
Sending an arbitrary Signal in Windows?

Linux supports sending an arbitrary Posix-Signal such as SIGINT or SIGTERM to a process using the kill-Command. While SIGINT and SIGTERM are just boring old ways to end a process in a friendly or not-so-friendly kind of way, SIGQUIT is meant to trigger a core dump. This can be used to trigger a running Java VM to print out a thread dump...

Consume Webservice using https protocol

Hi I want to consume a web service over https from a java client. What steps will i need to take in order to do this? ...

Invoking Web Services From a Java Client

I have a simple web app that runs inside Tomcat. I need to call a web service from this web app and I'm not sure how to go about it. It seems there are two methods depending on whether you are using a managed or unmanaged environment: JNDI service lookup (managed) and JAX-RPC ServiceFactory (unmanaged) ...So which technique should ...

Convert a string representation of a hex dump to a byte array using Java?

I am looking for a way to convert a long string (from a dump), that represents hex values into a byte array. I couldn't have phrased it better than the person that posted the same question here: But to keep it original, I'll phrase it my own way: su...

Continuous Integration Servers

My company is considering changing continuous integration servers (I won't say which one we have now, so I won't skew your responses in anyway :) ) I wondering if anybody has any recommendations? Best user experience, level of difficulty to maintain, etc... Our code is all in java, and we use ANT as a build tool. ...

Workaround for J2ME Hessian limitations ?

The official J2ME implementation of Hessian seems to have serious limitations : complex objects are not supported. This limitation is not mentioned anywhere on the online documentation, but if you google "hessian j2me" you will find posts about this problem. No solutions found with google though. Does anyone have a solution for this pro...

How to use Java reflection when the enum type is a Class?

I was using an enum in which the constant was a Class. I needed to invoke a method on the constant but could not introduce a compile time dependency and the enum was not always available at runtime (part of optional install). Therefore, I wanted to use reflection. This is easy, but I hadn't used reflection with enums before. The en...

Enterprise App and the Enterprise App Client

I came aboard a new project with a new company and we are trying to use JPA to do some DB work. So we have an Ear with an EJB, a webservice, and then there is a app client in the ear that really does all the work. The Webservice, calls the EJB, and the EJB calls the client to do the DB work. So within the appclient I want to load an E...

Looking for File Traversal Functions in Python that are Like Java's

In Java you can do File.listFiles() and receive all of the files in a directory. You can then easily recurse through directory trees. Is there an analogous way to do this in Python? ...

How do I know WHEN to close an HTTP 1.1 Keep-Alive Connection?

I am writing a web server in Java and I want it to support HTTP 1.1 Keep-Alive connections. But how can I tell when the client is done sending requests for a given connection? (like a double end-of-line or something). Lets see how stackoverflow handles this very obscure question -- answers for which, on Google, are mired in technical s...

Are "dirty reads" safe to use in Terracotta?

"Dirty reads", meaning reading an object's value even though it is write-locked by another thread, are described on Terracotta's website, yet I've heard that they shouldn't be used, even if you don't care about the possibility that you might get old data when you dirty-read the locked object. Does anyone have any experience of using dir...

Why does Java not have block-scoped variable declarations?

The following method does not work because the inner block declares a variable of the same name as one in the outer block. Apparently variables belong to the method or class in which they are declared, not to the block in which they are declared, so I therefore can't write a short little temporary block for debugging that happens to push...

How can I determine if a different process id is running using Java or JRuby on Linux?

I need to see if a given process id is running, and it must work in either Java or JRuby (preferably a Ruby solution). It can be system dependent for Linux (specifically Debian and/or Ubuntu). I already have the PID I am looking for, just need to see if it is currently running. UPDATE: Thanks for all the responses everyone! I appr...

Does java have a using clause?

I've seen reference in some C# posted questions to a "using" clause. Does java have the equivalent? ...

Suppress ClientAbortException in struts2 VelocityResult class

I am getting the following stack trace in my log file and was wanting to suppress just this error from displaying in the log: ERROR 08-09-26 14:48:45.141 http-80-215 org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.VelocityResult: Unable to render Velocity Template, '/jsondata.vm' ClientAbortException: Broken pipe ...

The difference between the Runnable and Callable interfaces in Java

What is the difference between using the Runnable and Callable interfaces when designing a concurrent thread in Java, why would you choose one over the other? ...

Tomcat 6.0.18 service will not start on a windows server.

I installed Tomcat 6.0.18 on a windows server 2003 box and it will not start as a service. I'm running it with jdk 1.6.0_07. It runs when I start it with tomcat6.exe. I got a vague error in the System Event Log on Windows. The Apache Tomcat 6 service terminated with service-specific error 0 (0x0). ...

jdbc driver for Microsoft SQL Server CE(Compact Edition) 3.5

hi there, I want to be able to explore the contents of a DB for this version of the DB. I was thinking of using the Squirrel DB client (which needs a JDBC driver). Therefore, I'm looking for a JDBC type 4 driver for SQL SERVER 3.5. Can somone point me to a FREE OR open source or trial ware ? If no JDBC driver, how do MS developers ex...

Any Java libraries out there that validate SQL syntax?

I'm not sure if this even exists or not, so I figured I would tap the wisdom of others.. I was wondering if there are any Java libraries out there that can be used to validate a SQL query's syntax. I know that there are many deviations from common SQL spec, so it would probably only work against something like SQL:2006, but that would ...

Should try...catch go inside or outside a loop?

I have a loop that looks something like this: for(int i = 0; i < max; i++) { String myString = ...; float myNum = Float.parseFloat(myString); myFloats[i] = myNum; } This is the main content of a method whose sole purpose is to return the array of floats. I want this method to return null if there is an error, so I put the ...