
Hibernate global filtration creteria

Is there a way to add a single criteria on a session factory(configuration) level wich will apply to all entites retreived with a Session ? We have a requirement to not delete any rows from our database but "mark" deleted entities as such so that they will not participate in any further operations. I know that we can just retrive all en...

Which GUI Library is the best in Java?

Which GUI Library is the best in Java? I'm very confused. Swing is very slow and very ugly. Can you guys tell me about a good GUI library that I can use in Java? ...

How do I add a separator to a JComboBox in Java?

I have a JComboBox and would like to have a separator in the list of elements. Is this possible at all in Java? A sample scenario where this would come in handy is when making a combobox for font-family-selection; similar to the font-family-selection-control in Word and Excel. In this case I would like to show the most-used-fonts at the...

Webservice toolkits in Java that can interface with WCF

We've got some problems with an external company trying in integrate into a WCF service we expose and they are a Java shop. I was wondering if there are more than one toolkit that they can try to solve their issues and would like a list to suggest to them but I'm not familiar with the Java world at all. Essentially they've got some memo...

How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps?

I need to get UTF-8 working in my Java webapp (servlets + JSP, no framework used) to support äöå etc. for regular Finnish text and Cyrillic alphabets like ЦжФ for special cases. My setup is the following: Development encironment: Windows XP Production encironment: Debian Database used: MySQL 5.x Users mainly use Firefox2 but also O...

How to program a full-screen mode in Java?

I'd like my application to have a full-screen mode. What is the easiest way to do this, do I need a third party library for this or is there something in the JDK that already offers this? ...

how to pretty print xml from Java

I have a Java String that contains XML, with no line feeds and indentations. I would like to turn in into a String with nicely formatted XML. How do I do this? String unformattedXml = "<tag><nested>hello</nested></tag>"; String formattedXml = new [UnknownClass]().format(unformattedXml); Note: My input is a String. My output is a Strin...


when i use setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true) method in Java why is the Frame appear FullScreen when i maximize the Frame ? and how can i disaple the FullScreen mode in this method ? ...

Get the time of tomorrow xx:xx

Dear all, what is an efficient way to get a certain time for the next day in Java? Let's say I want the long for tomorrow 03:30:00. Setting Calendar fields and Date formatting are obvious. Better or smarter ideas, thanks for sharing them! Okami ...

how is MalformedURLException thrown in Java

I mean, how does Java decide which protocols are available? I run some code from inside Eclipse, and it works just fine. Then I run the same code from outside Eclipse, and I get "unknown protocol" MalformedURLException. Probably it has to do with the code base, or something? Any hints would be helpful. Thanks! ...

Should I use Qt Jambi in Java ?

Is it a good idea for me to use Qt Jambi in Java as a toolkit? i see that Qt Jambi is hard to learn it , and Swing is more easy than Qt Jambi . but i think that Qt Jambi is more powerfull . ...

Which Coding convention to follow for PHP?

Should I stick with Sun's Java code conventions for PHP code? ...

How to programmatically run an Xpand workflow on a model in a second workbench?

I have an Xtext/Xpand (oAW 4.3, Eclipse 3.4) generator plug-in, which I run together with the editor plug-in in a second workbench. There, I'd like to run Xpand workflows programmatically on the model file I create. If I set the model file using the absolute path of the IFile I have, e.g. with: String dslFile = file.getLocation().makeAb...

Classloader issues - How to determine which library versions (jar-files) are loaded

Hi there, I've just solved another I-though-I-was-using-this-version-of-a-library-but-apparently-my-app-server-has-already-loaded-an-older-version-of-this-library-issue (sigh). Does anybody know a good way to verify (or monitor) whether your application has access to all the appropriate jar-files, or loaded class-versions? Thanks in a...

Is there an open source java enum of ISO 3166-1 country codes

Does anyone know of a freely available java 1.5 package that provides a list of ISO 3166-1 country codes as a enum or EnumMap? Specifically I need the "ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code elements", i.e. the 2 character country code like "us", "uk", "de", etc. Creating one is simple enough (although tedious), but if there's a standard one already ...

Java Multicast Time To Live is always 0

I have a problem with setting the TTL on my Datagram packets. I am calling the setTTL(...) method on the packet before sending the packet to the multicastSocket but if I capture the packet with ethereal the TTL field is always set to 0 ...

Replacing QuickTest Professional (QTP) -- I need a tool to test Java Applications

Right now, I'm testing a Java Application with QTP (really expensive software). I decided to move my web application testing to Selenium (using Java) and I was wondering if there were any other good tools to test my Java Application or if there are some libraries that tell allow me to click/type into Java Applications like Selenium doe...

How to best serialize a java.awt.Image?

I have a Serializable object which is supposed to hold a java.awt.Image as its member. How should I go about serializing it? (Edited from a not so clear first version, sorry.) ...


When a Java VM crashes with an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION and produces an hs_err_pidXXX.log file, what does that indicate? The error itself is basically a null pointer exception. Is it always caused by a bug in the JVM, or are there other causes like malfunctioning hardware or software conflicts? Edit: there is a native component, this ...

Java: Advice on handling large data volumes. (Part Deux)

Alright. So I have a very large amount of binary data (let's say, 10GB) distributed over a bunch of files (let's say, 5000) of varying lengths. I am writing a Java application to process this data, and I wish to institute a good design for the data access. Typically what will happen is such: One way or another, all the data will be ...