
Dynamic HTML Form Generation

I need to generate HTML forms in Java. I don't know in advance what fields are needed, those will probably be delivered in XML (i have some say over this). I could use the same input file to handle the form submission. Are there libs, techniques that deal with this problem? I can't imagine that there aren't, but i can't find a suitable ...

getting drafts and sent items in Java using pop3

Hi, I am facing a problem regarding getting the drafts and sent mail folder programmaticaly in Java. Although I am able to get the inbox using pop3 and able to send mail via smtp, I am not able to get it done by pop3. Thanks in advance for your reply. ...

How to detect that a PC has been idle for 30 seconds using Java?

How to detect that a PC has been idle for 30 seconds using Java? EDITED With idle I mean that there are no user activity. The user does nothing in 30 seconds. I wold like to do an apllication like Windows, that detects that the user does nothing and enter in stad-by. ...

Java library class to handle scheduled execution of "callbacks"?

My program has a component - dubbed the Scheduler - that lets other components register points in time at which they want to be called back. This should work much like the Unix cron service, i. e. you tell the Scheduler "notify me at ten minutes past every full hour". I realize there are no real callbacks in Java. Here's my approach, i...

Using JEditorPane and its setPage method

I have an editor pane which displays an HTML file. When I ask it to do it once, it displays the HTML file fine. I then make changes to my HTML file and use the setPage method so that it prints the updated HTML file but it doesn't do this even though the HTML file is changed. Is this a problem with the Editor pane or is there something w...

Good Java resources for C# developers

Hi, I am a C# developer, but I was asked to join a Java project for some time. What are the best resources (books, web pages, etc.) to quickly learn Java? Ideally I don't want to read the basics of OO programming, garbage collection, etc., just concentrate on the things that are different in Java. I know there are some good books the o...

Regex to Match Anything Except Certain Delimiters

I am expecting a String from an application that looks like: john|COL-DELIM|doe|COL-DELIM|55|ROW-DELIM|george|COL-DELIM|jetson|COL-DELIM|90|ROW-DELIM| I want to do two things: 1) Verify the string "looks" correct (i.e. does it match a regex) 2) Pull out each "row", then be able to parse each row The values in between the delimiters ...

Are there an error handling API / framework in Java?

On a Server there can occur different temporary (transient) errors. For example an OutOfMemoryError or a broken connection to a database. I think it is a good idea to repeat such job a short time later. Of course it should not a endless loop because the error is not temporary. Are there any good API to help with it? Or a guide how I ca...

Logging Java web applications?

I am planning to implement logging into a web application that I am currently working on but I am struggling with some of the details. What is the best way to go about logging a Java web application? Specifically; Where does the configuration file go in .war package file? Where do people log to, relative or absolute path flat file, o...

How can I use BeanUtils copyProperties to copy from boolean to Boolean?

BeanUtils copyProperties, out of the box, doesn't seem to handle copying from Boolean object properties to boolean primitive properties. I figured I could create and register a converter to handle this, but that just didn't seem to work. So, how can I use BeanUtils to copy the properties from class Source to class Destination where: p...

JAR multiple download

I have this code on an applet. The applet works ok, but I get a lot of unnecessary duplicate download. In particular, I have noticed that each "getResource" triggers a download of the .JAR file. static { ac = new ImageIcon(MyClass.class.getResource("images/ac.png")).getImage(); dc = new ImageIcon(MyClass.class.getResource("image...

How to find creator of JmSession closed by CachedConnectionManager in JBoss

Hi I am getting the following error in my logs on JBoss 5.0.1 with JBPM. I can't for the life of me work out where this session is getting opened and not closed (wherever we use JMS we cleanup the collection inside a finally block). 2009-03-05 13:11:12,595 INFO [org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.CachedConnectionManager] (WorkerThre...

Issue opening Excel documents with Internet Explorer

I have run into an issue in which IE does not open up the Save As/Open dialog box for an Excel document like Firefox does. So I have created a servlet filter that is using '*.xls' as the url pattern. The issue that I now face (since this is the first filter I have created) is how to get the name of the file that the user wants so that ...

How to get Netbeans 6.5 shareable libraries working

I created a Web application in Netbeans 6.5. Now I want to use the Joda Time library. I want to share this library via subversion, because I don't want my team mates to be dependend on some Netbeans configuration. Just to get the project working, I first added the library to the Netbeans library (Tools->Library). This worked OK. The JAR...

invoking a php method from java

i need to invoke a PHP method from java . can i do that with request dispatcher? ...

calling php from java

I am writing a java class.And i have some logic in test.php One of the methods of that java class should invoke test.php so that test.php performs some computation and returns the result to the invoking java method. Can i do that with runtime rt = runtime.getRuntime(); process exec = rt.exec(test.php); Please suggest. Thanks in advanc...

Implementing friend (available in C++) functionality in Java

Ok, let's leave the debate of whether friendship breaks encapsulation, and actually try elegantly come up with a coherent design. It is a two fold function: 1) General question on how to implement: public class A { friend class B; } 2) Why do I need this functionality? Some of my classes implement Serializable interfa...

what is a serial version id?

Duplicate Using Eclipse for some java work right now. My class name is underlined in yellow. I can either suppress the warning or just add the frickin serial id. I dont care either way (or should i?), but what exactly IS this serial id? thanks ...

What's the best new development tool of 2009?

I am looking to do a presentation at work to our development team. I was wondering if their is any new tool which would be easy to demonstrate. It is just an after work thing for talking about new technologies. Thanks ...

Weird Tomcat and Axis Webservice behaviour

I have a simple web service deployed on tomcat using Apache Axis. If i access the webservice as http://localhost:8080/webservices/TransactionService i see the usual message TransactionService Hi there, this is an AXIS service! Perhaps there will be a form for invoking the service here... showing that the web service is...