
JavaFx MediaPlayer via HTTPS

I'm trying to make applet-videoplayer, that takes video files from PHP script via https. If source of data is httpS :// - it works httpS :// - it doesn't work HTTP :// - it works again. In php I make HTTP header, that contains: Content-type: video/x-flv Last-Modified: Wed, 14 Apr 2...

Dragging Custom Node in JavaFX

I cannot get it working although I am very close to an acceptable solution. I can drag the Dock if it is only a rectangle. But if I add a node (e.g. an image) to this dock I am not able to get a working solution. Here is my code: public class Dock extends CustomNode { // initialize this with an 64x64 image of your choice // vi...

Embed Javafx in html

Hi, I would like to simply ask if it is possible to embed a javafx application inside an html file. And if it is possible then I would like to know how to do this. I am open to using javascript etc. if it is required. Thanks. ...

JavaFX: File upload to REST service / servlet fails because of missing boundary

I'm trying to upload a file using JavaFX using the HttpRequest. For this purpose I have written the following function. function uploadFile(inputFile : File) : Void { // check file if (inputFile == null or not(inputFile.exists()) or inputFile.isDirectory()) { return; } def httpRequest : HttpRequest = HttpRequ...

In JavaFX, how can I bind two listview's so their selectedIndex is always the same?

I have two (or more) ListView's that are side by side. I need them to act as one so the selected index of each is always the same. Thanks! Andrew Davis NASA - Kennedy Space Center Kettering University Co-op ...

Payment service like Paypal in a RIA environment

I would like to offer a payment service in a RIA app I am developing. The user can order a service (storage of user files in a secured cloud environment). The fee ist calculated from the size of the files. Is there a payment service like PayPal which can be embedded seamlessly in such a RIA application? Is there a standard way / best pra...

Is there any way to sync the scrollbars in a JavaFX 1.2 ListView?

I have multiple listviews sidebyside. I have a way to make sure the "selectedIndex" is the same on all of them, but is there a way to make it so the scrollbar's are ALWAYS synchronized? It seems that the scrollbars WILL be synced as long as the user uses the ARROW KEYS when navigating down the listview, however, if the user HOLDS DOWN ...

Difference between JavaFX node and UI component?

What is the difference between JavaFX node and a UI component? I understand that the both concepts are similar but I am sure that there is a reason why we call a JavaFX Node a node and not a Component. ...

Browser side code editor component

Hello, do you know any browser-side component, in HTML/Javascript, Flash, Applet or Silverlight, that would allow source code edition with syntax highlighting and auto-completion. CodeMirror has a good syntax highlighting support but does not seem to support auto-completion. If no such editor exists do you know any way to implement au...

javafx doesnt repaint label till method has finished, why?

Hi all, I have a JavaFX app with a some code like this... public class MainListener extends EventListener{ override public function event (arg0 : String) : Void { statusText.content = arg0; } } statusText is defined like this... var statusText = Text { x: 30 y: stageHeight - 40 font: Font { name: "Bitstr...

Custom Font not working

I created an application which uses a custom font and it used to work for some reason. Now it doesn't recognize the font I included in the jar and it renders the text using the default font. I really don't get it. When I run the application from Netbeans everything is OK. Any ideas? I cleared the Java cache and everything but no luck. ...

How to get the FPS from a JavaFX scene?

I am currently writing a small graphical performance test benchmark for JavaFX. Thus, I need to get the current FPS at which the JavaFX scene is being refreshed. So far, I haven't found a solution how to accomplish this. Does anyone know if there is some kind of event that I could use in order to get the FPS? ...

Is it possible to invoke SOAP request in JavaFX?

I've been spending considerable time on this, while finally realized that most articles are teaching how to access RESTful web services but not SOAP. Is this possible? I mean can I write my own clients codes to invoke SOAP request to remote web server? ...

Is possible to make sexy GUI with javaFX & swing ?

I would like to do a "sexy" / user-friendly / appealing GUI in java. Swing is a limited in terms of "skin" customisation. I'm thinking about JavaFX but I don't it yet, what can I achieve with this technology ? how hard is it ? do you have examples of real-life examples of Swing/JavaFX integration ? I would like to do something in t...

JavaFX support for microphone audio capture

I am evaluating JavaFX for a project at work, but it appears that the platform does not support capturing audio using a microphone. I was under the impression that with JavaFX, one had access to "all of Java". If you can record using a microphone and an applet, why can't the same be accomplished using JavaFX? Are there workarounds to ...

JavaFX: JNLP file error

Hello everyone, I'm getting the following error when I upload a JavaFX app to a website, but I don't get it locally. I'm presuming that I'm missing something like the 'codebase' tag, but I'm not sure where it goes, can anyone help me out please? Java Console error: exception: JNLP file error: iShout_Foxpro_browser.jnlp. Please make ...

JavaFX - question regarding binding button's disabled state

I'm trying to create a dummy application that maintains a list of tasks. For now, all I'm trying to do is add to the list. I enter a task name in a text box, click on the add task button, and expect the list to be updated with the new item and the task name input to be cleared. I only want to be able to add tasks if the task name is not...

Can we develop very good looking UI in swing and if not what are alternatives

Hello In my current project we have to develop a good looking desktop based application in java. Currently, we have a very basic desktop application written in swing and team does not have good swing knowledge. Can we create a very good looking UI in swing? Should we use JavaFX for creating the desktop application? What are other a...

Javafx Layout problem with VBox & HBoxes

When I run the following, I noticed spacing between nodes; My research revealed that - 1) If I do not add any text to win1 via setwininfo, then there is no problem. 2) When I include this code in a larger app, and when a button click is reveived from some where else, mysteriously the spacing gets corrected. 3) I tried binding the win1...

what is javafx? where we can use it?

what is javafx? where we can use it? whats its advantage and disadvantage over the javascript and php? i want to make project by using the javafx where can i use it in project pls describe it. thanx ...