(groups = { "db-test" }) public class DBTestBase { } However, this doesn't work because...

Where should a veteran C programmer start in order to master Java ?

Since I'm taking time of from my day job I thought it's time to learn something other than C. Is there a K&R equivalent book ? Or maybe a very good site that helps the beginner ? What would you recommend as the development environment ? What classes should I start with ? ...

ICE Faces fileInput file path and file name properties

I'd like to utilize an ICE Faces fileInput control to fill in the file path & file name for the input to an input field on a web page based on file that the user selects. How can I capture these properties without actually performing any file transfer operations? ...

Java File IO Compendium

I've worked in and around Java for nigh on a decade, but have managed to ever avoid doing serious work with files. Mostly I've written database driven applications, but occasionally, even those require some file io. Since I do it so rarely, I end up googling around for quite some time to figure out the exact incantation that Java require...

How do I implement a Linked List in Java?

What's the best way to make a linked list in Java? ...

Weird DB2 issue with DBUnit

I am having a strange DB2 issue when I run DBUnit tests. My DBUnit tests are highly customized, but I don't think it is the issue. When I run the tests, I get a failure SQLCODE: -1084, SQLSTATE: 57019, which translates to "SQL1084C Shared memory segments cannot be allocated." It sounds like a weird memory issue, though here's the big ...

Small modification to an XML document using StAX

I'm currently trying to read in an XML file, make some minor changes (alter the value of some attributes), and write it back out again. I have intended to use a StAX parser ( to read in each event, see if it was one I wanted to change, and then pass it straight on to the StAX writer (

IKVM and Licensing

Hi all. I have been looking into IKVMing Apache's FOP project to use with our .NET app. It's a commercial product, and looking into licensing, IKVM runs into some sticky areas because of its use of GNU Classpath. From what I've seen, no one can say for sure if this stuff can be used in a commercial product. Has anyone used IKVM, or a...

What is the best way to work around the fact that ALL Java bytes are signed?

In Java, there is no such thing as an unsigned byte. Working with some low level code, occasionally you need to work with bytes that have unsigned values greater than 128, which causes Java to interpret them as a negative number due to the MSB being used for sign. What's a good way to work around this? (Saying don't use Java is not an ...

Getting Java and TWAIN to play together nicely

I'm working on building an app to scan directly from TWAIN scanner to a Java applet. I'm already aware of Morena and JTwain, but they cost money. I need free. I could re-invent the wheel with JNI, but it seems like someone has probably already done this as a FOSS tool. Is anyone familiar with a free tool that can get a Java applet to re...

Create PDFs from multipage forms in WebObjects

I would like to automatically generate PDF documents from WebObjects based on mulitpage forms. Assuming I have a class which can assemble the related forms (java/wod files) is there a good way to then parse the individaul forms into a PDF instead of going to the screen? ...

What is the difference between an endpoint, a service, and a port when working with webservices?

I've used Apache CXF to expose about ten java classes as web services. I've generated clients using CXF, Axis, and .NET. In Axis and CXF a "Service" or "Locator" is generated. From this service you can get a "Port". The "Port" is used to make individual calls to the methods exposed by the web service. In .NET the "Service" directly e...

How can I determine the IP of my router/gateway in Java?

How can I determine the IP of my router/gateway in Java? I can get my IP easily enough. I can get my internet IP using a service on a website. But how can I determine my gateway's IP? This is somewhat easy in .NET if you know your way around. But how do you do it in Java? ...

Do you obfuscate your commercial Java code?

I wonder if anyone uses commercial/free java obfuscators on his own commercial product. I know only about one project that actually had an obfuscating step in the ant build step for releases. Do you obfuscate? And if so, why do you obfuscate? Is it really a way to protect the code or is it just a better feeling for the developers/manag...

Application configuration files

OK, so I don't want to start a holy-war here, but we're in the process of trying to consolidate the way we handle our application configuration files and we're struggling to make a descision on the best approach to take. At the moment, every application we distribute is using it's own ad-hoc configuration files, whether it's property fil...

Arrays of Arrays in Java

This is a nasty one for me... I'm a PHP guy working in Java on a JSP project. I know how to do what I'm attempting through too much code and a complete lack of finesse. I'd prefer to do it RIGHT. :) Here is the situation: I'm writing a small display to show customers what days they can water their lawns based on their watering group...