
mathematical optimization library for Java --- free or open source recommendations?

Does anyone know of such a library that performs mathematical optimization (linear programming, convex optimization, or more general types of problems)? I'm looking for something like MATLAB, but with the ability to handle larger problems. Do I have to write my own implementations, or buy one of those commercial products (CPLEX and the l...

Is it OK to have an 'empty' class that extends another class?

Let's say I have one class Foo that has a bunch of logic in it and another class Bar which is essentially the same. However, as Foo and Bar are different (but related) entities I need the difference to be apparent from my code (i.e. I can tell whether an instance is a Foo or a Bar) As I was whacking this together without much thought I ...

How much memory do Enums take?

For example if I have an Enum with two cases, does it make take more memory than a boolean? Languages: Java, C++ ...

Are there any frameworks for handling database requests in swing applications?

I believe any programmer who has been dealing with database requests in a gui application has run into some or all of the following problems: Your GUI freezes because you call database layer from within the event dispatch thread When you have multiple windows/panels/jframes where user can start a db request your performance degrades be...

Java: Scripting language (macro) to embed into a Java desktop application

I am writing a graphics application in Java. Eventually I would like to build in a scripting language so things are programmable. Which language library do you recommend? Likely suspects are: Rhino (JavaScript) JRuby (Ruby) Jython (Python) Less likely candidates are: Whip up my own language using JavaCC LuaJava (Lua) Groovy JavaFX...

Java: Text to Speech engines overview

Dear Community! I'm now in a search for Java Text to Speech (TTS) framework. During my investigations I've found several JSAPI1.0-(partially)-compatible frameworks listed on JSAPI Implementations page, as well as a pair of Java TTS frameworks which do not appear to follow JSAPI spec (Mary, Say-It-Now). I've also noted that currently no ...

OCSP libraries for python / java / c?

Hi all! Going back to my previous question on OCSP, does anybody know of "reliable" OCSP libraries for Python, Java and C? I need "client" OCSP functionality, as I'll be checking the status of Certs against an OCSP responder, so responder functionality is not that important. Thanks ...

x509 certificate parsing libraries for Java

Hi! Any recommended crypto libraries for Java. What I need is the ability to parse X.509 Certificates to extract the information contained in them. Thanks ...

Software Synth Library for Java

I've been thinking a lot lately about a music-oriented project I'd like to work on. Kind of like a game... kind of like a studio workstation (FL Studio, Reason). I guess the best way to describe it would be: like "Guitar Hero", but with no canned tracks. All original music--composed by you, on the fly--but the software would use its kno...

Exception thrown inside catch block - will it be caught again?

This may seem like a programming 101 question and I had thought I knew the answer but now find myself needing to double check. In this piece of code below, will the exception thrown in the first catch block then be caught by the general Exception catch block below? try { // Do something } catch(IOException e) { throw new Application...

I can learn either C or Java, which one should I choose first? Should I take them concurrently?

I realize this is a subject of hot debate, but I'm interested in opinions that relate to my specific situation. I want to learn the basics and fundamentals of programming, so I'm already taking a college course in general programming concepts. It isn't covering a specific language, but it's giving me a solid foundation that I can build ...

What is the best web based application to access a database

Sometimes we deploy applications behind customer firewall and we need read only access to their DB for debugging issues as sometimes their IT people are not SQL savvy. We want to bundle our application with some web based application that will expose the database and allow us to fire adhoc SQL queries and show their output in HTML table....

Is there a S.M.A.R.T. Library for .NET or Java?

I asked a somewhat related question but I want it to make it more concrete and 'programming' oriented, so here it goes: Does any body know, if there is a .NET, JAVA or any other Framework, library, .jar file or what ever: to access S.M.A.R.T. Statistics? Thanks! ...

Eclipse Ganymede not validating JSPs properly

I just installed Ganymede and am exploring an old project in it. All of my JSPs are giving me weird validation errors. I'm seeing stuff like - Syntax error on token "}", delete this token Syntax error on token "catch", Identifier expected Syntax error, insert "Finally" to complete TryStatement I'm doing best practice stuff here, no s...

How do I deploy an ADF Business Component?

I wish to deploy an ADF business component to the middle tier and call it using RMI. I just cannot find any good documentation on this! Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

What would the best tool to create a natural DSL in Java?

A couple of days ago, I read a blog entry ( where the author discuss the idea of a generic natural language DSL parser using .NET. The brilliant part of his idea, in my opinion, is that the text is parsed and matched against classes using the same n...

Is there a tool that will look at my Java code, and suggest a good package structure?

I have a large codebase, and I'd like to refactor the package structure so that classes which interact heavily go in the same package. It seems that it should be possible to create a tool that could look at the interactions between classes, and then group together those classes that interact heavily. These groupings might then suggest ...

Do you know a good Java RSS/Feed Generator?

I'm searching a small Java based RSS/Feed Generator, something like the FeedCreator.class.php library, any suggestions?, thanks! ...

Java: Arrays & Vectors

Hi guys, I'm used to working with PHP but lately I've been working with Java and I'm having a headache trying to figure this out. I want to save this representation in Java: Array ( ["col_name_1"] => Array ( 1 => ["col_value_1"], 2 => ["col_value_2"], ...

Tree (directed acyclic graph) implementation

I require a tree / directed acyclic graph implementation something like this: public class TreeNode<K, V> { private K key; // 'key' for this node, always present private V value; // 'value' for this node, doesn't have to be set private TreeNode<K, V> parent; private Set<TreeNode<K, V>> children; } There is no sortin...