
JAX-WS with JAXB tutorial

I'm getting started in developing web services using JAX-WS. I'm trying to implement classes I can send between my service and client using JAXB, but having trouble getting it to work. I've tried following the example at this site but cannot seem to get it to work. After following the instructions, the test page that's displayed doesn't...

JAX-WS vs Restlet Framework for Web Services

Which is the better options? Pros and cons of each? The web services are meant to be internal-facing and are all going to be roughly in the same datacenter (3-4km apart at most). Any ideas? Some criteria that would make one better than the other include: ease of setup, maintainable code, stable API and ability to be implemented in legac...

how to invoke a webservice from one container in another container in glassfish

I have webservices deployed on two containers in two separate servers A and B. A webMethod in 'Server A' needs to invoke a webmethod in 'Server B'. I have created a client stub for Sever B. Im trying to make 'Server A' use this client stub and talk to Server B. I get an exception while trying to instantiate the port object specifically ...

Use MTOM/streaming from C# calling a webservice in java exposed via jaxws

We have this webservice created with jax-ws @WebService(name = "Mywebser", targetNamespace = "http://namespace") @MTOM(threshold = 2048) @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.DOCUMENT, use = SOAPBinding.Use.LITERAL, parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.WRAPPED) public class Mywebser { @WebMethod(operationName = "doStreaming"...

SAAJMetaFactoryImpl not found on Weblogic 10gR3

I'm in the process of migrating a webservice application that worked perfectly on Weblogic 9 into Weblogic 10gR3. The small difficulty is that my application uses JAX-WS and on Weblogic 9 I had to include JAX-WS libraries in my WAR. But on WLS 10, those libraries are already integrated. To avoid conflicts, I put my WAR inside an EAR with...

Why are only some of my attributes shown in the response xml of jaxws?

I created a jaxws webservice, but it returns only some of the attributes of my objects in the response xml. E.g. public class MyObject { private String attribute1; private String attribute2; //getter and setter } But the returned XML only contains <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"&gt; ...

Java: JAX-WS passing authentication info to a call to webservice

I am using JAX-WS. I am connecting to .NET webservice that requires authentication. I first call the Authentication.asmx so that I can be authenticated. The call returns me a LoginResult that contains a cookie name. Then I call another webservice and I need to somehow pass this cookie or a cookie name. and I don't know how. Here is the ...

How to specify custom WSDL with standalone WebserviceProvider in JAX-WS?

Hello, I'm trying to create a general standalone WebService provider with JAX-WS, using a WebserviceProvider and an Endpoint to publish it. How can I specify the WSDL to return when the service is called with ?wsdl at the end of the url? With a container I can use the wsdlLocation in the WebserviceProvider annotation, however it's not w...

JAXWS and sessions

I'm fairly new to writing web services. I'm working on a SOAP service using JAXWS. I'd like to be able to have users log-in and in my service know which user is issuing a command. In other words, have some session handling. One way I've seen to do this is to use cookies and access the HTTP layer from my web service. However, this ...

Web service returns a full, correct answer but the response Source is empty

I am using a dispatch client to access a web service. All my params are correct, there are no errors and, examining the response with Wireshark, I can definitely see that the correct response is received at the network layer. But at the java application layer, my response Source is empty. public void testDispatch(QName serviceName, QNam...

Importing JAX-WS web service in adobe flex builder

I found that the Flex Builder 3's import WSDL functionality doesnt work with the WSDL generated by the JAX framework. Is there any solution to this or a workaround? ...

What is the best prctice for using security in JAX-WS

Here is scenario : I have some web services (JAX-WS) that need to be secured. Currently for authentication needs I providing addition SecurityWService that give authorized user some userid & sessionid that is need to be described in request to other services. It would be more better to use some java security. We have many of them but c...

JAX-WS client with Axis service

I'm relatively new to web services, but I need to integrate a call to an existing service in my application. Ideally, I'd like to use JAX-WS because I'm looking for the simplest, quickest-to-develop solution on my end, and MyEclipse is able to generate a JAX-WS client from a WSDL. Unfortunately, the WSDL I've inherited was built from wha...

how can I invoke a webservice from another webservice

I have two webservices A and B. A needs to invoke one of the webMethods in B. How can I achieve this? I am using maven's wsimport plugin to build A. This is to generate the necessary stubs for B and include them as part of the Webservice A. However, when I try to Invoke the webmethod o f B, I get an Exception. Can anyone please tell me w...

C++ library for making Jax WS calls

Hi all, I want to know if there are any C++ libraries which allow me to make JAX WS calls for a web service to a server. (Mainly the SOAP message part - the serialization and de-serialization of SOAP message.) My web service is in java but i need to invoke it using c++. Thanks, Harsha ...

Deployment secription of Basic Authentication with JAX-WS for EJB 3.1

Hi! There is good tutorial Basic Authentication with JAX-WS But it describe deployment description for web based application (war). Is it passable describe in ejb jar deployment description ? For web.xml <security-constraint> <display-name>SecurityConstraint</display-name> <web-resource-collection> <web...

jax-ws, authentication for php clents

Scenario: Server is glassfish with jax-ws web services and clients is php based What type of authentication for web services is more computable with php based clients ? HTTP Basic Authentication HTTPS Client Authentication Mutual Authentication (is it supported ?) Digest Authentication (is it supported ?) Description : Specifying ...

Java EE javax.xml.bind.MarshalException

Hi, I am getting javax.xml.bind.MarshalException error. I am sending List from my webservice to the backingbean and I have this error. WARNING: invocation error on ejb endpoint Login_webservice at /Login_webserviceService/Login_webservice : javax.xml.bind.MarshalException - with linked exception: [javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class JP...

Java JAX-WS web-service client: how log request & response xml ?

I created an implementation of LoggingHandler that implements SOAPHandler It should log whenever handleMessage triggers. [ And it is never called in my case ] then : MyService service = new MyService(); MyServicePort port = service.getPortType(); now I try this: BindingProvider bindingProvider = (BindingProvider)port; bindingProvide...

MTOM Request / Non-MTOM Response

Hi all, We have a pretty simple WS, implemented using annotations. We would like to be able to call this from clients both supporting MTOM/XOP and not. Right now, it is annotated simply @MTOM. It takes a request containing (amongst others) a base64Binary element, and serves a response containing a single boolean element. Calling it ...