Preview SVG using Javascript?
Is there an easy way to render SVG inside a page using javascript? What I want to do is set up a big textarea where a user can type SVG and click a button that renders it on the page. ...
Is there an easy way to render SVG inside a page using javascript? What I want to do is set up a big textarea where a user can type SVG and click a button that renders it on the page. ...
I was reading this post the other night about the inner workings of the Array, and learned a lot from the answers posted, especially from Jonathan Holland's one. So the reason you give a size to an array beforehand is so that space will need to be reserved beforehand, so that elements in the array will be placed next each other in memor...
I am having a frame-based webpage with 3 frames. A topliner, a navigation on the left side and a content frame on the bottom right side. Now, I want to show up a popup-menu when the user right-clicks on the content-frame. Because a div-container can not go out of the frame, my idea was, placing the whole frame-page into a new iframe. In...
I understand that Firefox addins can be created in Javascript and Chrome. How do they run advanced graphics applications such as CoolIris ? ...
Hi, I have a DataList control that displays a set of elements. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how I can add some client-side functionality for submitting/doing a postback when the user clicks an element in the list (e.g. anywhere in the that is the root of the list element. I've seen some examples by adding a hidden Link...
How can I make a text entry field that takes the input characters and displays it in another place, character by character as a the typest type them! ...
How can I make a drag and drop editor like the one in form editor ...
I have a piece of text, that I wish to show truncated, but when clicked it will expand to show the rest. Clicking again should truncate it. I was trying to use the onclick event to handle this as follows (WARNING: Do not run following code without reading below...): <span id='blah' onclick='showAllComment("this is a long comment to see...
I have multiple pages laoding in an iframe and one of them seems to be getting focus, since the page scrolls (by itself) to that spcific iframe. Is there a way to override this? ...
Hi, Is it possible to add a jQuery function so that a click in a table cell will invoke a hidden <a href="javascript: ..." /> element (that is a descendant of the TD) ? I've tried with $('#table td').click(function() { $(this).find('a').click(); }); An other variants, but to no luck. --larsw ...
I'm trying to find URLs in some text, using javascript code. The problem is, the regular expression I'm using uses \w to match letters and digits inside the URL, but it doesn't match non-english characters (in my case - Hebrew letters). So what can I use instead of \w to match all letters in all languages? ...
I would like to take a set of controls (INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA) which are contained within a DIV and send their values as JSON via AJAX to a server. This is easy enough with JQuery's serializeArray. However I then want the server to respond with the same structure of JSON that was sent and re-load the control values using the provided...
As a win32 developer moving into web deveopment the last few years, I found the web desktops based on extjs very interesting. Coolite Desktop (broken) Extjs Desktop Puppy Web Desktop Wikipedia list Lifehack list Windows 3.1 desktop (broken) Do you know about others? Without any experience of developing applications as web desktops (an...
What's a surefire way of detecting whether a user has Firebug enabled? ...
I can't figure out if this is a bug in Firefox or an anomaly with the website as it only seems to occur through a specific sequence. TLDR steps below If you visit the main page (link below) and then click on the quotes link it will send you to a page called quoteconfig.aspx which checks for javascript and then redirects you if it's ena...
I'm trying to write javascript to find page elements relative to a given element by using parentNode, firstChild, nextSibling, childNodes[], and so on. Firefox messes this up by inserting text nodes between each html element. I've read that I can defeat this by removing all whitespace between elements but I've tried that and it doesn't d...
I'm a full time web developer but I have my roots as a desktop programmer and there seams to be a lot of talk about Web Operating System these days. Is it practical yet to incorporate your web applications into a Web OS to make it more user friendly or just do a traditional HTML layout? I found one that looks very interesting which is ...
here is some sample javascript: SomeObjectType = function() { } SomeObjectType.prototype = { field1: null, field2: null } SomeOtherObject = function() { } SomeOtherObject.prototype = { doSomething: function(val) { /// <param name="val" type="SomeObjectType"></param> var val2 = new SomeObjectType(); ...
I'm writing a Firefox extension that needs to know what the username of the currently logged in user is in Windows, Mac, or Linux. So if I'm logged into my machine as "brh", it'll return "brh". Any idea how to do that from extension JavaScript? ...
My product opens a web browser and points it at an HTML file containing a local Flash application. How do I detect programmatically whether this file loaded successfully and if not what exception was thrown? Is there a way to do this using Javascript? Checking externally whether the file exists on disk is not enough because I've seen ot...